Chest Tube Insertion

Chapter 11 Chest Tube Insertion


Drainage of the pleural space by means of tube thoracostomy is a common procedure performed for a variety of well-established indications. Although chest tube insertion is considered a simple procedure by experienced physicians, morbidity rates as high as 36% have been reported.1,2 Factors associated with a higher complication rate include technique of insertion, emergent placement of chest tube, operator performing the procedure, and the length of time that the tube is in place.2,3 In addition, increased severity of injury correlates with a higher complication rate, although the mechanism of chest injury, blunt versus penetrating, does not.2


Choose Drain Insertion Site

Diaphragmatic Perforation


Placement of a chest tube outside of the thoracic cavity or a diaphragmatic injury will result in an iatrogenic pneumothorax, an unresolved pneumothorax, or a tension pneumothorax.6,7 Placement of the chest tube through or below the diaphragm will cause the tube to become lodged in the abdominal cavity, and the pulmonary pathology initially requiring the tube will persist. The consequences, repair, and prevention of intraabdominal placement of a tube are discussed later.


Insertion should be in the safe triangle bordered by the anterior border of the latissimus dorsi, the lateral border of the pectoralis major muscle, a line superior to the horizontal level of the nipple, and an apex below the axilla.5 During full expiration, the diaphragm rises to the fifth rib/fourth intercostal space (Fig. 11-1). Identifying a site in the fourth intercostal space midaxillary line helps to avoid diaphragmatic and abdominal cavity penetration. The highest rib space in the axilla adjacent to the nipple is usually the fourth or fifth, or alternatively, the rib spaces may be counted down from the second rib at the sternomanubrial joint (Fig. 11-2; see also Fig. 11-1).8

Aseptic Technique/Surgical Preparation and Draping

Jun 21, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Chest Tube Insertion

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