Composition of essential oils and other materials

Chapter 7 Composition of essential oils and other materials

This chapter will look at the composition of a number of popular aromatherapy materials. There is a lot of published data describing chemical compositions. This can be found in varying degrees of complexity in the aromatherapy books and, additionally, from a number of bodies such as ISO (International Organization for Standardization), RIFM (Research Institute for Fragrance Materials), IFRA (International Fragrance Association), AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation) and the BP (British Pharmacopoeia).


Quality control (QC) draws together the information concerning methods of analysis described earlier with that of the composition of the essential oils and shows how quality standards are used. This is important for the concept of quality control, which is an essential process in evaluating the composition and standards of many products including essential oils. Quality control in the production, blending, storage and packaging of essential oils ensures that the product is as described by the manufacturer at the time of supply. This control will include the taking of a number of samples of the product, which are then analyzed to confirm that the product is consistent and meets the composition requirements set for that oil. The requirements may be set by a professional body or standards organization or just by the manufacturer. The full set of requirements is called the specification of the oil and the testing shows whether the product conforms to the specification.

The complex nature of essential oils means that this specification is usually a list of acceptable ranges of composition for each of the main chemical components. The analysis used to assess compliance with specification is normally GC-MS, which can not only confirm the composition but also pick up impurities and adulteration in many cases.


Analysis of an essential oil will tell us what compounds are present (qualitative analysis) and in what amounts (quantitative analysis). However, when considering the composition of any named oil it is difficult to lay down precise criteria. As with all products of natural origin, there will be variations according to growing conditions and how they are harvested, extracted and stored. Even if the species of plant is defined and the parts used for oil production are carefully controlled, variation in composition will occur. This has previously been explained in terms of chemotypes and will be examined in more detail for other essential oils later in this chapter. Even when examining a particular chemotype there will be differences in the amounts of constituents, although these are usually within a fairly narrow range.

It is important to remember that a typical essential oil may contain between 100 and 400 components. Most data and analytical information will relate to significant constituents and when constituents are listed it is not always the most abundant ones that contribute to their odour or properties.

It should be remembered that the analysis for any substance, including essential oils, can only be true for that substance at the time the tests were performed. The composition of oils can subsequently change with handling and storage, so by the time it reaches you, or by the time you use it, it may have a very different composition.


Organic agriculture is a huge environmental and political issue. Buying organic, in the context of things like food and oils refers to their method of production.

Organic agriculture is a move away from the large-scale aggressive methods in order to develop a safer and more sustainable method of farming. Its main features include the restricted use of artificial chemical fertilizers and pesticides; no genetically modified plants with farmers relying on developing healthy fertile soil growing a mixture of crops.

Strict regulations, known as standards, define their practice. The International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM) lays down EU standards. In the UK the government sets the standards, which also meet the European and international standards set by their certifying bodies. Each one has its own symbol and EU code number. The main certifying body in the UK is the Soil Association, its UK code is 5 and its organic symbol appears on approximately 70% of organically produced food in the country. Others include The Organic Farmers and Growers Ltd (OF & G) UK code 2, The Scottish Organic Producers Association (SOPA) – UK3, The Irish Organic Farmers and Growers (IOFGA) – UK7 and the Quality Welsh Food Certification – UK13. Figure 7.1 shows two examples of organic organization logos.


Each EU country also has its own organic certification authority and code. For food and products imported from outside Europe the situation is more complex.


When you buy an organic oil there will not be an accompanying certificate. Currently essential oils and hydrosols do not come under the EU Directive for organic agriculture as it only covers food. It is the grower that has the certification and their literature should show the symbol of their certifying body. See the price list (Fig. 7.2) from a British company that grows and produces essential oils and products. The producer, in this case the farmer, has a UK Soil Association Licence number, which in this case is G4918 and they also have a licence H7677 which means they have been inspected and satisfy the Soil Association standards for organic health and safety products.

The analysis for chemical composition of an organically produced oil will be indistinguishable from that of a standard one. They contain the same range of compounds for any given oil. In a standard oil the possibility of trace compounds like pesticide residues is sometimes a cause of concern. The usual GC-MS type of analysis done on essential oils would not show such components. There are specialist companies that provide services to detect for such residues. This worry should be eliminated when buying genuinely produced organic oils.

