The Endocrine System
Figure 15.1 Normal pituitary gland, gross The normal adult pituitary, situated in the sella turcica, weighs about 1 g. Embryologically, the anterior pituitary (▼) (adenohypophysis) is derived from an upward…
Figure 15.1 Normal pituitary gland, gross The normal adult pituitary, situated in the sella turcica, weighs about 1 g. Embryologically, the anterior pituitary (▼) (adenohypophysis) is derived from an upward…
Figure 6.1 Normal tongue, gross Viewed superiorly, the abundant submucosal lymphoid tissue (lingual tonsil) gives the posterior tongue (♦) a lobulated surface. The small indentation at the posterior tongue represents…
Figure 19.1 Normal brain, gross The superior aspect at the vertex of an adult brain is shown here with the central sulcus (♦) between the right and left hemispheres. Note…
Figure 12.1 Normal external genitalia, gross The normal appearance of the external male genitalia is shown here. Note the glans (∗) and prepuce (◼) (mucosal surfaces), but no foreskin in…
Figure 3.1 Normal lymph node, microscopic This benign reactive lymph node has a well-defined connective tissue capsule (♦), and beneath that a subcapsular sinus (+) where afferent lymphatics drain lymph…
Figure 14.1 Normal breast, gross The normal appearance of female breasts is shown here. The nipple (▼) is surrounded by a darker areola (♦). Some breast tissue extends into the…
Figure 18.1 Normal peripheral nerve, microscopic This normal peripheral nerve in longitudinal section shows slightly wavy, elongated cell bodies (axons, ♦) of the fibers. A thin connective tissue layer, the…
Figure 9.1 Normal pancreas, gross The normal adult pancreas weighs 85–90 g and has indistinct regions, including a head adjacent to the duodenum (a small portion of duodenum appears here…
Figure 11.1 Urinary tract, x-ray This intravenous pyelogram image is obtained following intravenous injection of a radiopaque contrast agent filtered out of the glomeruli into the urinary tract. It shows…