and phenolic glycosides

Chapter 21 Phenols and phenolic glycosides

Phenols probably constitute the largest group of plant secondary metabolites. Widespread in Nature, and to be found in most classes of natural compounds having aromatic moieties, they range from simple structures with one aromatic ring to highly complex polymeric substances such as tannins and lignins. Phenols are important constituents of some medicinal plants and in the food industry they are utilized as colouring agents, flavourings, aromatizers and antioxidants. This chapter mainly deals with those phenolic classes of pharmaceutical interest, namely: (1) simple phenolic compounds, (2) tannins, (3) coumarins and their glycosides, (4) anthraquinones and their glycosides, (5) naphthoquinones, (6) flavone and related flavonoid glycosides, (7) anthocyanidins and anthocyanins, (8) lignans and lignin. The biosynthetic origin of some of these compounds involving the shikimic acid pathway is shown in Fig. 21.2. Phenols may also have aromatic rings derived by acetate condensation (Fig. 18.9.).


Catechol (o-dihydroxybenzene) occurs free in kola seeds and in the leaves of Gaultheria spp. and its derivatives are the urushiol phenols of the poison oak and poison ivy (q.v.). Derivatives of resorcinol (m-dihydroxybenzene) constitute the narcotic principles of cannabis and the glucoside arbutin involves quinol (hydroquinone, p-dihydroxybenzene). The taenicidal constituents of male fern, the bitter principles of hops and the lipophilic components of hypericum (q.v.) are phloroglucinol derivatives.

The phenolic compounds in this group often also possess alcoholic, aldehydic and carboxylic acid groups; they include eugenol (a phenolic phenylpropane), vanillin (a phenolic aldehyde) and various phenolic acids, such as salicylic, ferulic and caffeic acids. Glycoside formation is common, and the widely distributed glycoside coniferin and other derivatives of phenolic cinnamic alcohols are precursors of lignin. Some of the best-known simple phenolic glycosides are listed in Table 21.1.

Table 21.1 Examples of phenolic glycosides.

Name Examples of sources Products of hydrolysis
Salicin Salix and Populus spp. Viburnum prunifolium Salicyl alcohol, glucose
Populin (benzoyl-salicin) Populus tremula Salicyl alcohol, benzoic acid, glucose
Arbutin Ericaceae and Rosaceae Hydroquinone, glucose
Phloridzin Rosaceae, including spp. of Malus Phloretin, glucose
Trilobatin Malus, Spiraea Phloretin, glucose
Coniferin Coniferae Coniferyl alcohol, glucose
Gaultherin Gaultheria, Betula and Monotropa Methyl salicylate, primeverose
Syringin Particularly in Oleaceae Methoxyconiferyl alcohol, glucose
Glucovanillin Vanilla spp. and some Gramineae Vanillin, glucose
Gein Geum spp. Eugenol, vicianose (glucose + arabinose)
Glucogallin Rheum spp. Gallic acid, glucose
Hamamelitannin Hamamelis virginiana Gallic acid (2 mols), hamamelose


Meadowsweet BP/EP, Filipendula BHP 1983 consists of the dried flowering tops of Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. [Spirea ulmaria L.], family Rosaceae.

This well-known perennial plant is found in wet meadows, marshes, by rivers, etc. throughout most of Europe, temperate Asia and as an escape in the eastern US and Canada. It is up to 120 cm in height with numerous radical longish petioled leaves. Each leaf is composed of up to five pairs of ovate serrated leaflets. Numerous aromatic cream-coloured flowers form irregular cymose panicles, which are particularly dense on the terminal branches of the leafy stems.

The commercial chopped drug occurs as clumps of broken leaflets dark green on the upper surface, paler and tormentose on the lower. Also brown fragmented flowers, unopened flower buds and small, more or less spirally twisted fruits containing brown seeds. Angular,greenish-brown longitudinally ridged hollow stems up to 5 mm in diameter constitute a considerable portion of the drug.

Among the complex mixture of structures in the powder the following can be noted: leaves and sepals having lower epidermis with slightly sinuous anticlinal walls, anomocytic stomata and cluster crystals of calcium oxalate up to 40 μm diameter in the mesophyll; papilose epidermis of petals; pollen grains with three pores and a smooth to slightly pitted exine; numerous trichomes, occasionally glandular with a one- to three-celled stalk and multicellular head with brown contents but principally clothing trichomes of various size, often twisted together; vascular tissue of the stem and veins.


