C fibres small, non-myelinated, free nerve endings within skin, and fibres within mixed nerves, carrying afferent pain impulses from high-threshold polymodal nociceptors; C-fibre nerve endings also secrete bradykinins, initiating or perpetuating neurogenic inflammation
cad-cam orthoses; computer-aided design and manufacture of bespoke functional orthoses digitized data (of the dimensions of the neutral cast, modified by computer program to incorporate prescribed postings, expansions and accommodations) is used to mill the orthotic directly from a block of polypropylene (see Table B1)
cadence number of steps per minute during normal gait
cal (calorie) (1) quantity of energy required to raise temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C
calamine zinc oxide or zinc carbonate, coloured with ferric oxide; mild topical astringent and soothing agent, as dusting powders, lotions and ointments, for mild inflammation and pruritus (see antipruritic)
calcaneal apophysitis see disease, Sever’s; Table O7
calcaneal fracture fracture of body of calcaneum due to sudden severe trauma, e.g. falling from a height or road traffic accident (see duck bill fracture)
calcaneal inclination angle angle subtended by the plane of the plantar aspect of the calcaneum and the support surface, on a lateral radiograph see Figure P2
calcaneodynia mechanical overuse characterized by heel pain extending distally along entire course of plantar fascia, fascial thickening and nodule formation
calcaneofibular ligament; CFL extra-capsular, cord-like ligament crossing ankle and subtalar joints; originates at distal inferior surface of fibula and inserts into tubercle on lateral aspect of calcaneum, deep to the peroneal tendons; strongly resists calcaneal inversion (see Table A9)
calcaneus; calcaneum; heel bone; os calcis largest bone in the rearfoot, forming the heel, articulating at its superior surface with inferior aspect of the talus, and anteriorly with the posterior aspect of cuboid; plantar aspect gives origin to plantar fascia; middle one-third of posterior facet receives insertion of the deep fibres of tendo Achilles; has two centres of ossification – the primary centre within the body of calcaneum, and secondary centre towards posterior aspect of the calcaneum – that unite at approximately 12 years of age (see Table O5)
calciferol vitamin D synthesized within skin under influence of sunlight; see ergocalciferol
calcific tendinosis see insertional Achilles tendinitis
calcification of tissues abnormal deposition of insoluble calcium salts within soft tissues; noted on plain radiograph as irregular, non-corticated and non-trabecular radiopaque areas (see Mönckeberg’s sclerosis)
calcinosis deposition of nodular foci of calcium salts in various tissues, other than the viscera (see CREST)
calf large muscle mass at the posterior aspect of the lower leg
calibration standardization of a measuring instrument against a known reference
calipers jawed calibrated instrument, used to measure distance or diameter
callosity; mechanically induced hyperkeratosis thickening of stratum corneum in response to localized, intermittent, low-grade mechanical trauma, e.g. friction, shear stress, pressure, tension, often associated with lower-limb/foot pathomechanical faults; increased mechanical skin load causes local dermal inflammation, release of growth factors and increased mitosis of overlying epidermal cells, increased epidermal transit rate and imperfect keratinization; immature keratinocytes reach the outer skin surface and fail to desquamate in the normal manner; affected skin areas show increased thickness and inflexibility of stratum corneum, which increases local mechanical trauma, so hyperkeratosis predisposes to further hyperkeratosis formation (i.e. callosity and corn); long-standing dermal inflammation ultimately causes subdermal fibrosis, reducing local shock absorption and increasing tissue stress of overlying epidermis, and further callus formation; mechanical hyperkeratosis is managed by identification and resolution of its cause (i.e. addressing underlying patho-mechanical or dermatological anomalies), sharp debridement or chemical dissolution of accumulated hyperkeratotic plaques, provision of deflecting or antishear padding, and by use of footwear and orthoses that minimize effects of causative trauma
callous relating to bone callus or epidermal callosity
calor heat; one of five cardinal signs of inflammation; causes increased blood flow through inflamed tissues (see inflammation)
calorie unit of heat energy, now replaced in SI notation by the joule (1 joule = 0.24 calories)
candidiasis; candidosis infection with, or disease state caused by, Candida spp.
