Chapter 5. Cardiac and chest
Initial assessment
Delay in the diagnosis of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) can result in serious morbidity and an increase in mortality. As with all acutely unwell patients, an ABC assessment is required. A 12-lead ECG should be performed as soon as possible, even before a full history is taken or complete examination performed. However, careful clinical assessment including a more detailed history and examination is then essential, as for those with other causes of chest pain (see ‘Patients without STEMI’, p. 128).
Patients with STEMI
Patients may present with angina pectoris. This is classically described as central chest discomfort, often described as a pressure, tightness or weight, extending like a band across the chest and radiating into the arms, left more often than right. There may be associated autonomic symptoms including nausea, vomiting and sweating (diaphoresis). Alternative presentations include unexplained pulmonary oedema, collapse, abdominal pain or arrhythmia.
STEMI is defined by typical ECG changes in one or more coronary artery territories (see p. 83). Reperfusion therapy should not be delayed in patients presenting within 12 h of symptom onset who meet the relevant ECG criteria:
• ST elevation ³ 1 mm in two contiguous limb leads or ³ 2 mm in two contiguous chest leads
• new or presumed new left bundle branch block (LBBB)
• posterior myocardial infarction (suggested by anterior ST depression in leads V1–V4 and confirmed by significant ST elevation in posterior chest leads).
Clinical assessment should be rapid and focused. Typical findings on history and examination are as for other patients presenting with myocardial ischaemia. However, look for evidence of shock, pulmonary oedema and arrhythmias (these may be the cause of, or result from, cardiac ischaemia). Enquire about previous cardiac disease and any potential contraindications to treatment, particularly thrombolysis. The management of STEMI, including appropriate reperfusion therapy, is discussed below. If ECG criteria for reperfusion therapy are not met on the initial ECG, but clinical suspicion remains, repeat the ECG 30 min later and re-assess.
Percutaneous coronary intervention
The best treatment for STEMI is primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), although availability is limited. It is associated with high infarct-related artery patency rates, reduced rates of re-infarction and reduced risk of stroke as compared with thrombolysis. Where PCI is anticipated, patients should receive aspirin 300 mg, clopidogrel 600 mg and be considered for a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist, e.g. abciximab. If primary PCI cannot be performed within 90 min of diagnosis, patients should receive thrombolysis (unless contraindicated).
Where patients given thrombolysis fail to reperfuse (see below), referral for rescue PCI should be considered.
The thrombolytic agent(s) available to you will depend on local protocols. Both fibrin-specific lytics and streptokinase (see below) are effective and reduce mortality. Specific administration regimes are given in Table 5.1 (also check your own unit’s protocol and the BNF). Before offering thrombolysis, check for contraindications:
• active bleeding or bleeding diathesis
• recent haemorrhage, trauma or surgery, including dental extraction (1 month)
• coma
• stroke within past 3 months
• aortic dissection
• known structural cerebral lesion including neoplasm
• any prior intracerebral haemorrhage.
aPossibly LMWH in the future. | ||
Initial treatment | Co-therapy | |
Streptokinase (SK) | 1.5 million units in 100 mL 5% dextrose or N saline over 30–60 min | Usually nonea |
Alteplase (tPA) | 15 mg IV bolus, then 0.75 mg/kg over 30 min, then 0.5 mg/kg over 60 min. Total dose not >100 mg | IV heparin 24–48 ha |
Reteplase (r-PA) | 10 units IV bolus then further 10 units IV bolus 30 min later | IV heparin 24–48 ha |
Tenecteplase (TNK-tPA) | Single IV bolus: <60 kg = 30 mg; 60–69 kg = 35 mg; 70–79 kg = 40 mg; 80–89 kg = 45 mg; ≥90 kg = 50 mg | IV heparin 24–48 ha |
Relative contraindications include active peptic ulcer disease, uncontrolled hypertension, pregnancy, current use of anticoagulants, prolonged external chest compression, diabetic retinopathy, severe liver disease or oesophageal varices, heavy vaginal bleeding. Where any is present, discuss the patient with a senior.