You will usually pay more for an authentic organic essential oil as the cost reflects its production. Typically, at the time of writing, an organic lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) would cost up to 81% more than the standard one. However price is not always a reliable guide and as the number of organic harvests expands prices are dropping. Also with organic wild harvested plants the prices are comparable. However, many aromatherapists are willing to pay a premium as they feel they are supporting a more sustainable and ecologically balanced environment for the future.


As has been emphasized, essential oils are made up of a mixture of a large number of chemicals. These chemicals are sometimes able to complement each other by having additive or synergetic effects influencing their properties. The combination of major components alone would not produce an oil resembling the natural product. The quality and characteristics rely on all components. This is one reason why the use of synthetic or adulterated oils is inappropriate for aromatherapy.

Thus interdependence means that although the chemical compounds and their individual amounts and properties are known in a particular oil, their interrelationships are often complex and may not reflect the properties of that whole oil in use. In most cases the whole oil is found to be more effective, with fewer side-effects than when using individual isolated components.

Although a knowledge of the individual components of the essential oils and their chemical and physiological properties is useful, it does not offer all the answers. Isolated compounds may have a specific action, which is described as the ‘molecular approach’. However, properties shown by a natural and complete essential oil are not always predictable by considering the individual chemical properties of their components. This also explains why one essential oil may have a number of different actions.

This can be illustrated by the following considerations:

In basil oil, methyl chavicol (also called estragole), a phenolic ether (p. 60), is considered to be a dermal irritant and to be carcinogenic. Linalool has an almost identical molecular formula but is a long chain rather than a benzene ring (p. 55) and is considered much safer.

Thyme oil contains thymol and carvacrol (phenols; p. 59), which are also dermal irritants, but with linalool and other noncyclic alcohols the risks are significantly reduced.


A substance is said to be chemically pure when it is made up of identical atoms and molecules. This means that the concept of purity can only apply to a single element or compound. As essential oils are made up of mixtures of organic compounds, they cannot be strictly chemically pure. Chemical purity and composition have to be related to an ‘odour profile’ and be free from any contamination. Standard samples are used for reference when considering the purity of an essential oil, and the analytical techniques of GC-MS, refractive index and other methods previously described are applied. A standard sample or standard oil is a sample of a product that conforms to a specification for that product. It is kept for purposes of comparison with batch samples and used in quality evaluation.

Definitions and regulations relevant to composition and purity

It is useful at this point to redefine and clarify the types of materials used in aromatherapy. The AOC – Aromatherapy Organizations Council, which represents 75% of UK oil suppliers – has produced the following definitions to assist Trading Standards officers.

The EC (European Community) requires cosmetic products to include a list of ingredients, in descending order of percentage composition, although percentages do not need to appear on the label.


The organizations encountered when examining the composition of essential oils include the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM), the International Fragrance Association (IFRA), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR) and the British Pharmacopoeia (BP). There is some overlap between recommendations for usage and safety by these bodies. The background and roles of RIFM and IFRA are described in the next chapter in relation to safety.

The International Organization for Standardization

This is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies drawn from 130 countries. It was established in 1974 and is based in Geneva, as a nongovernmental body with a mission to promote worldwide standardization. It aims to facilitate international exchange of goods and services and to develop intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity. Its work has resulted in international agreements, which are published as International Standards that cover a wide range of technologies and services. Technical work is carried out in 218 technical committees (TCs) and the one covering essential oils is TC 54. Its activities cover a wide range of procedures such as packaging, conditioning and storage (ISO/TR210:1999), sampling (ISO212:1973), determination of optical rotation (ISO592:1998) and composition of oils. The composition of each essential oil will also have an individual reference and identification; e.g. oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis Linnaeus) is ISO1342:1988, and oil of basil, methyl chavicol type (Ocimum basilicum Linnaeus), is ISO11043:1998. These specifications were largely set up for the food and cosmetics industry to give specifications to ensure similarity of products.


The chemical compositions of the essential oils are readily accessible from a wide range of aromatherapy books, periodicals and composition sheets, in the guidelines given by organizations and regulatory bodies, and from the data sheets and analyses obtainable from the oil suppliers.