capillary bed capillaries and their collective fluid volume
capillary haemangioma see granuloma pyogenicum
capillary refill; capillary bed return measure of capillary bed perfusion; digital pressure is applied to the nail plate or distal pulp of a toe and the time in seconds is noted for the return of normal colour/normal perfusion; colour return should be almost immediate; >5 seconds to regain normal perfusion colour is indicative of tissue ischaemia
capsaicin chilli derivative; see rubefacients
capsomere subunit of the viral capsid
capsule dense collagenous connective tissue membrane enveloping an organ, joint or benign tumour
carbidopa formulation of dopamine, used to control symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors see diuretics
carboxylation the addition of CO2 to an organic compound to create a carboxyl (–COOH) group
carbuncle a deep-seated pyogenic infection of skin and local soft tissues
carcinogen any cancer-inducing substance
cardiac arrest cessation of heart function and circulatory collapse; characterized by unconsciousness, pulselessness, rapid fall of blood pressure and oxygen saturation levels; death is imminent unless effective life support is instigated (see basic life support)
cardiac asthma bronchoconstriction and pulmonary oedema secondary to left ventricular failure
cardiac cycle sequence of events that manifests as the ‘heart beat’ (Table C1)
Cardiac event | Electrocardiogram event |
Atrial depolarization Right and left atrial contraction | P wave |
PR interval | |
Ventricular activation Left and right ventricular contraction | QRS complex |
Closure of mitral valve Closure of tricuspid valve Continued ventricular contraction | |
Pulmonary valve opens Aortic valve opens Ventricular ejection | |
Aortic valve closure Pulmonary valve closure Ventricular relaxation Mitral valve opens Tricuspid valve opens |
cardiopulmonary resuscitation; CPR maintenance of circulation of oxygenated blood to the brain during cardiac arrest, by closed chest massage ± assisted respiration (see basic life support; external chest message)
cardiotachography diagnosis of loss of heart rate variability, characteristic of autonomic neuropathy; record of change in heart rate (beats per minute) during deep inspiration and exhalation (normal = 10-beat increase on inspiration), or between heart rate at rest and immediately after standing upright (normal = >12-beat increase on standing) (see autonomic neuropathy; manoeuvre Valsalva’s)
cardioversion restoration of normal sinus heart rhythm by administration of electrical shock (see defibrillation)
carotene plant or animal-derived yellow-red pigments; vitamin A precursors
carotenosis cutis carotene deposition within skin, causing yellow discoloration
carpal tunnel syndrome see syndrome, carpal tunnel
caseation coagulation necrosis characteristic of tuberculous lesions
cast plaster of Paris positive model of a foot; a direct (negative) mould of the foot is made with the foot maintained in the neutral position, and subsequently filled with liquid plaster of Paris that is allowed to set to create model identical to the foot (see Bivalve cast, Negative casting, Table N1)
casted diabetic insoles see insole
casted foot orthoses rigid or semirigid orthoses made to a neutral foot cast (subsequently modified by the addition of expansions and intrinsic posts to control pathomechanical anomalies within the foot and lower limb); see insole
cataract loss of lens transparency; a cause of blindness in diabetes
catecholamines adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine)
cation positively charged ion, attracted to a negatively charged cathode
cationic detergents see detergents
caudal distal end of the spine (opposite: rostral)
caudate nucleus see basal ganglia
causalgia see syndrome, complex regional pain, type 2
caustic strong inorganic acid or alkali, or organic acid (e.g. phenol) applied to soft tissue, e.g. verruca or nail matrix, to cause controlled destruction of that area of tissue; different caustics exert different actions on tissues: silver nitrate forms insoluble chlorides (i.e. creating a barrier to further tissue penetration), nitric acid precipitates albumen (i.e. forming a barrier to further tissue penetration), pyrogallol acts as a reducing agent (i.e. penetrating deep into tissues, and continuing to act for some weeks after the initial application), mono and trichloroacetic acids hydrolyse tissues (soften and penetrate proteins); Table C2 and see Table K1
caustic soda see sodium hydroxide
cavus foot see pes, and Box P2
CE mark logo awarded by the Medical Devices Agency (MDA) denoting that the device manufacturer has been appropriately registered under EEC Directive 93/42 (Box C1)