Fibrin-specific lytics
These have greater efficacy than streptokinase, but are relatively short-acting agents and, therefore, there is a risk of re-occlusion. Anticoagulation is recommended for 48 h following administration. Commonly, an infusion of unfractionated heparin is used; however, there is increasing evidence for the use of LMWH (for administration and doses see ‘Heparin’, p. 109). While the efficacy of tenecteplase (TNK) and recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (r-tPA) are similar, TNK can be given as a single bolus. Therefore, it is often chosen because of its ease of administration, e.g. for use in out-of-hospital thrombolysis. Since the risk of stroke is increased in patients over 75 years old given fibrin-specific lytics, some centres advocate the use of streptokinase in this population (check your local protocol).
Streptokinase has a more prolonged anticoagulant effect than the fibrin-specific lytics. Therefore, unfractionated heparin is often not given to patients treated with this form of thrombolysis. However, recent evidence suggests benefit from low molecular weight heparin as an adjunct to streptokinase. This has been added to many CCU protocols, but you should check your local guidelines.
Common side-effects of streptokinase include nausea, vomiting, hypotension and anaphylaxis. Streptokinase is a bacterial enzyme which can induce an antibody response; therefore, repeated administration beyond 4 days of the original dose is not advised due to an increased risk of anaphylaxis and reduced efficacy. Hypotension can be dangerous in unstable patients, but can be ameliorated by stopping the infusion temporarily and re-starting it at half the previous flow rate.
Anti-platelet agents
Many patients will have already received 300 mg in the ambulance. However, you should not assume that this is the case and always actively ensure that it has been given. If it has not, it should be given immediately after the ECG.
There is evidence that patients receiving thrombolysis, especially those within 12 h of the onset of their myocardial infarction, should also receive clopidogrel. 300 mg should be given at the time of thrombolysis (reduced to 75 mg in patients over 75 to reduce the risk of bleeding complications) and then continued at a daily dose of 75 mg, irrespective of age.
Other drugs
• intensive glycaemic control, e.g. sliding scale insulin, is indicated in patients with known diabetes or an admission blood glucose >11 mmol/L; however, avoid regimens that result in infusions of large volumes of fluid as this may cause pulmonary congestion
• an ACE inhibitor (at 36 h) should be considered
• statins should be considered, as in any patient with acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
Early coronary arteriography
For those patients who successfully reperfuse with lytic therapy, there remains the option of coronary arteriography with a view to follow-on PCI the next morning. You should check your local protocol.
Long-term treatment
• general: smoking cessation, cholesterol and weight reduction
• β-blockers, statins, ACE inhibitors and anti-platelet therapy should be considered
• cardiac rehabilitation programmes with a step-wise return to normal function have been shown to improve long-term outcome.
The following complications may occur in any patient with myocardial ischaemia; however, they are more common in STEMI:
• arrhythmias and heart block: see ‘Arrhythmias’, p. 132
• pulmonary oedema: see p. 146
• shock: see p. 250
• mechanical complications: papillary muscle rupture resulting in mitral valve regurgitation (new pan-systolic murmur maximum at apex); septal rupture (new harsh pan-systolic murmur at right sternal border)
• Dressler’s syndrome: fever, pericarditis and pleurisy post-MI; occurs weeks to months after the infarct, usually subsides after a few days; if prolonged, may respond to NSAID or corticosteroid therapy.
Patients without STEMI
Myocardial ischaemia
Myocardial ischaemia may present with classical angina pectoris (as above). Alternative presentations include isolated jaw or arm pain and exertional breathlessness without pain (particularly in patients with diabetes). This is sometimes referred to as an ‘angina equivalent’, i.e. when there is no underlying respiratory cause of breathlessness and subsequent investigation demonstrates obstructive coronary artery disease in the presence of preserved left ventricular systolic function.
Anginal pain should be characterized as stable or unstable. Unstable angina is defined by an increase in the frequency and/or severity of previously predictable (i.e. stable angina) symptoms or pain precipitated at a significantly reduced workload, including pain at rest. Unstable angina is important to recognize, as it indicates a potentially unstable atherosclerotic plaque which may rupture, causing coronary artery occlusion and myocardial infarction.
