Biological Membranes

Chapter 12 Biological Membranes

All cells are surrounded by a plasma membrane, and eukaryotes (but not prokaryotes) have membrane-bounded organelles as well.

The terms plasma membrane and cell wall, so often confused by students, refer to very different structures. The plasma membrane is as thin and fragile as a soap bubble, yet it forms an effective diffusion barrier. It consists of lipids and proteins.

The cell wall, on the other hand, is strong and stiff and maintains the shape of the cell. Plants and bacteria have a cell wall that is made of tough polysaccharides such as cellulose or peptidoglycan, but humans do not. Human cells are kept in shape by the cytoskeleton instead, and human tissues derive mechanical strength from the extracellular matrix. This chapter introduces the structure and properties of cellular membranes.

Phosphoglycerides are the most abundant membrane lipids

Phosphoglycerides account for more than half of all lipids in most membranes (see Fig. 12.1). Their parent compound is phosphatidic acid, or phosphatidate. It looks similar to a triglyceride but with the third fatty acid of the triglyceride replaced by phosphate:

The major membrane phosphoglycerides have a second alcohol bound to the phosphate group in phosphatidic acid, and they are named as derivatives of phosphatidic acid (phosphatidyl-) (Fig. 12.2).

The variable alcohol that is bound to the phosphate either is charged or has a high hydrogen bonding potential. Together with the negatively charged phosphate, it forms the hydrophilic head group of the molecule, whereas the fatty acids form two hydrophobic tails. The fatty acid in position 1 usually is saturated, and that in position 2 is unsaturated.

Two less common phosphoglycerides are shown in Figure 12.3. Cardiolipin (diphosphatidylglycerol) is common only in the inner mitochondrial membrane. The widespread plasmalogens, usually with ethanolamine in their head group, are defined by the presence of an α-β unsaturated fatty alcohol, rather than a fatty acid residue, in position 1. In addition to their function as membrane lipids, phospholipids can play other specialized roles in the body (Clinical Example 12.1).

Most sphingolipids are glycolipids

Sphingosine is an 18-carbon amino alcohol with hydroxyl groups at carbons 1 and 3, an amino group at carbon 2, and a long hydrocarbon tail. Ceramide consists of sphingosine and a long-chain (C-18 to C-24) fatty acid bound to the amino group of sphingosine by an amide bond (Fig. 12.4).

The membrane sphingolipids contain a variable hydrophilic head group covalently bound to the C-1 hydroxyl group of ceramide. Like the phosphoglycerides, the sphingolipids have two hydrophobic tails. One is a fatty acid residue, and the other is the hydrocarbon tail of sphingosine.

Sphingomyelin (Fig. 12.5), which has the same head group as phosphatidylcholine in Figure 12.2, is the only important phosphosphingolipid. All other sphingolipids are glycolipids. The most complex glycosphingolipids are the gangliosides. They contain between one and four residues of the acidic sugar derivative N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA) in terminal positions of their oligosaccharide chain:

Glycosphingolipids are most abundant in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, where their carbohydrate heads face the extracellular environment. Sphingomyelin and galactocerebroside (the latter partly in a sulfated form) are important constituents of myelin, and gangliosides and galactocerebroside are most abundant in the gray matter of the brain.

Membrane lipids form a bilayer

The hydrophilic head groups of the membrane lipids interact with water, whereas the hydrophobic tails avoid water. Rather than dissolving in water as individual molecules, the membrane lipids form noncovalent aggregates (Fig. 12.6).

Most polar lipids, including ordinary detergents, form globular micelles. Monolayers form only at aqueous/nonaqueous interfaces (e.g., between water and air), whereas bilayers are surrounded by water on both sides. All biological membranes contain a lipid bilayer as their structural backbone. The bilayer is held together by hydrophobic interactions between the hydrocarbon tails of the membrane lipids.

The geometry of the lipid molecules determines whether a bilayer or a globular micelle forms. A bilayer is formed only if the cross-sectional area of the head groups matches that of the hydrophobic tails. For example, if one of the fatty acids is removed from phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) by the enzyme phospholipase A2, the hydrophobic portion becomes too thin. The resulting lysolecithin no longer fits into a bilayer but forms micelles instead. Phospholipase A2 occurs in some snake venoms. It causes hemolysis by hydrolyzing phosphoglycerides in the red blood cell membrane.

The lipid bilayer is a two-dimensional fluid

A lipid bilayer cannot exist as a flat sheet because its hydrophobic core would be exposed to the surrounding water at the edges. Therefore pieces of lipid bilayer tend to close in on themselves to form vesicles. For the same reason, any tear or hole in the bilayer is energetically unfavorable and is liable to close spontaneously. As a result, membranes are self-sealing.

Lipid bilayers are easily deformed even by slight forces. The hydrophobic tails of the lipids can merrily wriggle around, and each molecule is free to diffuse laterally in the plane of the bilayer. Lateral diffusion proceeds at a speed of about 2 μm/s in artificial bilayers.

When a synthetic lipid bilayer that contains only one lipid is cooled, it “freezes” at a well-defined temperature. Above the phase transition, the lipids move around like people on a busy town square, but below the transition they are immobile like a platoon of soldiers standing at attention.

Real membranes contain a mixture of many different lipids along with proteins, and the phase transition is gradual. At ordinary body temperature, membranes behave like a viscous liquid.

Long, saturated fatty acid chains in the membrane lipids make the membrane more rigid because they align themselves in parallel, forming multiple van der Waals interactions. Unsaturated fatty acids destabilize this orderly alignment because their cis double bonds introduce kinks in the hydrocarbon chain (Fig. 12.7). Therefore a high content of unsaturated fatty acid residues makes the membrane more fluid.

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in BIOCHEMISTRY | Comments Off on Biological Membranes

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