The BP/EP requires a minimum concentration of 0.1% for the steam volatile fraction of Meadowsweet; the flowers have recorded higher values. The major component of the oil (up to ca 70%) is salicylaldehyde (Fig. 21.1) together with methyl salicylate, benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, and smaller amounts of other components such as vanillin. In 1839, Löwingand and Weidmann, working on meadowsweet, were the first to report salicylic acid as a natural product. Other constituents of the drug are the phenolic glycosides gaultherin (Table 21.1) and spiraein (salicyl alcohol + primerose), various flavonoids, e.g. hyperoside (Fig. 21.18), tannins and mucilage.

The pharmacopoeial TLC test for identity indicates the required presence of methyl salicylate and salicylaldehyde in the test sample. The permitted maximum for stems with a diameter greater than 5 mm is 5% and for foreign matter, 3%.


Various species of Salix which include S. purpurea L., (purple willow) S. daphnoides Vill. and S. fragilis L. (crack willow) are sources of the official drug (BP/EP, BHP, ESCOP, Complete German Commission E). There are about 300 species of Salix showing much hybridization and unusual forms. They are distributed in all parts of the North Temperate Zone, the Arctic Zone and the South Temperate Zone. Identification can present difficulties. Species range from tall trees to tiny shrubs. The commercial drug is obtained principally from S.E. Europe but also from Britain and other European countries.

The commercial drug occurs as thin, channelled pieces of varying length, about 1.5 cm wide and 1.5 mm thick. It easily fractures longitudinally and, transversely, shows an inner inconspicuous fibrous fracture. The outer surface is brown, grey or greenish, glossy and smooth or dull and rugged; the inner surface is lightish brown and finely longitudinally striated. The powder is characterized by cork cells, parenchymatous cells containing cluster crystals of calcium oxalate and lignified fibre groups with crystal sheaths of calcium oxalate.

Willow bark is a source of salicin (Table 21.1), a phenolic glycoside now seldom used but generally regarded as the natural forerunner of aspirin. The composition of the glycoside mixture is variable in the bark depending on species, age of bark and time of collection. The latter is usually made in spring when the bark is easily removed from the branches. Other phenolic glycosides are salicortin (an ester of salicin), acetylated salicin (fragilin) and salicortin. Salicin is easy to prepare (see 15th edition of this book) and is a suitable compound with which to introduce students to this class of glycoside.

Flavonoids of the bark (to over 4%) include the 5- and 7-glucosides of naringenin, isoquercitrin and chalcone (see Fig. 21.18). Tannins are of the condensed types (q.v.).

The BP requires the dried drug to contain a minimum of 1.5% total salicylic acid derivatives, calculated as salicin. Liquid chromatography with spectrophotometric determination at 270 nm is used for the assay.

Willow is employed as an anti-inflammatory in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and muscular pains.


Hops are the dried strobiles of Humulus lupulus L. (Cannabinaceae). Only the pistillate plants are cultivated, large quantities being produced in England (particularly Kent), Germany, Belgium, France, Russia and California. The strobiles are collected, dried in kilns and pressed into bales known as ‘pockets’. They are sometimes exposed to the fumes of burning sulphur, which modifies the sulphur components already in the hops but which is said to stabilize the aroma and colour.

Hops are included in the EP, BP, BHP and in monographs of the British Herbal Compendium, ESCOP and German Commission E.

The hop strobiole consists of external and internal sessile bracts which overlap one another and enclose the ovary. Together they form a petiolate greenish-yellow inflorescence 2–5 cm in length. The odour is characteristically aromatic.

On the fruits and bases of the bracts are numerous shining glands. These, when separated, constitute the drug lupulin. The commercial product is generally very impure, owing to the fact that it is obtained by sieving the sweepings of the hop room floors. It occurs as a granular, reddish-brown powder with a characteristic odour and bitter aromatic taste.