Oesophageal spasm
This can be similar in character to ischaemic cardiac pain, with similar radiation to the neck and shoulder and may also be relieved by GTN. However, there is usually no association with exercise and there may be a preceding history of heartburn. The ECG during severe pain remains normal.
Pulmonary embolism
This typically causes sudden breathlessness and may be associated with immediate central chest discomfort or pre-syncope. Pleuritic chest pain is typically worse on deep breathing or coughing and may not be present initially (see ‘Presentation’, p. 152). Patients with significant pulmonary embolism (PE) can sometimes present with syncope, shock and right upper quadrant abdominal pain, due to liver congestion.
Spontaneous pneumothorax
This can cause symptoms very similar to PE, but is less likely to cause hypotension (except with tension pneumothorax). It is often easily identified on a plain chest X-ray (see ‘Investigation’, p. 149).
Pericarditis may be associated with a history of a recent viral illness, pharyngitis or connective tissue disease. Classically, the pain is described as sharp, central in location, exacerbated by lying flat and eased by leaning forward. The resting ECG may show concave-upwards ST elevation across more than one coronary territory (see ‘ECGs’, p. 83).
Aortic dissection
Aortic dissection is a life-threatening cardiothoracic surgical emergency. The diagnosis should be suspected in patients with sudden-onset ‘tearing’ inter-scapular back pain. Aortic aneurysms may also leak or rupture without dissection, leading to isolated neurological deficits, abdominal pain, acute MI or acute renal failure.
Physical examination
In addition to standard clinical assessment, it is important to identify specific concerning findings:
• abnormal pulse rate: tachy- and brady-arrhythmias may precipitate ischaemic cardiac chest pain in patients with underlying coronary artery disease
• hypotension: can cause additional cardiac ischaemia; a significant difference between right and left brachial blood pressures (>15 mmHg) may indicate an aortic dissection; in the context of pulmonary oedema and a low cardiac output, cardiogenic shock is considered to be present when the systolic BP is <80–90 mmHg
• pulmonary oedema, suggested by fine bi-basal inspiratory crepitations: this can result in hypoxia and precipitate angina in patients with stable coronary artery disease; alternatively it may develop secondary to myocardial ischaemia; pulmonary oedema should always prompt an early ECG to exclude acute MI
• heart sounds and murmurs: valvular dysfunction and heart failure can precipitate or result from myocardial ischaemia
• pericardial rub, often described as the sound of ‘walking on snow’: may be present in patients with pericarditis
• chest wall tenderness: suggests musculoskeletal pain, e.g. costochondritis
• neurological deficits: may occur as a result of carotid artery involvement in an aortic dissection
A description of the signs typically associated with ‘pulmonary causes’ of chest pain can be found in ‘Breathlessness’, p. 139.
It is vital to perform an early ECG in patients presenting with chest discomfort: see ‘Initial assessment’, p. 125. Remember that pericarditis can cause saddle-shaped ST elevation, often in more than one vascular territory.
Troponins are specific tests of myocardial necrosis and should be performed in patients with suspected ACS. Troponin levels start to rise 3 h after myocardial injury. Therefore, the timing of blood samples in patients with ACS is crucial. A troponin level should be checked on admission and 12 h after the onset of pain to ensure a late rise in troponin is not missed.
The 12-h troponin concentration can be used to quantify infarct size in acute myocardial infarction and has been recently introduced as a means of classifying non-STEMI acute coronary syndromes. In patients with symptoms consistent with myocardial ischaemia but without ST elevation on their admission ECG, a troponin T concentration (µg/L):
• >1.0 indicates non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)
• <0.01 indicates acute coronary syndrome (ACS) without myocyte necrosis
Troponin levels will remain elevated for at least 1 week after myocardial injury; therefore, repeated sampling within this time is unhelpful and potentially confusing. Note, in the absence of coronary artery disease, elevated troponin levels can also occur in patients with cardiac failure, PTE, rapid atrial dysrhythmias and renal failure.
