CHAPTER 31 Brain and cerebrospinal fluid
Chapter contents
Tumours of the central nervous system (CNS) account for 1.6% of cancers in England and Wales; however, due to the high mortality of many of the common brain tumours, they account for a substantial burden in years of life lost. The annual incidence of primary CNS tumours in adults in England and Wales is approximately 6500, of which 58% are reported to be ‘malignant’ (WHO grade III or IV).1,2
The current national guidelines for CNS tumours recommend that all patients with brain tumours are cared for by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) with core members including a neuropathologist.1 Patients should be discussed where possible by the MDT prior to surgery to allow selection of cases for intraoperative neuropathological assessment. Intraoperative assessment can be particularly useful when stereotactic biopsies are being taken, to ensure adequate material has been obtained for subsequent definitive histology. Intraoperative pathology can also assist the surgeon in the management of the patient during the operation. In rare cases, the intraoperative assessment may be used to guide postoperative management, while awaiting definitive paraffin section histological diagnosis.
Intraoperative neuropathological techniques
A variety of techniques may be used, including frozen section histology and smears or imprint cytology. Frozen section is superior to smear cytology for the assessment of architectural features; however, smear cytology allows better demonstration of nuclear morphology, which can be particularly useful in distinguishing astrocytic and oligodendroglial neoplasms.3 A danger of using frozen sections is that, although the block used to prepare a frozen section can be retained for subsequent formalin-fixed, paraffin wax embedded sections, tissue that has been previously frozen can show substantial freezing artefact. Cytological techniques are more rapid than frozen sections, and use relatively little tissue. Where there is sufficient material to perform both techniques, they should be considered to be complementary.
Intraoperative neuropathological cytology techniques
This chapter focuses on smear preparations, which are the most widely used cytological technique in intraoperative neuropathology. An alternative technique is the touch (imprint) cell preparation, which can be useful particularly when the cells within the lesion are discohesive.4
The cytological assessment of fluid from cystic brain lesions may also be performed intraoperatively. However, this has been shown to have a high false negative rate, and, therefore, is not used routinely.5
Cytology of the normal brain
When looking at a brain smear, it is essential to know the approximate location of the lesion. Different parts of the normal brain have very different appearances on smear cytology, and it is important not to misinterpret these as pathological findings. For example, the granular cell layer of the cerebellum smears out as a monolayer of small cells with round nuclei and scanty cytoplasm. This appearance could mimic a lymphocytic infiltrate (Fig. 31.1A). Normal white matter will usually produce a relatively even smear, with low cellularity and evenly spaced out cells (Fig. 31.1B). Smears from the cortex or from deep grey nuclei will show similar features, with interspersed neurones, the size and shape of which will vary depending on the location (Fig. 31.1C). The neuropil in grey matter tends to have a ‘fluffy’ appearance.
Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes
Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes are the other main cellular constituent of brain tissue. It is not always possible on a smear to determine with certainty the identity of individual cells. Oligodendrocytes tend to have small round nuclei with dense chromatin.6 Astrocytic nuclei tend to be larger, round to ovoid, and have less dense chromatin.5 Sometimes the cytoplasm of an astrocyte and its associated cellular processes will be visible (Fig. 31.2A).
Reactive processes
Reactive astrogliosis is a non-specific phenomenon, occurring in reaction to almost any neuropathological process, including neoplasms, infections, infarction, demyelination and trauma. Reactive astrogliosis produces a mildly hypercellular smear in which astrocytes are prominent, evenly spaced and have complex cytoplasmic processes. The nuclei may be larger than normal, but should still have a delicate chromatin pattern and smooth nuclear membrane (Fig. 31.2A, B). The glial stroma is dense.
Non-neoplastic conditions
Bacterial abscess
Bacterial abscesses are an important clinical and radiological mimic of neoplastic lesions. A mature bacterial abscess typically has a central necrotic region, a rim of reactive tissue with fibrosis and a peripheral zone of gliotic brain tissue with oedema. Smear cytology findings will depend on which region of an abscess is sampled; however, neutrophils tend to be prominent in all areas (Fig. 31.3A). The central zone will contain pus. The reactive rim will contain newly formed capillaries and macrophages in addition to acute inflammatory cells. A sampling of the surrounding reactive tissue may not be diagnostic.