The bracts and stipules of the hop contain tannin but the odour and taste of the drug are mainly due to the very complex secretion contained in the lupulin glands. On distillation the fruits yield 0.30–1.0% of an oil composed of well over 100 components and containing terpenes, sesquiterpenes including humulene (Fig. 21.3) and compounds such as 2-methyl-but-3-ene-2-ol and 3-methylbutanoic acid. The two latter, and related substances, increase significantly during processing of the fresh hops. The bitterness is due to crystalline phloroglucinol derivatives known as α-acids (e.g. humulone), β-acids (e.g. lupulone) and also about 10% of resins. 2,3,4-Trithiapentane, S-methylthio-2-methylbutanoate, S-methylthio-4-methyl-pentanoate and 4,5-epithiocaryophyllene have been isolated from the volatile oil of unsulphurated hops.

There has been considerable recent interest in the wide-ranging biological activities of the constituents of hops. Thus prenylated compounds such as xanthohumol and the recently isolated acylphloroglucinol-glucopyranosides have been variously reported to have cytotoxic effects on human cancer cell lines together with antiproliferative, antioxidant and oestrogenic properties. For details, see L. R. Chadwick et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2004, 67, 2024; G. Bohr et al., J. Nat. Prod. 2005, 68,1545. The mildly sedative properties of hops are ascribed, in part, to 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol; their principal use is as an aromatic bitter in the preparation of beer.

Male fern.

Male fern (Filix Mas) consists of the rhizome, frond bases and apical bud of Dryopteris filixmas agg. (Polypodiaceae). The taxonomy of the genus is complicated and the aggregate is composed of a complex of three related species—D. filixmas (L.) Schott. s. str., D. borrei Newm. and D. abbreviata (Lam and D.-C.) Newm. Other ferns may also be involved in extracts produced globally.

Male fern samples that have not deteriorated in activity due to long storage, etc. should have an internal green colour. The active constituents are an interesting range of phloroglucinol derivatives, which have been thoroughly investigated.

Extracts of male fern were traditionally employed as taenicides, particularly for tape worms, but safer drugs are now available and used in preference.

A full account involving history, characters, constituents and allied drugs is given in the previous edition of this book pp. 214–217.


Vanilla (Vanilla Pods) consists of the carefully cured fully grown but unripe fruits of Vanilla fragrans (Salis.) Ames (syn. V. planifolia Andrews) (Orchidaceae) (Mexican or Bourbon vanilla) and of V. tahitensis (Tahiti vanilla). The fruits of other species, such as V. pompona (West Indian vanilla), are also used but to a much more limited extent.

Vanilla fragrans is grown, in a semi-wild state, in the woods of eastern Mexico, its natural home. Vanilla is cultivated in Réunion (or Bourbon), Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar, Java, Ceylon, Tahiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Indonesia. China and India are now major producers and due to oversupply prices have fallen dramatically over the past few years.


(Uva ursi)

Bearberry leaf EP/BP/BHP consists of the dried leaves of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Ericaceae; ESCOP and German Commission E monographs on the drug are also available.

A. uva-ursi is a small evergreen shrub found in central and northern Europe and in North America. The leaves are dark green to brownish-green, 2–3 cm long, obovate or spathulate, gradually narrowing to a very short petiole, apex obtuse or retuse. They are coriaceous in texture and almost glabrous. The upper surface is shiny and marked with sunken veinlets; the lower surface is lighter and marked with a network of dark veinlets. The drug is odourless but has an astringent and somewhat bitter taste.

Microscopical features include: an upper epidermis of polygonal cells with a thick cuticle; lower epidermis with anomocytic stomata and surrounded by 5–11 subsidiary cells; scars of trichome bases, occasional conical trichomes, crystal fibres.

Bearberry contains the glycosides arbutin (Table 21.1) and methylarbutin, about 6–7% of tannin, (+)-catechol, ursone and the flavone derivative quercetin. Some 14 phenolic acid constituents, including gallic and ellagic acids, have been recorded.

The pharmacopoeial drug is required to contain at least 7.0% of hydroquinone derivatives calculated as arbutin. These are assayed by liquid chromatography of an aqueous extract of the leaves with arbutin as a reference and absorbance measurement at 280 nm. The official TLC chromatographic test for identity distinguishes arbutin, gallic acid and hydroquinone. Bearberry is diuretic and astringent and during excretion it exerts an antiseptic action on the urinary tract.

Propolis or bee glue

This is the material with which the honey bee seals cracks and crevices, and varnishes surfaces within the hive. Its composition varies according to geographical source. It is collected by worker bees from the leaf buds and is enriched by wounded plant exudates such as mucilages, gums and resins; bee secretions and enzymes are then mixed in. Like honey, the composition varies according to geographical source.