Troponin and cardiovascular risk in ACS
Patients with troponin-positive non-STEMI acute coronary syndromes (i.e. NSTEMI and ACS with myocyte necrosis) have a greater immediate cardiovascular risk, including that of readmission, infarction and death. However, troponin is only one of several variables that predict outcome in this setting.
Troponin-negative patients (i.e. ACS without myocyte necrosis) may be at a greater short-term risk than those with positive results if other risk factors are present, e.g. age, ST changes, known coronary disease. This concept is the basis of risk stratification scores such as GRACE and TIMI. GRACE scores are more accurate at predicting short-term outcome, but more complicated than TIMI scores (Table 5.2 and Table 5.3) which can be calculated easily during an on-call shift. This risk stratification can identify those at greatest risk, in whom early investigation, e.g. arteriography, should be performed.
Factor | Score |
Age over 65 | 1 |
>3 CAD risk factors (Fhx, HBP, high chol, DM, smoker) | 1 |
Known CAD (stenosis > 50%) | 1 |
Aspirin use in the past 7 days | 1 |
Recent (<24 h) severe angina | 1 |
Increased cardiac markers | 1 |
ST deviation of more than 0.5 mm | 1 |
Risk score = Total points (0–7) |
TIMI score | Death or MI | Death, MI or urgent PCI |
0–1 | 3 | 5 |
2 | 3 | 8 |
3 | 5 | 13 |
4 | 7 | 20 |
5 | 12 | 26 |
6–7 | 19 | 41 |
Other blood tests
The following tests should be requested all patients presenting with chest pain:
• FBC to exclude anaemia
• lipids and LFTs: LFTs should be documented prior to commencement of statin therapy; patients with biliary colic can also present with chest pain (see ‘Biliary colic’, p. 161)
• TFTs to exclude hyperthyroidism
• WBC, CRP and viral titres in suspected pericarditis
• arterial blood gas analysis should be considered if SaO 2 <92%; avoid unnecessary arterial puncture in patients who may be considered for thrombolysis or PCI (right radial access is commonly required)
• D-dimer: should not be checked routinely (see p. 153).
Chest X-ray
A chest X-ray should be considered in all patients with chest pain and performed urgently in those with symptoms or signs of pneumothorax. Patients with pulmonary thromboembolism may have a normal CXR. In those with an aortic dissection, the CXR may show mediastinal widening, with or without a pleural effusion.
This is unnecessary in the acute setting, but should be considered in patients with myocardial infarction or suspected LV dysfunction. It may be diagnostic in acute thoracic aortic dissection and massive PTE (see p. 154).
Cross-sectional imaging
Urgent spiral CT should be performed if aortic dissection is suspected. Cardiac MRI can accurately quantify infarct size, using gadolinium contrast, in addition to LV function and myocardial viability. MRI can also differentiate acute myocarditis from myocardial infarction in patients with atypical chest pain and an elevated troponin. This difference can have significant long-term implications.
Management of chest pain without STEMI
Patients with ACS
These patients are at risk of further events in relation to plaque rupture. As with STEMI, initial management is dictated by 12-lead ECG findings. In the UK, standard therapy should include:
• oxygen and opiate analgesia
• aspirin 300 mg loading dose, followed by aspirin 75 mg daily indefinitely
• clopidogrel should be prescribed for all patients with ischaemic ECG changes or a subsequent rise in troponin; 300 mg should be given as a loading dose (some units use 600 mg loading doses to achieve more rapid platelet inhibition), followed by 75 mg daily for at least 12 weeks
• low molecular weight heparin should be prescribed for patients with ischaemic ECG changes and continued until pain free for 2 days, e.g. enoxaparin 1 mg/kg SC 12-hourly (reduce the dose in renal failure and elderly patients), or fondaparinux 2.5 mg daily (avoid fondaparinux in patients who may need inpatient angiography and PCI)
• nitrates: while there is no proven survival benefit, ongoing pain can be treated using IV nitroglycerin (0.6–1.2 mg/h), or IV isosorbide dinitrate (1–2 mg/h).