Tuberculosis is an important cause of infection of the central nervous system. Suspected cases should not usually undergo frozen section, due to the risk to laboratory staff; however, smear cytology with appropriate health and safety precautions may be undertaken. Necrotic tissue, epithelioid macrophages, and multinucleated giant cells may be seen (Fig. 31.3B,C). Epithelioid macrophages may resemble the epithelial cells of a metastatic carcinoma.7
Other infections
Fungal infection may produce a granulomatous pattern of inflammation. The presence of a mixed inflammatory infiltrate including multinucleated giant cells in a smear should raise the possibility of fungal infection. Although typically the organism will be identified on paraffin sections rather than cytological specimens, fungal elements may be seen on smear. Fungi that infect the central nervous system may produce hyphae (Aspergillus, Mucor), pseudohyphae (Candida), or yeasts (Cryptococcus).7 In histoplasmosis the organisms are characteristically found within macrophages.
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a particular challenge intraoperatively, and correlation with clinical and radiological findings is critical. PML is a demyelinating condition caused by the JC papovavirus in immunocompromised patients. A wide spectrum of pathology may be seen, including reactive astrocytosis and foamy macrophage infiltration, atypical virally transformed astrocytes and infected oligodendrocytes with enlarged glassy nuclei. A population of lymphocytes may also be seen. A rare eosinophil rich variant also exists. Given the associated astrocytic atypia, it is easy to misdiagnose PML as a malignant astrocytic tumour if the diagnosis is not considered.
A typical infarct would not be subject to biopsy; however, infarcts occasionally clinically and radiologically mimic a neoplasm, and may be encountered as intraoperative smears. Approximately 12 hours after an infarct, ischaemic changes can be seen in neurones. These cells become shrunken and eosinophilic. The nuclei of glial cells also degenerate. Within the first 5 days, there is an infiltrate of neutrophils. Later, there will be an infiltrate of foamy macrophages (Fig. 31.4), and adjacent astrocytes will undergo reactive changes. The infarct induces in-growth of newly formed capillaries.
The WHO Classification2 divides tumours of the central nervous system into four grades, with grade I having the most benign natural history, and grade IV the most aggressive. Unfortunately, the traditional concepts of benign and malignant can be difficult to apply meaningfully to tumours of the central nervous system. The adult brain is housed in the bony cranium, with relatively little capacity for deformation by underlying tumour, resulting in the potential for raised intracranial pressure and compression of vital structures, regardless of the degree of histological atypia of the underlying tumour. Thus the prognosis for an individual patient depends on the location of the lesion as well as the histological type and grade. Most glial tumours have an infiltrative nature, which precludes surgical cure.
Diffusely infiltrating astrocytic tumours
Glioblastoma may arise de novo (primary glioblastoma) without any previous history to suggest a lower grade precursor tumour, or may evolve from a diffusely infiltrating astrocytoma (WHO grade II) or anaplastic astrocytoma (WHO grade III) (Fig. 31.5). It is very rare for pilocytic astrocytoma to transform into a higher grade lesion, and if the clinical history suggests such a transformation, cautious review of the original biopsy would be warranted.
Glioblastoma, also known as glioblastoma multiforme is, as its name suggests, a tumour characterised by a wide variety of morphologies, both between different tumours, and within the same tumour. It is defined as a WHO grade IV, diffusely infiltrating astrocytic tumour with nuclear pleomorphism, mitotic activity and necrosis and/or vascular endothelial hyperplasia.
Glioblastomas range from tumours composed of small cells with high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and relatively little specific evidence of differentiation (Fig. 31.6A), to giant cell forms with abundant GFAP-positive cytoplasm (Fig. 31.6B). Many are somewhere between these two extremes, consisting of moderate sized cells with elongated nuclei set within a fibrillary stroma (Fig. 31.6C). On intraoperative smear the full range of morphology seen on histology can be represented. Polarisation may help to reveal a fibrillary stroma, which should have a finer texture than the vessel associated collagen, which may be more prominent. Mitotic activity, necrosis and vascular endothelial hyperplasia are all supportive features (Fig. 31.6D); however, such features may not be seen, which may be due to sampling artifact, and their absence is not diagnostic of a low-grade tumour. In some cases it may only be possible to diagnose an astrocytic tumour, with grading awaiting paraffin sections.
Cytological findings: glioblastoma
Diagnostic pitfalls: glioblastoma
Diffuse astrocytoma, WHO grade II
There are several morphological variants of diffuse astrocytoma: fibrillary astrocytoma, gemistocytic astrocytoma and protoplasmic astrocytoma. The most common form is fibrillary astrocytoma, in which astrocytic cells with mildly atypical nuclei and poorly discernible cytoplasm are set within a fibrillary stroma (Fig. 31.7A). The stroma is often microcystic. Mitotic activity is minimal, and necrosis and vascular endothelial hyperplasia absent. On smear, the fibrillary stroma is prominent. The cellularity may be only slightly greater than that of normal brain, and in some cases it may be necessary to wait for paraffin sections to confirm neoplasia.