This chapter looks at data drawn from a wide range of sources in order to illustrate the type of information available to the aromatherapist.

Developments in botanical classification

The botanical classification that we currently use is attributed to the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus. He developed the binomial (two-name) system as a simplification of previously used long Latin names, e.g. Wild Briar Rose was Rosa sylvestris alba cum rubore, folio glabro or Rosa sylvestris indora seu canina pre-Linnaeus – he changed it to Rosa canina, which we abbreviate further to R. canina. His groupings of plants were based on the arrangements and numbers of the stamens (male sex organs) and pistils (female sex organs). This could lead to a classification that did not always seem natural. The roses were associated with the genus Saxifraga (commonly known as the saxifrages) that are a wide range of perennials including alpines. However in spite of its limitations it was simple to use. With our understanding of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which is the genetic material of most living organisms, and the progress in genome sequencing (the genes contained in the chromosomes of the organism) plant classification using this is being discussed. It shows an understanding of plants grouped according to their natural and evolutionary relationships. Under this new system roses are in the genus Urtica that contains nettles. However, classical taxonomy (which is the theory, practice and rules of classification) will continue to rely on morphology (structure) in plants as well as molecular data systems.

Plants will have a specific DNA bar code, which will be a useful forensic tool. The DNA bar code is made up of a standard short region (or regions) of DNA selected from one or more of the genomes. It can be applied universally across land plants but is also variable enough to provide individual identification at species level. The bar code system can be applied to access a database for identification of known plants. It can be used to identify unknown samples from fragments of plant material by comparing them to the known standards and has applications for verification of material in natural products like herbal medicines and foodstuffs.


A chemotype describes the subspecies of a plant that have the same morphological characteristics (relating to form and structure) but produce different quantities of chemical components in their essential oils. This again is widespread within the botanical family classification of the Labiatae or Lamiaceae. Examples of plants producing essential oils with different chemotypes include lavender, melissa, peppermint, basil, rosemary, sage and thyme.

Information found when looking at the different sources of data can be confusing, as the constituents are quoted in ranges (usually percentages, %), not in precise amounts.


The examination of a range of essences predominantly essential oils but also absolutes, resins and waxes, popular for use in aromatherapy. They are arranged in plant families, with common names and botanical names. For example, the essential oil commonly called clary sage belongs to the Lamiaceae (also called Labiatae) plant family and its botanical name is Salvia sclarea. Essences examined are:

Family Essence/Essential oil
Lamiaceae (Labiatae) 1. The Lavenders
2. Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)
3. Marjoram (Origanum marjorana)
4. Rosemary (Rosemarinus officianalis)
5. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
6. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
7. Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
8. Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin)
Rutaceae 9. Neroli (Citrus aurantium)
10. Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium)
11. Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium)
12. Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis)
13. Bergamot (Citrus bergaia)
14. Lemon (Citrus limon)
15. Mandarin (Citrus nobilis)
16. Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi)
Graminae (Poaceae) 17. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
18. Vetivert (Vetiveria zizanioides)
Asteraceae (Compositae) 19. Chamomiles
Myrtaceae 20. The Eucalyptuses
21. Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)
Geraniaceae 22. Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
Piperaceae 23. Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)
Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) 24. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
Rosaceae 25. Roses
Oleaceae 26. Jasmine (Jasminium grandiflorum)
Annonaceae 27. Ylang-Ylang (Cananga odorata)
Santalaceae 28. Sandalwoods
Burseraceae 29. Frankincense (Boswellia sacra)
30. Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
Styracaceae 31. Benzoin (Styrax benzoin)
Zingiberaceae 32. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Pinaceae 33. Cedarwoods
Cupressaceae 34. Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)
35. Juniper (Juniperus communis)


Lamiaceae (Labiatae)

1 The lavenders (true, lavandin and spike) (Figs. 7.3, 7.4, 7.5)

Lavender is a long-established essential oil, with a legendary folk tradition. The use of ‘just lavender’ is very misleading. The true lavender is from Lavandula angustifolia (also called Lavandula officinalis, Lavandula vera). This is divided into other subspecies Lavandula delphinensis and Lavandula fragrans. Lavandula angustifolia Miller is a lavender grown in France and is the only one recognized in the French Pharmacopoeia. Combined with the existence of many chemotypes, this gives an indication of the many possibilities for variation in the oil.