Small molecule IIb–IIIa glycoprotein antagonists
These drugs are short-acting but potent inhibitors of platelet aggregation. They are usually reserved for high-risk patients with ongoing chest pain or dynamic ECG changes, or those in whom early PCI is contemplated (see indications for further investigation below). Check your unit’s protocol; if used, remember to adjust the dose in renal impairment.
Indications for further investigation
• patients at moderate risk, e.g. TIMI score 3–4, can be considered for early coronary arteriography or non-invasive assessment prior to discharge, e.g. exercise tolerance testing or stress myocardial perfusion scanning
• low-risk patients, e.g. TIMI less than 2, who present with possible cardiac chest pain may be reassured by an exercise tolerance test; this strategy may reduce the rate of re-admission in this group.
Long-term treatment
In addition to aspirin (and clopidogrel for at least 12 months in patients with ECG changes on admission, or a rise in troponin), patients with ACS should be commenced on a statin before discharge, e.g. simvastatin (40 mg daily), along with a β-blocker and an ACE inhibitor, unless contraindicated.
Non-ischaemic causes of chest pain
Standard treatment is with NSAIDs, although corticosteroids and colchicine have also been used. Patients should be considered for a follow-up echo to assess LV systolic function.
Oesophageal pain
Antacids, alginates and proton pump inhibitors can be used to treat oesophageal reflux and oesophagitis. Sublingual nitrates can be useful in oesophageal spasm. Other measures include smoking cessation, weight and alcohol reduction.
Aortic dissection
Treat as for shock and seek immediate senior review and a cardiothoracic surgical opinion. Send blood for routine parameters and cross-match 10 units. Management depends on the type and size of dissection. Therefore, urgent spiral CT should be arranged and the patient transferred to ICU once stabilized.
The term arrhythmia is used to describe any cardiac rhythm other than sinus rhythm. Arrhythmias are classified on the basis of their rate, rhythm and likely origin.
• tachyarrhythmias (rate >100 b.p.m.) versus bradyarrhythmias (rate <60 b.p.m.)
• regular versus irregular
• narrow complex (supraventricular) versus broad complex (ventricular or supraventricular with aberrant conduction).
These ECG features should be used to broadly characterize any arrhythmia and generate a short list of possible underlying causes. This allows you to conduct a more focused examination of the ECG, identify the specific arrhythmia and initiate appropriate treatment. Detailed guidance on the identification of the arrhythmias discussed below is given in ‘ECGs’, p. 84.
Initial assessment and urgent management
The effect of the arrhythmia on the patient, and whether they have underlying cardiac disease, or other co-morbidities, will influence your initial actions. New symptoms of pain or breathlessness, or a fall in systemic BP from the patient’s normal or previous measurements, should prompt immediate further assessment and management of the arrhythmia. Absolute indications for emergency electrical cardioversion of a tachyarrhythmia and the pacing of a bradyarrhythmia include:
• cardiogenic shock, suggested by a low BP, cool peripheries, elevated JVP and oliguria
• florid pulmonary oedema
• severe cardiac pain, unresponsive to standard treatment or untreatable by other means because of hypotension
• evidence of cerebral hypoperfusion, e.g. diminished conscious level.
Emergency DC cardioversion
You will need the help of an anaesthetist to sedate the patient and manage their airway. A synchronized DC shock should be delivered once the patient has been sedated or anaesthetized and may be repeated up to three times (see ‘Cardioversion’, p. 58).
Emergency cardiac pacing is necessary in patients with haemodynamically unstable bradyarrhythmias and in certain specific rhythm disorders where the probability of cardiac arrest is high, e.g. complete heart block (see ‘Temporary Cardiac Pacing’, p. 54).
Narrow complex tachyarrhythmias
These are defined by a QRS duration <0.12 s and are supraventricular in origin. They are often well tolerated and have a good long-term prognosis; however, this may not be the case in patients with chronic heart disease or coronary artery disease.