Gemistocytic astrocytomas contain prominent astrocytes with abundant eccentric eosinophilic cytoplasm. This subtype of astrocytoma, while remaining grade II, has a more aggressive natural history than other types of grade II astrocytoma. The gemistocytic cells are prominent in smears (Fig. 31.7B).
Protoplasmic astrocytoma is a rare subtype composed of astrocytes with monomorphous rounded nuclei and scanty cytoplasm with few processes, set within a stroma rich in mucoid microcysts.2
Anaplastic astrocytoma, WHO grade III
Anaplastic astrocytoma, WHO grade III, shows features of a diffusely infiltrating astrocytic tumour, set within a fibrillary stroma; however, mitotic activity is more prominent than in a grade II astrocytoma (Fig. 31.7). The WHO Classification is vague about the mitotic rate cut-off between grade II and III astrocytic tumours (which may be reasonable as the distinction is an arbitrary definition within a spectrum of malignancy). Finding any identifiable mitotic figures in a smear should raise concern regarding atypia, and if more than one or two mitoses are seen, I would regard this as favouring anaplasia. Necrosis and vascular endothelial hyperplasia (in the absence of previous intervention) are not present by definition.
Circumscribed astrocytic tumours
Pilocytic astrocytoma
Pilocytic astrocytoma is a slowly growing, frequently cystic WHO grade I tumour most frequently found in children and adolescents. The posterior fossa is a common site of origin. The tumour tends to have a biphasic architecture, with areas of differing cellularity. This may be reflected in the smear. The neoplastic cells of pilocytic astrocytoma have fine bipolar processes. The nuclei are usually relatively monomorphous and have a delicate chromatin pattern;5 however, in longstanding lesions nuclear pleomorphism may be prominent, and is not of prognostic significance.
Rosenthal fibres are eosinophilic on H&E stained smears, and stain blue with toluidine blue. They are frequent in pilocytic astrocytomas. Granular eosinophilic bodies are also supportive of the diagnosis of a circumscribed astrocytoma (Fig. 31.8).
Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA)
Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) is a rare WHO grade I periventricular tumour found in patients with tuberous sclerosis. The neoplastic cells are large and intermediate in morphology between astrocytes and neurones.11 These cells will be conspicuous on intraoperative smear.
Oligodendrogliomas are less common than astrocytic tumours. They are typically cerebral tumours in adults. Most oligodendrogliomas are WHO grade II tumours; however, they may evolve into, or present de novo, as anaplastic oligodendroglioma, WHO grade III. Oligodendrogliomas are frequently calcified, which can produce a gritty feel when performing the smear;9 however, calcification is not seen in all oligodendrogliomas, and not all calcified gliomas are oligodendroglial.
The characteristic hallmark of oligodendroglioma in paraffin sections is the prominent zone of perinuclear clearing. This is a fixation artefact, and is not usually seen in smears or frozen sections, making diagnosis more difficult. The smear should, however, show a fine network of thin-walled capillaries with a wide branching angle, tumour cells with rounded nuclei and mildly clumped chromatin, and (in contrast to astrocytic tumours) little fibrillary stroma (Fig. 31.9A). The tumour cells usually have scanty cytoplasm; however, a population of ‘mini-gemistocytes’, cells with rounded nuclei and a bulge of glial fibrillary acidic protein containing cytoplasm without extensive processes may be seen. Oligodendrogliomas are frequently calcified; however, calcification is not seen in all oligodendrogliomas, and not all calcified gliomas are oligodendroglial.
Typical grade II oligodendrogliomas do not show necrosis or vascular endothelial hyperplasia, and mitotic activity is minimal. Anaplastic oligodendrogliomas, WHO grade III have more irregular, hyperchromatic nuclei with coarser chromatin, show substantial mitotic activity, and may show necrosis and/or vascular endothelial hyperplasia. The cytoplasm may be more prominent in anaplastic oligodendrogliomas, and the nuclei less round, and there is a spectrum of smear morphology between anaplastic oligodendroglioma and malignant astrocytic tumours (Fig. 31.9B). Definite diagnosis in such cases may require paraffin sections, and may depend on cytogenetic testing for loss of regions of chromosomes 1p and 19q (a pattern typical of oligodendroglial tumours).
