Chapter 154 Cardiac Arrest
Clinical Case Problem 1: A 55-Year-Old Man Found Collapsed in the Street
Select the best answer to the following questions
1. Which of the following rhythms is not one of the most commonly associated with pulseless cardiac arrest?
2. Components of good basic life support (BLS) care include all except which of the following?
3. Which of the following statements about delivery of medications during cardiac arrest is true?
4. Which of the following is incorrect with regard to the management of witnessed arrest with a defibrillator on-site?
5. A “quick look” with biphasic paddles is performed on the patient in Clinical Case Problem 1. You diagnose VF. What should be your first step?
6. What is the antiarrhythmic of choice in the management of VF?
7. The patient is successfully converted to sinus rhythm. Unfortunately, on the way to the coronary care unit, he arrests again. The rhythm strip reveals asystole. CPR is restarted. Which of the following is the next logical step in treatment?
8. With appropriate treatment, the patient again converts to sinus rhythm. He is stabilized in the coronary care unit. Unfortunately, 2 hours later, he develops VT. His blood pressure is 100/60 mm Hg, and he has a palpable pulse. Your next step should be to administer which of the following?
9. Sinus rhythm is restored again, and his condition returns to satisfactory. Unfortunately, he develops a second-degree atrioventricular (AV) block (Mobitz type II). His pulse is 40 beats/minute, and his blood pressure drops to 70/40 mm Hg. Given this change, what would you do now?
10. What is the definitive therapy for the dysrhythmia described in question 9?
Clinical Case Problem 2: A Witnessed Cardiac Arrest