Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy

Nov 11, 2018 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy

Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy Steven P. Gelone Staci Pacetti Judith A. O’Donnell The selection of an appropriate antimicrobial agent to treat an infection is guided by a number of factors….

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Pharmacotherapy Principles in Older Adults

Nov 11, 2018 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Pharmacotherapy Principles in Older Adults

Pharmacotherapy Principles in Older Adults Richard G. Stefanacci Older adults are the most pharmacotherapeutically challenging population because of the requirement to take into consideration their unique physiology and other factors…

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Principles of Pharmacotherapy in Pediatrics

Nov 11, 2018 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Principles of Pharmacotherapy in Pediatrics

Principles of Pharmacotherapy in Pediatrics Anita Siu James C. Thigpen Jr When treating pediatric patients, many health care practitioners use the terms infant, child, or even kid interchangeably. However, there…

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Issues for the Practitioner in Drug Therapy

Nov 11, 2018 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Issues for the Practitioner in Drug Therapy

Issues for the Practitioner in Drug Therapy Virginia P. Arcangelo Veronica F. Wilbur Drug therapy is often the mainstay of treatment of acute and chronic diseases. An important role of…

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Tumors of the Sympathoadrenal System

Oct 22, 2018 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Tumors of the Sympathoadrenal System

Tumors of the Sympathoadrenal System Tumors of the sympathoadrenal system include pheochromocytomas, paragangliomas, ganglioneuromas, ganglioneuroblastomas (GNBs), and neuroblastomas (NBs). These tumors arise from primitive sympathoadrenal cell precursors in the neural…

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