Rhythm identification
Determine if the rhythm is regular or irregular; this will dictate immediate management. Look at the rhythm strip if one is available and refer to ‘ECGs’, p. 84. If you cannot convince yourself of the regularity of a narrow complex tachyarrhythmia, consider inducing AV block (see ‘Interventions’, below).
Vagal manoeuvres should be attempted first, e.g. carotid sinus massage (see below) or the Valsalva manoeuvre (ask the patient to hold their breath and bear down). If these have no effect intravenous adenosine can be used. The effect of successful AV block is outlined in Table 5.4.
Rhythm | Effect |
Irregular | |
Atrial fibrillation | Reveals chaotic fibrillation waves |
Atrial flutter | Reveals ‘saw-tooth’ flutter waves |
Regular | |
AVNRT | Terminates |
AVRT | Terminates |
Atrial tachycardia | Reveals abnormal P wave morphology; PR<RP interval |
Multifocal atrial tachycardia | Reveals abnormal, multiple P wave morphologies |
Carotid sinus massage
Position the patient at 45° with their head stretched slightly towards the left; connect them to an ECG machine and begin a single lead recording; identify the right carotid sinus and massage firmly for 5 s; observe the ECG trace. If there is no effect try the other side, but never massage both simultaneously.
Intravenous adenosine induces transient AV block and has a half-life of around 30 s. Occasionally adenosine can produce transient ventricular standstill and it should be given in a monitored environment with continuous 12-lead ECG recording. It should be avoided in patients with a history of bronchospasm. The patient should be warned that they will experience transient symptoms of nausea, flushing and chest discomfort.
A 6 mg IV bolus should be given via a large-bore cannula (3 mg if given via a central line), followed by a rapid saline flush of at least 10 mL (ideally using a free flowing drip). This should induce transient AV block and reveal the nature of the arrhythmia; it may terminate certain arrhythmias as discussed in Table 5.4. The absence of symptoms suggests an inadequate dosage. If the first treatment is unsuccessful, try 12 mg (plus flush) and repeat if necessary after 1–2 min.
Irregular narrow complex tachyarrhythmias
This is most likely due to atrial fibrillation (AF), or atrial flutter with variable block. Patients with AF may present with palpitation, chest pain or breathlessness. Symptoms are more likely if the ventricular response rate is rapid, if the patient is older or has underlying cardiac disease. Collapse, hypotension and embolic complications, e.g. cerebrovascular accident, are less common presentations. Look for clinical evidence of an underlying cause:
• cardiac: ischaemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, valvular heart disease (particularly mitral), heart failure, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, post-cardiac surgery
• non-cardiac: electrolyte disturbance (e.g. hypokalaemia, hypocalcaemia, hypomagnesaemia), thyrotoxicosis, sepsis, acidosis, or drugs (such as digoxin, alcohol, β-agonists).
Send blood for electrolytes (particularly hypo- and hyperkalaemia, hypomagnesaemia, hypocalcaemia), TFT (thyrotoxicosis), inflammatory markers, Coag and a digoxin level, if appropriate. In patients with suspected myocardial ischaemia a troponin level should be checked, 12 h or more after the onset of symptoms.
An echocardiogram should be performed once the ventricular response rate has been controlled. This allows assessment of cardiac structure, function and embolic sources. This information can be used to guide decisions regarding elective DC cardioversion in the future; see below.
Management of AF
Treat potential precipitants, e.g. hypokalaemia, digoxin toxicity, sepsis. Chemical or electrical cardioversion can be considered, but it is worth noting that there is no long-term survival advantage for rhythm control (i.e. cardioversion to sinus) over rate control (where the patient remains in AF) assuming effective anticoagulation.
Patients who have been in AF for >48 h may have developed atrial clot and are at risk of systemic embolization on reversion to sinus rhythm. In this situation, patients should be anticoagulated unless there is a contraindication, pending a decision between DC cardioversion and rate control. Note that LMWH is not licensed for use in AF; unfractionated IV heparin should be used. Initiate warfarin and discontinue heparin once the INR is over 2 (see also ‘Warfarin’, p. 110).