Propolis has a long history, it being used by the Egyptians in the embalming process (antiputrefactive), by the Greeks and Romans in wound treatment (antiseptic), by the Incas (antipyretic) and by inclusion in the London pharmacopoeias of the 17th century. Today it is used by medical herbalists and has become a popular medicament (S. Castaldo and F. Capasso, Fitoterapia, 2002, 73, S1). It also features in apitherapy—an old tradition that has experienced a recent revival.

Over 160 compounds have been shown to be involved and one analysis gave phenolics (58%), beeswax (24%), flavonoids (6%), terpenes (0.5%), lipids and wax (8%) and bioelements, e.g. Mn, Cu, Zn (0.5%). In temperate regions of Europe the resinous coating of poplar buds (Populus nigra, P. italica, P. tremula) forms a major collection source for the bees and the natural phenolic content of the resin, e.g. esters of caffeic and ferulic acids, vanillin, eugenol, flavonoids, etc., can be used to identify the natural source.

Latterly there have been numerous reports concerning the analysis and biological activity of propolis originating from various regions and especially from Latin American countries. In these areas species of Araucaria (Araucariaceae), Baccharis (Compositae) and Clusia (Guttiferae) have been established as biological sources. In addition to the constituents listed previously, prenylated cinnamic acid and chromane derivatives, diterpenoid acids, lignans and components of the volatile oil have been identified.

Notwithstanding the differences in chemical composition of propolis depending on geographical source, a pronounced antibacterial property is common to all. In temperate regions flavonoid and phenolic esters have been shown to exert bacterial activity. New polyisoprenylated benzophenones have recently been reported as antibacterial agents in propolis of Venezuelan origin (B. Trusheva et al., Fitoterapia, 2004, 75, 683), and similar compounds (propolones) have been found in that of Cuban origin together with garcinelliptone and hyperibone (I. M. Hernández et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2005, 68, 931). Neoflavonoids with anti-nitric oxide production activity occur in propolis from Nepal (S. Awale et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2005, 68, 858).

Readers requiring further information on this interesting substance can refer to the references on p. 219 in the 15th edition of this book, and to Fitoterapia, Supplement 1, 2002, 73, S1–S64, devoted entirely to propolis; V. Bankova, J. Ethnopharmacol., 2005, 100, 114; Y. Lu et al., Fitoterapia, 2004, 75, 267.


The BP/EP drug (Chillies; Red Peppers) consists of the dried, ripe fruits of Capsicum annuum var. minimum (Miller) Heiser, and small-fruited varieties of C. frutescens L. (Solanaceae). In commerce the description given applies to various African commercial varieties (principally from Zimbabwe and Malawi) and these are sold in England as chillies, while the larger but less pungent Bombay and Natal fruits are known as capsicums. Very large Capsicum fruits, resembling tomatoes in texture and practically non-pungent, are widely grown in southern Europe as vegetables.


In 1876, Thresh extracted the drug with petroleum, treated the extract with aqueous alkali, and by passing carbon dioxide through the alkaline liquid precipitated crystals of an intensely pungent compound, capsaicin. As may be inferred from the method of preparation, capsaicin is of phenolic nature.

The pungent phenolic fraction of capsicum also contains a proportion of 6,7-dihydrocapsaicin. The capsaicin content of fruits varies appreciably in a range up to 1.5% and is much influenced by environmental conditions and age of the fruit. It occurs principally in the dissepiments of the fruits—for example, entire fruit 0.49, pericarp 0.10, dissepiment 1.79, seed 0.07. The pungency of capsicum is not destroyed by treatment with alkalis (distinction from gingerol, which also contains the vanillyl group) but is destroyed by oxidation with potassium dichromate or permanganate. Chillies also contain ascorbic acid (0.1–0.5%), thiamine, red carotenoids such as capsanthin and capsorubin (see ‘Carotenoids’) and fixed oil (about 4–16%). They yield about 20–25% of alcoholic extract (capsicin) and about 5% (official limit 10.0%) of ash. Hungarian capsicums or ‘Paprika’ are derived from a mild race of C. annuum and are a convenient source of ascorbic acid. According to Bennett and Kirby, the pungent principle of C. annuum is composed of capsaicin 69%, dihydrocapsaicin 22%, nordihydrocapsaicin 7%, homocapsaicin (C11 acid) 1% and homodihydrocapsaicin 1%. A number of minor components of this class have been recorded.

