
Chapter 5 Coenzymes

Coenzymes are nonpolypeptide components that participate in enzymatic reactions. They are required because only a limited number of functional groups are available in polypeptides. For example, there are no groups that can easily transfer hydrogen or electrons and none that can bind molecular oxygen, and there are no energy-rich bonds. Whenever such structural features are required for enzymatic catalysis, a coenzyme is needed. Each coenzyme is concerned with a specific reaction type, such as hydrogen transfer, methylation, or carboxylation. Thus, test-savvy students can predict the coenzyme of a reaction from the reaction type.

There are two types of coenzymes. A cosubstrate is promiscuous, associating with the enzyme only for the purpose of the reaction. It becomes chemically modified in the reaction and then diffuses away for a next liaison with another enzyme. A true prosthetic group, in contrast, is monogamous. It is permanently bonded to the active site of the enzyme, either covalently or noncovalently, and stays with the enzyme after completion of the reaction.

Some coenzymes can be synthesized in the body de novo (“from scratch”), but others contain a vitamin or are vitamins themselves. Reactions that depend on such a coenzyme are blocked when the vitamin is deficient in the diet.

Adenosine triphosphate has two energy-rich bonds

Metabolic energy is generated by the oxidation of carbohydrate, fat, protein, and alcohol. This energy must be harnessed to drive endergonic chemical reactions, membrane transport, and muscle contraction. Nature has solved this task with a simple trick: Exergonic reactions are used for the synthesis of the energy-rich compound adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and the chemical bond energy of ATP drives the endergonic processes. In this sense, ATP serves as the energetic currency of the cell (Fig. 5.1).

ATP is a ribonucleotide, one of the precursors for ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis. It does not contain a vitamin, and the whole molecule can be synthesized from simple precursors (see Chapter 28). Its most important part is a string of three phosphate residues, bound to carbon 5 of ribose and complexed with a magnesium ion (Figs. 5.2 and 5.3).

The first phosphate is linked to ribose by a phosphate ester bond, but the two bonds between the phosphates are energy-rich phosphoanhydride bonds. The free energy changes shown in Figure 5.2 apply to standard conditions. The actual free energy change for the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + inorganic phosphate (Pi) depends on pH, ionic strength, and the concentrations of ATP, ADP, phosphate, and magnesium. It is close to −11 or −12 kcal/mol under “real-cell” conditions. ATP can be hydrolyzed to ADP and phosphate:

or to adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi):

The PPi formed in the second reaction still contains an energy-rich phosphoanhydride bond:

PPi is rapidly hydrolyzed by pyrophosphatases in the cell. Because this removes PPi from the reaction equilibrium, the cleavage of ATP to AMP + PPi releases far more energy than the cleavage to ADP + phosphate.

ATP is the phosphate donor in phosphorylation reactions

Table 5.1 lists the most important uses of ATP. Only phosphorylation reactions and the coupling to endergonic reactions are considered here.

Table 5.1 Uses of ATP

Process Function
RNA synthesis Precursor
Phosphorylation Phosphate donor
Coupling to endergonic reactions Energy source
Active membrane transport Energy source
Muscle contraction Energy source
Ciliary motion Energy source

RNA, Ribonucleic acid.

Phosphorylation is the covalent attachment of a phosphate group to a substrate, most commonly by the formation of a phosphate ester bond. Assume that the cell is to convert glucose to glucose-6-phosphate, a simple phosphate ester:

One possibility is to synthesize glucose-6-phosphate by reacting free glucose with Pi:

The enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase really exists, but the ΔG0′ of the reaction is +3.3 kcal/mol. This translates into an equilibrium constant (Kequ) of about 4 × 10−3 L/mol. At an intracellular phosphate concentration of 10 mmol/L, there would be 25,000 molecules of glucose for each molecule of glucose-6-phosphate!

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Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in BIOCHEMISTRY | Comments Off on Coenzymes

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