Box C1 Registration with the Medical Devices Agency (MDA)
cell cytoplasm, containing a nucleus and a variety of organelles, enclosed within a membrane envelop
cell structure common intracellular features (nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane) and organelles (endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, mitochondria, microtubules, Golgi apparatus) which facilitate specialist function (see Table O3)
cellulitis hot, tender area of spreading skin erythema, with associated general malaise and pyrexia, due to a streptococcal infection
central nervous system; CNS brain and spinal cord
centre group of nerve cells governing a specific function
centripetal direction of force pulling an object towards its axis of rotation
centromere primary constriction of a chromosome dividing it into two arms
cephalexin broad-spectrum antimicrobial derived from cephalosporin
cephaloridine broad-spectrum antimicrobial derived from cephalosporin
cerebellar gait ataxic gait (Table C3 and see Table G1)
Table C3 Characteristic symptoms of unilateral cerebellar lesions
Feature | Symptoms |
Posture and gait | Ataxic, broad-based gait Rebound movement against resistance Posture leaning towards the side of the lesions |
Tremor and ataxia | Imprecise weak movements Clumsy disorganized attempts to carry out repetitive movements Tremor of intent (action tremor; past pointing) |
Nystagmus | Coarse eye movements Directed towards the side of the lesion |
Dysarthria | Halting, jerking speech Scanning speech |
Others | Titubation (nodding or side-to-side shaking of head) Hypotonia (floppy limbs) and depressed or pendular lesions |
Table C4 Characteristic limb effects of cerebellar lesions
Characteristic | Muscular effects |
Dyssynergy | Muscular decomposition Accessory muscles used to achieve voluntary movements Wide arc movements and past pointing Aesthenia Hyporeflexia |
Dysrhythmia | Abnormal timing and coupling of voluntary movements Abnormal timing and coupling of voluntary movements during gait |
Dysmetria | The loss of ability to gauge distance and speed, and strength and velocity of voluntary movement The loss of ability to gauge distance and speed, and strength and velocity of voluntary movement during gait |
Abnormal gait | Uncoordinated ataxic gait Wide-based gait Slow, jerky, irregular cadence Variation of stride length and foot placement from step to step, often with loss of balance ‘Double tap’ foot sounds, where foot contact occurs audibly in two phases: heel strike and toe contact Constant postural adjustment |
cerebellum posterior part of brain formed of right and left hemispheres united by the vermis; located superior to the pons and medulla and inferior to the posterior area of the cerebrum; it coordinates voluntary motor activity via afferent input (from proprioceptive organs in joints and muscles, the corticospinal system, basal ganglia, vestibular and olivary nuclei) and efferent output to the red nuclei, the vestibular nuclei, the basal ganglia and the corticospinal system; lateral lobe of each cerebellar hemisphere coordinates movement of ipsilateral limbs; vermis coordinates maintenance of axial (midline) posture and balance; any interruption to normal cerebellar function or its connections is characterized by impaired coordination of voluntary movement
cerebral hemisphere large mass of the telencephalon either side of the midline, consisting of paired cerebral cortices and their fibre systems together with the corpus striatum
cerebral palsy chronic disorder of motor function, with associated impaired mental ability in 60% of cases; becomes evident during second year of life, but present since, or before, birth; associated with birth injury, premature birth or perinatal brain anoxia; presents as upper motor neurone lesion of variable severity (depending on cause) affecting pyramidal tracts and/or extrapyramidal tract function, with loss of motor control and characteristic limb effects (Tables C5 and C6; see mixed cerebral palsy)
Table C5 Effects of spastic cerebral palsy in the lower limb
Limb area | Effects |
Limb muscle | Tone much reduced; bulk somewhat reduced; thin limbs |
Limb movement | Asymmetrical movements |
Normal childhood milestones not met/much delayed | |
Reflexes | Exaggerated (hyperreflexia); clonus; extensor plantar response |
Hips | Internal rotation due to hip flexor and adductor spasticity |
Knees | Toe walking due to knee flexor and foot extensor spasticity |
Gait | Scissors gait |
Table C6 Types and effects of cerebral palsy (CP)
Type of CP (prevalence) | Site of brain injury | Clinical effect |
Spastic CP (70%) Monoplegia/hemiplegia Paraplegia/quadriplegia | Motor cortex Motor cortices | Spasticity of limb/ipsilateral limbs Spasticity of both arms/both legs |