True lavender species grow at high altitudes (above 600 metres) on dry, limey soil from plants distinguished by small flower heads and no side shoots from the main stem.

Spike lavender comes from the Lavandula latifolia or Lavandula spica species. These grow at much lower altitudes, are easier and cheaper to cultivate and give high yields of oil. The main country of origin is Spain.

Lavandin is produced by a hybrid plant Lavandula intermedia or Lavandula hybrida, which was bred by crossing the true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) with spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia). Lavandin is sometimes called ‘bastard lavender’. Hybrids are widespread in horticulture, where they are bred to produce plants with the desired properties of the parents. The lavandin plants are easier to grow at lower altitudes (400–600 metres), yielding almost twice as much oil as the true lavender plant. Again, this is economically favourable and lavandin essential oil is particularly useful for the cosmetic and fragrance industries.

Chemically, all forms contain linalyl acetate, linalool and 1,8-cineole, along with many other compounds. Further analysis of each type reveals their differences in amounts of chemical components. The situation is illustrated by comparing published data for principal constituents and then seeing how these are reinforced by an actual GC chromatogram. This is shown in Table 7.1; the main figure is the published data while figures in brackets are those taken from the GC analysis of actual oil samples (cis– and trans-ocimene are minor hydrocarbon components, but are included as they are often used as markers for the authenticity of lavender oils). In all cases the amounts of compounds in the hybrid (Lavandula intermedia) are in between those of the true (Lavandula angustifolia) and the spike (Lavandula latifolia).

The true lavender (Lavandula officinalis) shown in the chromatogram is high in linalyl acetate, conforming to the ISO standard composition range of 25–45% and linalool ISO standard of 25–38%. True lavenders also may have between 5% and 30% lavandulyl acetate; the GC for this sample shows quite a low value of 3.55%. Also characteristic of true lavender, the amounts of camphor and the oxide 1,8-cineole are low, but are increased in the other species. High ester and alcohol content makes this a desirable aromatherapy choice as it is gentle with no known contraindications.

For the spike (Lavandula latifolia) lavender the analysis shows a much lower acetate content and a high natural camphor and 1,8-cineole level. This makes it useful for respiratory infections, as an insecticide and for muscular pain. However, it must be used cautiously as it is a more vigorous oil.

The hybrid (Lavandula intermedia) lavender shows an intermediate composition between the true and spike for all major components. Ester content is lower and camphor content higher than in the true lavender. It is generally considered to be an inferior essential oil as it was initially bred for the perfumery industry. However, it has been attributed with many therapeutic applications with rare contraindications when used correctly.

Another type of lavender, Lavandula stoechas, is less commonly encountered. It has a very high camphor content (15–30%), which necessitates cautious handling. Its main component is fenchone (45–50%), a terpenoid ketone, which, although a ketone, is considered nontoxic, nonirritant and nonsensitizing.

2 Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)

Several different chemotypes occur according to their geographical region of growth. They are mainly Mediterranean regions but also USA, Russia, Morocco and France. The essential oil has a heavy fragrance with herbal and nutty tones and pale green/yellow to clear colour. The odour can be attributed to the major component the ester linalyl acetate that can be present as up to 75% of the total composition. Also present alcohol linalool (up to 26%), terpenes β-caryophyllene (up to 3%), germacrene (up to 4%), neryl acetate (up to 1.7%). Box 7.1 shows a certificate of analysis which gives a more comprehensive insight to the chemical composition. Therapeutic applications are linked to antidepressive, spirit lifting and creative stimulating actions on the mind. Reputed to act as an antispasmodic and emmenagogue, and promoting the female hormone oestrogen it is used to ease PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) and encourage and ease labour. Also used for respiratory conditions including asthma and for a range of skin conditions associated with greasy complexions such as acne, boils and dandruff. Although considered to be nontoxic, nonirritant and nonsensitizing it should be avoided during pregnancy.