In a study of the water-soluble constituents of the fruits of three varieties of C. annuum, Izumitani et al. (Chem. Pharm. Bull., 1990, 38, 1299) isolated twelve novel acyclic glycosides (geranyllinalool derivatives) named capsianosides A–F (dimeric esters of acyclic diterpene glycosides) and capsianosides I–V (monomeric compounds of acyclic diterpene glycosides). Further capsianosides have now been reported by J.-H. Lee et al., (Chem. Pharm. Bull., 2006, 54, 1365). T. Ochi et al., (J. Nat. Prod., 2003, 66, 1094) record a dimeric capsaicin having almost the same antioxidant activity as capsaicin but with no pungent taste (Fig. 21.5).


The term ‘tannin’ was first applied by Seguin in 1796 to denote substances present in plant extracts which were able to combine with protein of animal hides, prevent their putrefaction and convert them into leather. On this basis a tannin is a substance which is detected qualitatively by a tanning test (the goldbeater’s skin test) and is determined quantitatively by its adsorption on standard hide powder. This definition excludes simpler phenolic substances, often present with tannins, such as gallic acid, catechins and chlorogenic acid, although they may under certain conditions give precipitates with gelatin and be partly retained by hide powder. Such substances of relatively low molecular weight are called ‘pseudo-tannins’. Most true tannins have molecular weights of from about 1000 to 5000. To be effective for tannage the polyphenol molecule most be neither so large as to be unable to enter the interstices between the collagen fibrils of the animal skin nor so small that it is unable to cross-link between the protein molecules of adjacent fibrils at several points. Many tannins are glycosides. The definition of a tannin as given above is an old, essentially practical one which may be purely fortuitous and, in the light of further research, could prove misleading from the point of view of plant metabolism and plant biochemistry. Indeed, modern authors often treat tannins not as a specific phytochemical group but as examples of polyphenols illustrating particular aspects of gallic acid and flavan-3-ol phytochemistry. The characteristic properties of tannins derive from the accumulation within a moderately sized molecule of a substantial number (1–2 per 100 mol. wt.) of phenolic groups many of which are associated with o-dihydroxy and o-trihydroxy orientation within a phenyl ring.

The above tannin-protein co-precipitation is important not only in the leather industry but also in relation to the physiological activity of herbal medicines, taste of foodstuffs and beverages, and in the nutritional value of feeds for herbivores. Environmental factors affecting this process have been studied by H. Kawamoto and F. Nakatsubo (Phytochemistry, 1997, 46, 479).

Two main groups of tannins are usually recognized; these are the hydrolysable tannins and the condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins).

Hydrolysable tannins

These may be hydrolysed by acids or enzymes such as tannase. They are formed from several molecules of phenolic acids such as gallic and hexahydroxydiphenic acids which are united by ester linkages to a central glucose molecule. A simple tannin illustrating this point is one derived from a species of sumac (Rhus), with a possible structure as shown in Fig. 21.6. Like gallic acid their solutions turn blue with iron salts. They were formerly known as pyrogallol tannins, because on dry distillation gallic acid and similar components are converted into pyrogallol. Two principal types of hydrolysable tannins are gallitannins and ellagitannins which are, respectively, composed of gallic acid and hexahydroxy-diphenic acid units. Ellagic acid (the depside of gallic acid) can arise by lactonization of hexahydroxydiphenic acid during chemical hydrolysis of the tannin; thus, the term ellagitannin is a misnomer.

Ellagitannins found in plants of medicinal interest, and for which structures have been elucidated include geraniin (Herb Robert and American cranesbill) and tellimagrandins 1 and 2 (Oak bark, Pomegranate and Meadowsweet); Fig. 21.6.

Modern methods of analysis have made considerable advances in the study of tannin chemistry of medicinal plants as evidenced by the work of Okuda on oriental drugs. In 1982 agromoniin, the first of a new class of oligomeric hydrolysable tannins was isolated from Agromonia. These tannins are composed of two, three or four monomeric units. Something less than 20 of these units including geraniin and tellimagrandins 1 and 2 are known to be involved in the production of over 150 compounds.

