Fig. 11.1
The lymph node groups are divided into six cervical levels (levels 1-6) and one upper mediastinal (level 7), comprising seven levels each bounded by distinct anatomical borders (From Kharchenko VP, Kotlyarov PM, Mogutoy MS, Alexandrov YK, Sencha AN, Patrunoy YN, Belyaev DV, editors. Ultrasound diagnostics of thyroid diseases. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer; 2010. With permission)
Table 11.1
Anatomical landmarks for the neck and upper mediastinum levels and sublevels
Level | Superior | Inferior | Medial | Lateral |
IA | Symphysis of mandible | Hyoid bone | Anterior belly of contralateral digastric muscle | Anterior belly of ipsilateral digastric muscle |
IB | Mandibular body | Posterior belly of digastric muscle | Anterior belly of digastric muscle | Stylohyoid muscle |
IIA | Skull base | Horizontal plane – inferior body of the hyoid bone | Stylohyoid muscle | Vertical plane – spinal accessory nerve |
IIB | Skull base | Horizontal plane – inferior border of the hyoid bone | Vertical plane – spinal accessory nerve | Lateral border of the SCM muscle |
III | Horizontal plane – inferior border of the hyoid bone | Horizontal plane – inferior border of the cricoid cartilage | Lateral border of the sternohyoid muscle | Lateral border of the SCM muscle |
IV | Horizontal plane – inferior border of the cricoid cartilage | Clavicle | Lateral border of the sternohyoid muscle | Lateral border of the SCM muscle |
VA | Convergence of the SCM and trapezius muscles | Horizontal plane – inferior border of the cricoid cartilage | Posterior border of the SCM muscle | Anterior border of the trapezius muscle |
VB | Horizontal plane – inferior border of the cricoid cartilage | Clavicle | Posterior border of the SCM muscle | Anterior border of the trapezius muscle |
VI | Hyoid bone | Suprasternal notch | Carotid sheath | Carotid sheath |
VII | Upper border of the sternum | Aortic arch | Carotid sheath | Carotid sheath |
A therapeutic central compartment neck dissection implies that lymph node metastases are clinically apparent (preoperatively or intraoperatively) or radiographically identified (clinically N1a). A prophylactic or elective compartment dissection implies lymph node metastases are not detected clinically or by imaging (clinically N0). Lymph node “berry picking” implies removal only of the clinically involved nodes rather than a complete nodal group within the compartment and is not synonymous with a selective compartment-oriented dissection. There is a general agreement that therapeutic node dissection should be performed in patients with PTC who have visibly involved nodes. This should include a systemic or en bloc compartment-oriented neck dissection. Isolated removal of only grossly involved lymph nodes (“berry picking”) violates the nodal compartment and may be associated with higher recurrence rates and morbidity from reoperative surgery. Although cervical lymph node metastases are rare in patients with FTC, patients with the Hurthle cell variant may have nodal disease or soft tissue metastases and should undergo a therapeutic CND if metastatic lymph nodes are identified.
The recent ATA consensus statement on CND emphasizes that it is important to define the terminology used to classify the procedure. It defines CND as all perithyroidal and paratracheal soft tissue and lymph nodes with borders extending superiorly to the hyoid bone, inferiorly to the innominate artery, and laterally to the common carotid arteries. The goal of defining the terminology and classification scheme for CND is to allow investigators to communicate without uncertainty and compare the efficacy of these interventions. For the first time, this consensus statement defined the extent of CND as unilateral or bilateral. Bilateral CND is preferred as the initial management of clinically involved central nodes with therapeutic intention. Nonetheless, operative reports should clearly describe the extent (unilateral vs. bilateral) and the intent (elective vs. therapeutic) of CND. Lack of standardized reporting has been somewhat responsible for the debate regarding the role of elective or prophylactic CND in PTC. The inclusion of the level VII nodes in the superior mediastinum with the CND should be noted as this is often a site of persistent disease following CND.
Detection of Metastasis
The management of a patient with suspected thyroid cancer should include a detailed examination of the thyroid gland and the cervical lymph node compartments. Patients with PTC occasionally present with cervical lymphadenopathy, which is most often located in the central neck compartment or levels III and IV of the lateral neck, usually in conjunction with an ipsilateral thyroid nodule. Cervical ultrasound (US) is often the initial imaging modality employed in the assessment since it is readily accessible, inexpensive, and noninvasive. High-resolution ultrasonography can detect cervical nodal metastasis in up to 20 % of patients with PTC. These US findings may alter the planned surgical procedure in up to 39 % of thyroid cancer patients. Pathologic lymph nodes have sonographic features that include round shape, absent hilus, calcification, intranodal necrosis, reticulation, matting, soft tissue edema, and peripheral vascularity. However, many nodal metastases demonstrate a wide variety of nondiagnostic features. To detect nonpalpable lymph node metastases in patients undergoing surgical evaluation for any thyroid cancer, a dedicated cervical ultrasound (including levels II–VI) should be performed, ideally by a dedicated clinician such as a thyroid endocrinologist, the operating surgeon, or a radiologist. However, US can miss as many as 50 % of involved lymph nodes in the central neck as the overlying thyroid gland hinders adequate visualization. In patients with suspected mediastinal disease or with bulky cervical lymphadenopathy, cross-sectional imaging with computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or positron emission tomography (PET) should be considered. These often identify pathologic level VI and VII lymph nodes within the superior mediastinum that are not detected on cervical US or physical examination. This consideration for additional anatomical imaging is made despite the relatively low sensitivities of CT, MRI, and PET for the screening and detection of cervical lymph node metastases (30–40 %).