Ependymomas are typically slowly growing tumours in children and young adults, arising around the ventricles or in the spinal cord. They are usually WHO grade II; however, an anaplastic grade III variant occurs, as do the grade I variants myxopapillary ependymoma (in the cauda equina region) and subependymoma.2
Ependymomas are usually moderately cellular, and have monomorphous oval nuclei with granular chromatin. Nuclear grooves have been reported to be more frequent in ependymoma than in other common brain tumours.12
Tumours showing neuronal differentiation
Primitive neuroectodermal tumours
PNETs usually smear as densely cellular monolayers with oval or carrot-shaped nuclei and scanty cytoplasm (Fig. 31.10).13 The chromatin pattern is finely granular, and the nuclei are moderately pleomorphic. Mitotic activity may be prominent, and necrosis may be seen. Neuroblastic rosettes may be identified.

Fig. 31.10 Smear of medulloblastoma.
(Courtesy of Dr T S Jacques, Institute of Child Health, London.)
Cytological findings: primitive neuroectodermal tumours
Central neurocytoma
Central neurocytoma is a tumour composed of sheets of monomorphous small neuronal cells resembling granular cell neurons with rounded nuclei, delicate chromatin, and scanty cytoplasm set within a variably abundant neuropil stroma.16 It is usually found in the lateral ventricles, is associated with a good prognosis, and is a WHO grade II lesion.
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour
The situation is even more difficult on intraoperative smear. In an appropriate clinical and radiological context finding a population of small, round oligodendroglial-like cells associated with spaces containing ‘floating neurons’ on a smear would be supportive of a diagnosis of DNET.17 Great caution should be exercised in making such a diagnosis in the absence of supportive clinical/radiological features. It is very difficult to reliably establish intraoperatively whether a neurone is a ‘floating neurone’ in a DNET, or whether the neurone is an entrapped non-neoplastic neurone at the edge of a diffusely infiltrating glioma.
Choroid plexus
A well-differentiated choroid plexus papilloma will look similar to normal choroid plexus, so care should be taken not to misinterpret a fragment of non-neoplastic choroid plexus as part of a choroid plexus tumour. On smear choroid plexus papillomas usually show bland epithelial cells surrounding fibrovascular cores (Fig. 31.11).18
Choroid plexus carcinoma will have smear features of a papillary carcinoma.
There are currently 15 histological subtypes of meningioma recognised by the WHO Classification.2 Nine of the subtypes are by definition WHO grade I (meningothelial, fibrous, transitional, psammomatous, angiomatous, microcystic, secretory, lymphoplasmacyte-rich, metaplastic). Three subtypes are defined as grade II (chordoid, clear cell, atypical), and three as WHO grade III (papillary, rhabdoid, anaplastic).
Particularly useful features on smear are lobules (Fig. 31.12A) and whorls of meningothelial cells (Fig. 31.12B) and psammoma bodies (Fig. 31.12C).
It should be noted that nuclear pleomorphism, a feature that may be striking in some meningioma smears, is not part of the diagnostic criteria for atypia. Figure 31.12D shows a smear of a durally-based tumour which had prominent nuclear pleomorphism, raising the possibility of a sarcoma, metastatic tumour, or of a higher grade meningioma. Although there was a hint of lobularity in this case, nucleoli were only small, and mitotic activity was inconspicuous. In such a case it is not possible to give a definite report of meningioma intraoperatively, and paraffin sections are required to judge the architecture and immunophenotype. In this case paraffin sections confirmed a microcystic meningioma, WHO grade I. It is common for microcystic and angiomatous meningiomas to show a greater degree of nuclear pleomorphism than would be expected for their grade or degree of mitotic activity.
Papillary meningiomas are a rare subtype characterised by pseudopapillary architecture, and aggressive behaviour, leading to systemic metastasis in approximately 20% of patients.2 Papillary meningiomas may mimic other papillary/pseudopapillary tumours (such as metastatic papillary carcinoma and choroid plexus tumours). Intraoperatively it would usually only be possible to report such a lesion as a papillary tumour, which, given the location, would be compatible with a papillary meningioma, and await paraffin sections and immunocytochemistry for further assessment.
Cytological findings: meningioma
Schwannomas are benign nerve sheath tumours occurring most frequently on the vestibular nerve. Schwannomas are typically difficult to smear and the bulk of the material sticks together as impenetrable lumps on the slide. Usually a small amount of material escapes from the tumour with firm smearing to demonstrate fascicles of spindle-shaped cells (Fig. 31.13). Haemosiderin is often present.

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