Athetoid CP (10–20%) | Basal ganglia lesion | Uncontrolled/uncoordinated movements |
Ataxic CP (5–10%) | Cerebellar lesion | Non-coordination of movements/balance |
Mixed CP (10%) | Combined lesion | Spastic/athetoid effects |
cerebrospinal fluid fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord
Chaddock reflex see response, Chaddock
Charcot foot gross midfoot deformity secondary to distal autonomic and/or sensory neuropathy; early-stage symptoms include swelling and mild inflammation, and possible discomfort; differential diagnosis should exclude osteomyelitis; see Charcot neuroarthropathy
Charcot–Marie–Tooth (CMT) disease see disease, Charcot–Marie–Tooth
Table C7 Classification of Charcot neuroarthropathy
Stage | Characteristics |
0 | Clinical symptoms only: erythema, oedema, increased temperature (>2°c difference) |
I | Developmental: generalized bone demineralization, periarticular fragmentation, loose-body formation, joint dislocation |
II | Coalescent: organization and healing of fracture fragments, periosteal new bone formation, resorption of bone debris |
III | Reconstruction/consolidation: greater definition of bone contours, reconstruction or ankylosis of involved bone |
Charcot restraint orthotic walker; CROW custom-made boot incorporating a total contact cast; worn after initial oedema has subsided, allowing the patient to remain weight-bearing during the natural course of the disease yet minimizing trauma to the affected area (Figure C1)
cheater Akin procedure Akin medial basal wedge-closing osteotomy to proximal phalanx of hallux, without preoperative great-toe deformity; part of surgical metatarsus primus varus reduction, to achieve normal postoperative first-ray alignment
chemical cautery topical application of strong caustics to destroy skin cells or neoplasms, e.g. verrucae; the stronger the caustic, the greater the degree of tissue destruction caused; cauterizing chemicals include monochloroacetic acid, pyrogallic acid, potassium hydroxide, 40–70% salicylic acid, >25% silver nitrate (Table C9)
Table C9 Factors that should be considered in the use of chemical cauterizing agents to destroy verrucae
Factor | Comment |
Lesion site | Superficial lesion, non-weight-bearing skin – use liquid caustics 20% salicylic acid in collodion Trichloroacetic acid, saturated solution (+75% sliver nitrate) Deeper lesion, weight-bearing skin, good fibrofatty padding – either liquid or solid caustics Monochloroacetic acid, saturated solution 40–70% salicylic acid ointment |
Number and size of lesions | Large lesions: ointment-based caustics 40–70% salicylic acid ointment Smaller and satellite lesions: caustic solutions Alternating layers of trichloroacetic acid, saturated solution and 75% silver nitrate |
Skin texture | Sweaty or hyperhidrotic skin Padding cannot be retained in situ Fair skin or atopic individuals; atrophic or dry skin Tend to overreact/undergo tissue breakdown, to applied caustics |
Circulation | Reduced arterial supply (diabetes, atherosclerosis) Caustics may cause ulceration or predispose to infection as healing response is depressed (use astringents or mild keratolytics) Impaired venous or lymphatic drainage (oedematous tissues) Avoid strong caustics (use astringent agents or mild keratolytics) |
Neuropathy | Impaired pain awareness (as in diabetic neuropathy) Do not use caustics (use astringents or mild keratolytics) |
Availability | Strong acids should not be used unless both practitioner and patient are available for emergency appointments Caustics may not be treatment of choice if patient cannot return weekly for ongoing treatments (consider a ‘one-off’ treatment, e.g. cryotherapy) Opt for self-applied milder, topical ongoing treatments, if in patient’s best interests |
Age | Strong caustics should be avoided in young patients with a low pain threshold Caustics that require padding to be retained in situ between treatments may be contraindicated in patients who cannot keep foot dry (e.g. swimmers) |
Previous treatments | It is pointless continuing with a treatment that has already proved to be ineffective, or has caused an adverse reaction |
Single treatments | Verrucae pedis do not often respond to a single treatment, but methods include: • Cryotherapy (application of liquid nitrogen, optimally every 3 weeks; ice ball must extend beyond lesion edge; contraindicated in patients with peripheral vascular disease) • Electrosurgery (peripheral tissues must also be removed in order to clear all virally infected cells; requires local anaesthesia; contraindicated in patients with peripheral vascular disease or those with an indwelling pacemaker) |