3 Marjoram (Origanum marjorana)

Sweet marjoram is a pale yellow oil with a warm, camphoraceous and spicy odour. Its main components are alcohols terpinen-1-ol-4 (14–20%), thujan-4-ol (4–13%), linalool (2–10%), α–terpineol (7–27%), hydrocarbon monoterpenes sabinene (2–10%) β-myrcene (1–9%), β-terpinolene (1–7%), α-pinene (1–5%), α–terpinene (6–8%), ester geranyl acetate (1–7%) and aldehyde citral (4–6%). Box 7.2 shows a GC analysis report. A versatile oil with many claimed therapeutic properties. Often called a comforting oil. Applied to the mind in situations of stress and grief where it calms and relaxes. For the body it is considered warming, analgesic, and antispasmodic suitable for muscle and joint pains. Also acting on the respiratory system for asthma and bronchitis, on the digestive system as a carmative relieving cholics and constipation and in skincare for bruising and chilblains. Considered a safe nontoxic, nonirritating and nonsensitizing essential oil but should be avoided during pregnancy.

4 Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Rosemary has been used for a long time with extensive applications for culinary and medical purposes. Rosmarinus officinalis is the species used for the production of the essential oil.

Typically listed chemical components are:

Terpenes: camphene, pinene, limonene, myrcene
Sesquiterpenes: caryophyllene, humulene
Alcohols: borneol, linalool, terpineol
Ketones: camphor, thujone, verbenone
Aldehyde: cuminic aldehyde
Esters: bornyl acetate, fenchyl acetate
Oxide: 1,8-cineole

There are three principal chemotypes: verbenone, 1,8-cineole and camphor-borneol. These are examples of variation due to the climate they are grown in and are also called cultivars. The names of the cultivars are not Latinized and appear after the species name, often within quotation marks. For example, Lavandula angustifolia ‘Maillette’ is a type of lavender named after its originator. For rosemary the cultivars are named after their country of origin. As a consequence of this, the verbenone is also called French, the 1,8-cineole is called Tunisian and the camphor-borneol is called Spanish. A comparison of these in terms of their amounts of main components is shown in Table 7.2.

The essential oil has many beneficial effects and applications in aromatherapy for skin and hair care, as an antirheumatic, antispasmodic and calmative, for complaints of the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems and for nervous disorders. The camphor type is best suited to the musculoskeletal system, and the 1,8-cineole for pulmonary congestion and efficient functioning of the liver and kidneys, with the verbenone being a safe nonirritant essential oil for skin and hair treatments.

Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil is usually regarded as nontoxic, nonsensitizing and nonirritant when used in sufficient dilution. It may cause dermatitis in hypersensitive individuals and there is some evidence to suggest it should not be used during pregnancy, by epileptics, or by those with high blood pressure. A material safety data sheet from an oil supplier (Box 7.3) shows the type of information available for a Spanish Rosmarinus officinalis. The sample conforms to the data in the table for the Spanish but also has compounds that would fit the ranges given for Tunisian.

Box 7.3 A typical supplier’s data sheet: Rosemary

Courtesy of Phoenix Natural Products Ltd



Date created: June 1998 Date revised: June 1998


Figure 5.6 also shows an IR spectral analysis of Rosmarinus officinalis.

5 Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

The main species are believed to originate from the wild type Thymus serphyllum, with the majority of oils coming from the Thymus vulgaris or common thyme species. However, there are over 150 species of the genus Thymus including Thymus vulgaris (common or red), Thymus zygis (Spanish), Thymus serphyllum (wild), Thymus mastichina (Spanish marjoram) and Thymus capitatus (Spanish oregano). Thyme belongs to the plant family Labiatae, whose members are easily hybridized: that is, there is interbreeding of different species, making it difficult to define species and subspecies. Exact botanical classification of the essential oil is also difficult and there are wide variations and conflicting data on the constituents for each species depending on the source of the information. Coupled with the fact that thyme is probably the aromatic plant with the most diverse range of chemotypes, these factors contribute to a very complex and often contradictory situation for these essential oils.

White thyme is not complete or natural, but is usually an adulterated and compounded oil made up of fractions of pine oils, rosemary, eucalyptus and red thyme, or it may be origanum with p-cymene, pinene, limonene and caryophyllene.

