Catabolism of macromolecules and energy generation

chapter 16 Catabolism of macromolecules and energy generation



This chapter focuses on the metabolic pathways that break down carbohydrates, lipids and proteins to give energy. The cells in our body use these highly reduced compounds to drive the formation of ATP, which can then be used as a source of energy for other reactions in the cell. To access the energy stored in these molecules the body uses enzymes to sequentially oxidise these molecules. This oxidative process yields CO2, electrons and ATP. The electrons, transported as NADH, can then be used to drive the synthesis of even more ATP.

Specific pathways for each of the macronutrients are discussed as is the way in which these pathways all converge and use a common mechanism to generate the majority of ATP (Fig 16-1).


Glycolysis is a branching metabolic pathway that occurs in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. It consists of 10 enzymes that combine to convert the 6-carbon glucose molecule into two molecules of the 3-carbon compound pyruvate (Fig 16-2)

At first glance this pathway appears to be quite complex with many different intermediates and enzymes playing a role. However, it is possible to focus on different sections of the pathway and the key reactions in each.

Making an ATP profit

As can be seen in Figure 16-2 all further steps of glycolysis occur twice for each glucose molecule that enters the pathway. In this stage of glycolysis there are three key reactions that ensure the creation of more ATP than the initial investment made in the early stages.

The first of these important reactions is that catalysed by GAPDH. This enzyme oxidises GAP and also adds a second phosphate molecule. This achieves two things: first, the electrons gained from the oxidation are passed to NAD+ to give NADH, and this NADH can then ferry these electrons to the electron transport chain (ETC) to make ATP (see below); second, the addition of the another phosphate group to GAP forms the ‘high-energy’ phosphate compound 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (1,3-BPG).

In the second important reaction of this stage of glycolysis the enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase uses 1,3-BPG to make ATP. The removal of phosphate from 1,3-BPG is very energetically favourable and has a larger ΔG° than the +ΔG° required for the formation of ATP and so can be used to drive ATP synthesis. This is the first of two substrate-level phosphorylation reactions that occur in glycolysis. The product of the reaction, 3-phosphoglycerate, still has one remaining phosphate group but this is not a high-energy phosphate compound; it has to undergo rearrangement and dehydration before becoming the high-energy compound phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP).

The second substrate-level phosphorylation occurs as part of the third important reaction of this stage of glycolysis. Pyruvate kinase (PK) uses PEP to catalyse the formation of ATP and creates the product pyruvate. Similar to the removal of phosphate from 1,3-BPG the –ΔG° of this step is large enough to drive ATP synthesis. This also makes the step irreversible.

Controlling glycolysis

As with any metabolic pathway, glycolysis needs to be controlled so that it responds to changes in the physiological environment of the cell. It is of particular importance in this case as some of the enzymes of glycolysis are shared by the competing pathway gluconeogenesis (see Ch 17).

As was seen in Chapter 14 the activity of just one enzyme in a pathway can affect flux through that pathway, and that the controlling enzymes are those that catalyse the non-equilibrium, irreversible reactions. In glycolysis the enzymes HK, PFK and PK all catalyse irreversible reactions, are unique to glycolysis and are control points. The control of glycolysis in humans occurs at three levels: at the level of the enzyme, at the level of the cell and at the level of the body.

At the level of the enzyme the activity of glycolysis, and all of the enzymes within it, is controlled by the availability of substrate. If glucose is not present in the cell then glycolysis cannot function.

At the level of the cell it is the enzyme PFK that is the key to control. ATP, PEP and citrate inhibit PFK, whereas ADP and AMP stimulate it (Fig 16-3). This allows PFK to respond to a number of things:

At the level of the body the activity and amount of the enzymes HK, PFK and PK are all affected by the hormones insulin and glucagon, which work in concert to regulate metabolism throughout the whole body.

Jun 11, 2016 | Posted by in BIOCHEMISTRY | Comments Off on Catabolism of macromolecules and energy generation

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