Alternative treatments | Alternative treatments may be indicated for cases that have not responded to other forms of treatment: many of these therapies have not been tested by formal research Thuja tincture: painted on lesion once or twice a day Kalanchoe leaves: fleshy leaves split open and fleshy pulp left in situ on lesion; changed every 24–48 hours Tea tree oil: painted on lesion daily, and covered Banana skin: small piece of banana skin cut to size of lesion and strapped in place, pith side against lesion; changed every 24–48 hours |
chemical disinfection destruction of microorganisms by chemical agents whose effectiveness is determined by concentration (manufacturers’ dilution guidelines must be followed exactly to ensure effectiveness), shelf-life (solutions must be used within a finite time after being made up), local environment (e.g. hard water, traces of contaminants [detergents, soap, organic or body tissue, cork, cellulose/cotton wool within the solution]) may all decrease disinfectant effectiveness (Table C10)
Table C10 Types of chemical disinfectant agents
Agent | Comment |
Phenolic compounds | Widely effective against bacteria and fungi; little action against viruses Used as a 2% v/v solution to disinfect soiled but not blood-contaminated items and a 1% v/v solution for non-soiled items Inactivated by blood and cationic detergents (not inactivated by other organic materials or anionic/non-ionic detergents) ‘Coal tar derivative’ types are suitable for floor cleaning ‘Pine’ types are poor disinfectants and unsuitable for clinical use |
Chlorine compounds, e.g. hypochlorites; dichloroisocyanurates (NaDCC) | Effective against microorganisms and viruses, including blood-borne viruses Easily inactivated by blood and organic matter, thus items must be washed first, before being disinfected with chlorine-containing products Used as 0.1% (1000 ppm) solution routinely in the clinic, but as a 1% solution (10 000 ppm) to clean up after blood spillages Manufactured as concentrates (10% solutions), powders or tablets which are dissolved as necessary for immediate use Note: • 1 volume of 10% concentrate is diluted with 99 volumes of water to form a solution that contains 0.1% (1000 ppm) available chlorine • 1 volume of 10% concentrate is diluted with 9 volumes of water to form a solution that contains 1% (10 000 ppm) available chlorine |
Iodine compounds | Alcoholic solutions of iodine are effective disinfectants, but cause skin irritation and staining Iodophores (organic complexes containing iodine, e.g. povidone-iodine) are equally effective but less irritant and staining Iodophores have a wide spectrum of action against bacteria, fungi, viruses and spore forms, and are used for preoperative skin preparation and wound care |
Alcohols | Ethyl and isopropyl alcohol have a wide spectrum of action and a rapid onset of effect; they are not very effective against viruses They are prepared as aqueous solutions (70% ethanol in water to 100%; 60–70% isopropyl alcohol in water to 100%) They are used for the rapid disinfection of clean skin (alcohol hand gels) and hard surfaces (alcohol-impregnated disposable tissues) They are used in combination with other antimicrobial agents |
Biguanide compounds, e.g. chlorhexidine | Effective against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, but poor action against viruses Their effectiveness is enhanced and more rapid in onset when diluted with alcohol (0.5% chlorhexidine in 70% isopropyl alcohol) Inactivated by soap and anionic detergent; not recommended for general environmental use Widely used in skin preparation, as alcohol or cationic detergent-based products |
Triclosan (2,4,4′- thrichlor-2′-hydroxydiphenylether) | Effective against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, with little reported toxicity Prepared as alcoholic and aqueous solutions |
Quaternary ammonium compounds | A group of disinfecting agents with surfactant properties Active against Gram-positive bacteria, but have little action against other microorganisms 5% Cetrimide mixed with 0.5.% chlorhexidine is used as a wound-cleansing agent |
Glutaraldehyde | A widely effective disinfectant, with good antiviral and sporicidal action, but which is irritant to skin (thus immersed items should be rinsed in sterile water). It is no longer routinely used in podiatry For disinfection, the item should be immersed in the solution for 20–30 minutes For sterilization, the item should be immersed in the solution for 3–10 hours |
Hexachlorophene | Effective against Gram-positive bacteria, but little action against other microorganisms It has largely been replaced by chlorhexidine or povidone-iodine |
chemoreceptors cells, or groups of cell membrane molecules, which initiate nerve action potentials