When considering the composition of the natural, whole essential oils, the environment the plants are grown in is an important factor in determining the chemical composition. Altitude is a significant factor in determination of chemotype. In general the gentler, alcohol chemotypes high in linalool, geraniol, thujanol-4 and α-terpineol are associated with growth at altitudes between 1000 and 1200 metres. They are called sweet thymes and owing to their high alcohol content are generally considered safe to use in a variety of conditions. This is in contrast to the phenolic chemotypes high in compounds such as carvacrol and thymol. These are called red thymes, and are extracted from plants growing at lower altitudes, usually close to the Mediterranean sea. The phenolics act as powerful antiseptics and need to be used with extreme care as they may cause skin irritation.

A ‘typical’ analysis of major components of these contrasting chemotypes for T. vulgaris shows this difference (Table 7.3). Typical analysis is again difficult to define, so ‘representative’ analysis might be a better description.

Table 7.3 A representative analysis (%) of phenolic and alcohol chemotypes (CT) of Thymus vulgaris

Compound Red-phenolic CT Sweet-alcohol CT
Thymol 30–48 2%
Carvacrol 0.5–5.5  
Linalool 0 30–80% linalool CT
Geraniol 0 30–80% or geraniol CT
Geranyl acetate 0 Up to 50%
p-Cymene 18.5–21.4 0
1,8-Cineole 3.6–15.3 0
β-Caryophyllene 1.3–7.8 4
α-Pinene 0.5–5.7 0
Terpinolene 1.8–5.6 0

There are many published therapeutic uses of the thyme oils. Linalool CT, with very low phenol content, is attributed properties such as reviving, strengthening nerves and aiding concentration by stimulation of the cerebral regions of the brain. It is considered to be an immuno-stimulant and safe for use with children. The high ester content also contributes to its application as an antispasmodic for dry coughs.

In contrast the thymol CT varies widely with the alcoholic CTs in both olfactory and therapeutic properties. Thymol CT is also attributed immuno- stimulant action but it is strongly antiseptic and is used for infectious conditions like colds, coughs and bronchitis. It is also recommended for its warming analgesic properties for treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and sciatica. It stimulates the digestive and cardiovascular systems and may help raise the blood pressure.

The GC analysis (Fig. 7.7) shows a commercial white thyme with a high percentage of the phenols thymol (55.8%) and carvacrol (2.07%). This contrasts with that of sweet thyme (Fig. 7.8) with no phenolic compounds present and alcohols terpineol-4 (13%), α-terpineol (12.37%) and borneol (5.95%) making up a total of 31.34% for this particular sample.

6 Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

There are numerous species of mint including peppermint, Mentha piperita, spearmint, Mentha spicata, and cornmint, Mentha arvensis. Mentha piperita is actually a hybrid species bred from spearmint Mentha spicata and watermint Mentha aquatica. They all contain subspecies and chemotypes. Mints have a long tradition of culinary, fragrance, cosmetic and therapeutic applications.

Typical composition would be: menthol (27–51%), menthone (13–32%), isomenthone (2–10%), 1,8-cineole (5–14%), methyl acetate (2–4%), methofuran (2–12%), limonene (0.5–6%), pinenes (1.5–4%), germacrene (2.1–4.3%) and pulegone (0.1–1%). Box 7.4 shows a GC analysis for Mentha piperita.

Therapeutic uses are widespread as peppermint has a skin toning effect and is most effective for digestive disorders such as indigestion and flatulence; it stimulates cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, works on ligaments for joint and muscle pain and has local antiseptic properties.

Most aromatherapy books state that peppermint is nontoxic, nonirritant when diluted and possibly sensitizing owing to its menthol content. It is often advised to use it in moderation. However, it should be used with caution and is contraindicated for use with babies and young children. The high menthol content has been shown to cause breathing problems in infants. It is irritant to mucous membranes and may exacerbate skin irritations and contact dermatitis. External use necessitates a concentration of not more than 3%. Internal use should be under the direction of a qualified medical practitioner, medical herbalist or pharmacist and is beyond the scope of aromatherapy.

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