A CT with iodinated contrast is considered extremely helpful to evaluate the extent of cervical lymphadenopathy when there is gross nodal disease present, as it can help define the extent of surgery necessary to clear all gross disease in the neck. CT with contrast can delay postoperative thyroid scanning and radioactive iodine (RAI) administration for 4–8 weeks. However, this delay would seem justified in cases of bulky lymphadenopathy or locally invasive disease since complete surgical resection of gross disease is of paramount importance for disease control.
Conservative Central Neck Dissection
Therapeutic Central Neck Dissection
Therapeutic CND should be performed in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) and pathologic lymph node involvement identified preoperatively, on clinical exam or imaging, or intraoperatively. The goal of removing these lymph nodes is to aid in local control, prevent recurrences, and perhaps, improve survival. Standard therapeutic CND should include a systemic or en block neck dissection of both the ipsilateral and the contralateral central compartments. However, there is controversy regarding whether the extent of central dissection needs to be ipsilateral to the thyroid tumor alone or bilateral. Moo et al. compared ipsilateral vs. bilateral CND for PTC and concluded that an ipsilateral dissection was sufficient in tumors smaller than 1 cm, while larger tumors required bilateral CND based on the high incidence of contralateral central compartment neck disease. Liberal parathyroid autotransplantation during CND should be employed to prevent postoperative hypoparathyroidism.
The management in patients with medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) deserves special mentioning. MTC is a more aggressive tumor with a high incidence of lymph node metastasis and there is no role for radioiodine treatment in this type of disease. Lymph node metastasis can occur in up to 81 % of patients. Patients with MTC can only be cured with surgical intervention, which should at least include a total thyroidectomy with meticulous CND.
Prophylactic Central Neck Dissection
The role of prophylactic CND remains a contentious issue. The American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines suggest that prophylactic CND may be performed for advanced primary tumors (>4 cm and/or with extrathyroidal invasion) but is not necessary for small, noninvasive papillary and most follicular thyroid cancers. An essential component of any discussion on the extent of lymphadenectomy is whether patients derive any additional benefit from having a lymphadenectomy and whether this can be done without significantly increasing the morbidity of the operation. Because microscopic nodal disease is rarely of clinical importance, many authors argue that prophylactic CND of microscopic lymph node metastases may not improve long-term outcome and could subject patients to more risk than benefit. However, the precise role of prophylactic CND for DTC remains controversial because in experienced hands, this procedure can be done with minimal additional risk and may in some patients provide a survival benefit.
Proponents of prophylactic CND argue that the incidence of central neck metastases is high and the sensitivity of preoperative US to detect pathologic lymph nodes in PTC patients is higher in the lateral neck (94 %) than in the central neck compartments (53–55 %). Furthermore, prophylactic CND advocates argue that clearing the central neck at the initial operation removes potential sources of recurrence, increases the accuracy of staging for RAI ablation, permits accurate long-term surveillance, and avoids the potential morbidity of a reoperation. An additional benefit of reduced postoperative Tg levels after CND was also cited. We and others have suggested that prophylactic CND be considered in patients with thyroid cancer harboring the BRAF mutation, since they have the potential to be more clinically aggressive and less responsive to RAI therapy. The BRAF mutation has been widely found in PTC, with a prevalence of approximately 45 %. Recent studies have established a strong association between the presence of the BRAF mutation and aggressive clinicopathologic characteristics of PTC. However, additional studies are needed to demonstrate the clinical benefit of this approach.
Conservative Surgery for Persistent/Recurrent Disease
Regardless of the initial treatment paradigm utilized for thyroid cancer, some patients will manifest persistent or recurrent disease. Much of persistent or recurrent disease is detected subclinically by surveillance strategies advocated by the ATA guidelines. High-resolution US and serum thyroglobulin (Tg) assays, with or without thyrotropin stimulation, have led to a new category of patients with persistent or recurrent small volume disease of uncertain clinical significance. Many authors have demonstrated that reoperative surgery for this disease, especially in the central compartment, is safe. Definitions of microscopic and macroscopic nodal recurrences should help to define which groups of patients could be observed versus those that should be offered surgery. Reasonable and realistic expectations should be set for the practitioners and patients involved. When surgery is chosen, a compartmental dissection of the neck nodal region involved should be performed to reduce the risk of locoregional recurrence and the morbidity of further reoperation. Many of these patients with persistent disease have undergone multiple surgeries in the central or lateral compartments. Further attempts at formal compartmental dissection must be conducted with a thoughtful assessment of the risks and benefits to the patient. Perhaps the realistic goal of all reoperative surgery should not be to render the serum Tg level undetectable but rather to prevent local disease progression in critical areas of the neck. Long-term follow-up of these patients is warranted to determine the optimal surveillance and treatment paradigm.

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