In patients with persistent AF, long-term anticoagulation should be considered. The benefit of this should be balanced against potential risks, e.g. GI bleeding, intracranial haemorrhage, especially in those prone to falls or in whom compliance may be a problem.
Electrical cardioversion
As with any tachyarrhythmia, AF causing significant haemodynamic compromise should be managed by emergency DC cardioversion (see also ‘Defibrillation and cardioversion’, p. 58). This should not be performed in patients with long-standing AF, and is unlikely to produce maintainable sinus rhythm if precipitants are not addressed.
Elective cardioversion, e.g. for persistent AF, requires at least 3 weeks of anticoagulation with warfarin and an interval transoesophageal echocardiogram to ensure that there is no intracardiac thrombus.
Chemical cardioversion
Immediate chemical cardioversion should only be attempted if, from the patient’s history, the onset of AF clearly occurred <48 h ago and there is a haemodynamic advantage to be gained. Otherwise, elective DC cardioversion can be considered at a later date, once anticoagulation has been established and information on cardiac function is available.
If chemical cardioversion is desired, all patients should be anticoagulated as above. Success is most likely in those with AF of a short duration. If the patient is asymptomatic, with a normal blood pressure, consider rate control (see below), anticoagulation and management of any likely precipitant (see Table 5.4). Pharmacological options for chemical cardioversion include:
• amiodarone: 300 mg IV over 20–30 min, followed by 900 mg infusion over 24 h
• flecainide: 2 mg/kg IV over 10–30 min, maximum dose 150 mg (avoid if patient has ischaemic heart disease or LV dysfunction), then up to 600 mg infusion over 24 h.
Rate control
Rate control is the treatment of choice where cardioversion is not appropriate, e.g. in patients who have been in AF for more than 48 h. In patients with adequate left ventricular systolic function, a β-blocker should be considered first, e.g. atenolol (25–50 mg twice daily). If this fails, consider adding a rate-limiting calcium channel antagonist, e.g. diltiazem (60 mg 8-hourly) or amiodarone; see below. If this fails, or in patients unable to tolerate β-blockers or calcium channel antagonists, due to LV dysfunction or hypotension, use digoxin. The loading dose of digoxin is dependent on the volume of distribution; for a standard 70 kg male, 500 μg is given PO/IV and then again 6–8 h later; lower doses should be considered for smaller patients and the elderly. The maintenance dose needed, e.g. 125 μg PO daily, is dependent on renal function.
If the ECG shows δ waves, Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome should be considered (see also ‘ECGs’, p. 85). In this condition, digoxin and verapamil are contraindicated; they may accelerate conduction down the accessory pathway leading to VT or VF. If rate control proves difficult, consider elective DC cardioversion (see above).
Paroxysmal AF
In patients who describe paroxysmal symptoms, and in whom periods of AF with a rapid ventricular response arise suddenly and without warning, useful treatments are sotalol (40–80 mg twice daily) and amiodarone (100 mg PO 8-hourly for 1 week, then 100 mg twice daily for 1 week, followed by a maintenance dose of 100 mg orally once daily). However, amiodarone has a large number of side-effects and the risk of developing them is dose dependent and cumulative.
Other irregular narrow complex tachyarrhythmias
Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT)
Commonly presents in advanced chronic lung disease. May appear similar to AF on ECG, but P waves are discernible and at least three different P wave morphologies are typical. The differentiation from AF is important, as digoxin will exacerbate MAT and DC cardioversion is ineffective.
The treatment of choice is anticoagulation and rate control, with a calcium channel antagonist or cardioselective β-blocker if no reversible airways disease is present, e.g. bisoprolol. Treatment of any underlying lung disease should be optimized.
Regular narrow complex tachyarrhythmias
Sinus tachycardia
This is a normal physiological response to exercise, emotion, pain and pregnancy and reflects increased sympathetic drive. It accompanies many acute medical problems including sepsis, hypovolaemia, myocardial ischaemia and hypoxia.
Specific treatment is rarely necessary and, in general, is not recommended. Instead, treat the underlying cause. β-blockers can be helpful if the patient is persistently symptomatic or anxious.

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