cherry angioma small, circumscribed haemangioma
chevron transpositional osteot-omy see Austin osteotomy
chief complaint; CC primary subjective symptom reported by the patient
chilblain; perniosis cold-induced skin lesion characterized by marked inflammation, affecting peripheral tissues (fingers, toes, heel, lower legs, nose, tips of ears) especially in areas of skin exposed to cold draughts, in susceptible people; presents in four phases (Table C11); treatment is tailored to the phase of presentation; patients at risk of chilblain are advised to keep feet and legs warm (wear soft, multilayered leg clothing, roomy shoes with thermal insoles), avoid draughts and never immerse cold feet in hot water; systemic beta-blockers should be avoided, especially in winter
Table C11 Characteristic stages and treatments of chilblain
Presentation (phase) of chilling | Treatment |
Initial cold phase | |
Affected areas of skin are very cold, pale and cyanosed | Topical application of rubefacients, e.g. iodine or methyl salicylate ointments |
Acute inflammatory chilblains | |
Affected areas become acutely inflamed, tender, itchy and burning with associated local oedema or blistering (i.e. hyperaemic) | Topical application of cooling lotions, e.g. hamamelis water, Burow’s solution |
Chronic inflammatory chilblains | |
Affected areas show chronic inflammation | Topical application of rubefacients, e.g. weak iodine, methyl salicylate ointments Gentle soft-tissue massage (see iodine) |
Broken chilblains; ulcerative chilblains | |
The skin overlying the area of chilling undergoes breakdown as the result of the severity of the initially chilling and subsequent acute inflammatory response; the chilled areas weep serous fluid and are at risk of infection | Topical applications of antiseptic rubefacient medicaments, e.g. weak iodine or Betadine solution Regular dressings and review until areas healed |
childhood osteomalacia see rickets
Chirocaine see levobupivacaine
chlorpromazine antipsychotic agent (Largactil) with antiadrenergic and anticholinergic actions; shows a wide range of adverse effects (e.g. extrapyramidal symptoms [drug-induced parkinsonism, dystonia, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia], hypotension, altered temperature regulation [hypothermia; hyperthermia], insomnia, agitation, convulsions); also used to control neuropathic and chronic pain states
chondral modelling phenomenon the rate of bone formation from hyaline cartilage (i.e. articular cartilage, epiphyseal plates, tendon and ligament insertions, apophyseal plates, endplates within symphyses and sesamoids) is directly proportional to exerted and imposed load (see Table B6)
chondrification conversion to cartilage
chrondritis inflammation of cartilage
chondroblast cartilage-forming cell
chondroblastoma uncommon, painful or asymptomatic benign bone lesion of knee, talus and calcaneum, presenting on radiograph as a clearly defined round or oval bone lesion with a sclerotic border (see Table B5)
chondrocalcinosis cartilage calcification
articular chondrocalcinosis deposition of crystalline calcium hypophosphate within synovial fluid, articular cartilage and adjacent soft tissues; characterized by acute, gout-like pain, inflammation and swelling
chondroma benign cartilage neoplasm
chondromalacia patellae retropatellar cartilage degeneration and damage, secondary to patellar tracking disorders; characterized by patellar misalignment and recurrent subluxation; exacerbating factors include increased Q angle, vastus medialis weakness, lower-limb malalignments, increased tibial torsion and excessive foot pronation (see Table K2); presents as deep anterior-knee pain, soft-tissue (knee) and synovial fluid effusion, and weakness of vastus medialis; severe cases show positive patellofemoral ‘grinding’ test (see test, Clarke’s); axial radiographs show osteophyte formation; treatment includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, patella-stabilizing splints, RICE(P), ultrasound, antipronatory insoles, activity modification, specific quadriceps exercises and iliotibial band stretches; arthroscopic debridement of deep surface of patella may be indicated, and surgical release and realignment of vastus medialis may be required
chondrosarcoma malignant neoplasm of cartilage, arising near ends of long bones, talus or calcaneum; presenting in older adults and only rarely in children; characterized by dull pain and swelling, bone matrix calcification, endosteal scalloping, local cortical thinning and expansion and soft-tissue involvement; difficult to diagnose from radiographs (see Table B5)
chorea irregular, spasmodic, involuntary movements of limbs or facial muscles

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