Cellular communication

chapter 13 Cellular communication


How do cells talk?

The process of maintaining homeostasis within the body is tightly orchestrated and requires communication between different parts of the body, between different organs and tissues and even between individual cells. There is a constant stream of information processing by the central nervous system (CNS) and a constant output from the CNS and endocrine systems. Every cell in the body has the capacity to respond to these commands and to pass on information to other cells.

In general, cell signalling involves a message being sent in the form of a signalling molecule that is received and acted upon by a specific cell or group of cells. There is a considerable variety of signalling molecules that act as ligands, from simple dissolved gases to large protein complexes. Some of these signalling molecules are small and hydrophobic and thus spontaneously diffuse across the cell membrane. Most signalling molecules are too large or polar so cannot penetrate the plasma membrane. These molecules bind to cell-surface receptors, integral membrane proteins that have a specific binding site for a signalling molecule. When the signalling molecule binds a membrane receptor, a conformational change is induced, which results in the activation or inhibition of other cytoplasmic proteins. This cellular response to an external chemical stimulus is known as signal transduction.

A given cell is bombarded by a constant stream of messages, many of which are intended for other cells. How a particular cell responds to certain signals depends on the types of receptors in its cell membrane. If a cell has a receptor for a particular ligand it can respond to that message; if it does not have a receptor for that ligand it cannot ‘hear’ the message.

Communication between cells—the release of a signalling molecule from one cell and its reception by another or a direct interaction between two cells—is referred to as intercellular communication. Once a message has been received by a cell the message has to be transmitted to the appropriate part of that cell. For example, a message that expression of a particular gene needs to be increased must get from the plasma membrane to transcriptional machinery in the nucleus. Thus, signal transduction and other forms of communication between two components in a single cell are referred to as intracellular communication.

Intercellular communication

Cell–cell intercellular communication can result from either a direct interaction between two or more cells or the action of signalling molecules released locally or from a distance.


Direct cell–cell interactions are critical to normal growth and development. In order to build up and maintain different tissue types, cells need to be able to form stable, almost permanent, junctions. But there are also more transient interactions that are essential means of communication between cells.

In order for cells to communicate directly, they must first adhere to another cell. This cell–cell adhesion is a selective process that is dependent on interactions between integral membrane proteins called cell adhesion molecules (CAMs). The CAMs on the surface of one cell can recognise either a different molecule or another CAM on the surface of a second cell and this recognition mediates a transient association between the two cells. An example of CAM-mediated cellular interactions involves the movement of leucocytes (white blood cells) to the site of tissue damage. When tissue damage occurs, leucocytes flock through the circulatory system to the area of damage. They then squeeze through tiny gaps between endothelial cells in the blood vessels in a process referred to as extravasion. For the leucocyte to begin extravasion, it must first bind to an endothelial cell. This is mediated by a class of CAMs known as selectins, which initiate a temporary interaction between leucocytes and the endothelial lining of blood vessels. Selectins in the leucocyte membrane recognise specific carbohydrates on the surface of the endothelial cell, essentially stopping the leucocytes from continued movement in the bloodstream, allowing them to squeeze into the gaps between endothelial cells.

Adherens junctions are more stable interactions between cells, usually involving a specific type of CAM, the cadherins. The cytoskeletons of cells that are destined to adjoin one another in a specific tissue or organ are often joined by cadherins. In these junctions, cadherin proteins are bonded to the actin filaments that make up the cytoskeleton. The extracellular domains of cadherin proteins then interact with cadherin proteins from an adjoining cell, effectively tethering the neighbouring cells together (Fig 13-1).

The activities of cells within an organ or tissue type often need to be tightly regulated. As discussed below, this is often controlled through receptor-mediated extracellular signalling. Adjoining cells, however, are often linked by open channels that allow for rapid cytoplasmic exchange. These gap junctions are transmembrane channels that allow for the diffusion of small molecules between the neighbouring cells (Fig 13-2A). In general, ions—small organic molecules, low-molecular-weight precursors of proteins and nucleic acids—and small signalling molecules can pass through gap junctions whereas proteins and nucleic acids cannot (Fig 13-2B). Cells that are connected by gap junctions are said to be metabolically coupled; in other words, they are nearly identical in terms of electrical and metabolic activity. Gap junctions are made up of connexins, a family of transmembrane proteins, which form a cylinder with an open channel in the centre. This assembly of connexins, the connexon, lines up with a connexon from an adjoining cell to form a continuous channel from one cell to the next.

Jun 11, 2016 | Posted by in BIOCHEMISTRY | Comments Off on Cellular communication

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