As an example, many plants of the Onagraceae e.g. Oenothera spp. contain in addition to tellimagrandin, the dimer oenothein B and trimer oenothein A; these macrocyclic ellagitannins are also produced in callus cultures of O. lacinata and are of interest for their anticancer and polygalacturonase-inhibiting properties (S. Taniguchi et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, 981).

C-glucosidic ellagitannins are common in a number of families including the Myrtaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Punicaceae and Rosaceae and several have also been recorded as moieties of more than 10 oligomeric ellagitannins.

For an article on the classification of oligomeric hydrolysable tannins and the specificity of their occurrence in plants see Okuda et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 32, 507.

In a series of enzymatic studies Gross and colleagues indicated the central position of β-D-glucogallin in the early stages of tannin synthesis in Quercus robur leaves. This compound appears to act as both donor and acceptor of the galloyl group in the enzymatic formation of 1,6-digalloyl-D-glucose; the responsible enzyme is β-glucogallin: β-glucogallin 6-O-galloyl-transferase.

The presumed immediate precursor of the two subclasses of hydrolysable tannins (gallotannins and ellagitannins) is 1,2,3,4,6-pentagalloylglucose, and in a continuation of their enzyme studies the above group have purified (×500) the enzyme responsible for the conversion of the precursor to the gallotannin 3-O-digalloyl-1,2,4,6-tetra-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose. The source of the enzyme was Rhus typhina (staghorn sumac) and its designation is β-glucogallin: 1,2,4,6-pentagalloyl-β-D-glucose galloyl-transferase (R. Niemetz and G. G. Gross, Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, 327).

Examples of drugs containing hydrolysable tannins are:

Gallitannins: rhubarb, cloves, red rose petals, bearberry leaves, Chinese galls, Turkish galls, hamamelis, chestnut and maple.

Ellagitannins: pomegranate rind, pomegranate bark, myrobalans, eucalyptus leaves, kousso, some Australian kinos, chestnut (Castanea spp.) and oak bark.

Condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins)

Unlike hydrolysable tannins, these are not readily hydrolysed to simpler molecules and they do not contain a sugar moiety. They are related to the flavonoid pigments and have polymeric flavan-3-ol structures. Catechins, which also occur with the tannins and flavan-3,4-diols (leucoanthocyanidins) are intermediates in the biosynthesis of the polymeric molecules. Stereochemical variations add to the variety of possible structures. Monomeric, dimeric and trimeric forms are illustrated in Fig. 21.7. Work by Japanese phytochemists has exploited modern techniques for separating and determining the structures of these oligomers and polymers including those of cassia bark, Cassia fistula, cinchona, Quercus and rhubarb.

On treatment with acids or enzymes condensed tannis are converted into red insoluble compounds known as phlobaphenes. Phlobaphenes give the characteristic red colour to many drugs such as red cinchona bark, which contain these phlobatannins and their decomposition products. On dry distillation they yield catechol and these tannins are therefore sometimes called catechol tannins. Like catechol itself, their solutions turn green with ferric chloride.

Some drugs (e.g. tea, hamamelis leaves and hamamelis bark) contain both hydrolysable and condensed tannins. The following are rich in condensed tannins:


As already mentioned, pseudotannins are compounds of lower molecular weight than true tannins and they do not respond to the goldbeater’s skin test. Examples:

Properties and tests

Tannins are soluble in water, dilute alkalis, alcohol, glycerol and acetone, but generally only sparingly soluble in other organic solvents. Solutions precipitate heavy metals, alkaloids, glycosides and gelatin. With ferric salts, gallitannins and ellagitannins give blue-black precipitates and condensed tannins brownish-green ones. If a very dilute ferric chloride solution is gradually added to an aqueous extract of hamamelis leaves (which contains both types of tannin), a blue colour is produced which changes to olive-green as more ferric chloride is added. Other tests are the following.

In practice, these tests have to some extent been superseded by the use of TLC, particularly for the identification of crude drugs.

Medicinal and biological properties

Tannin-containing drugs will precipitate protein and have been used traditionally as stypics and internally for the protection of inflamed surfaces of mouth and throat. They act as antidiarrhoeals and have been employed as antidotes in poisoning by heavy metals, alkaloids and glycosides. In Western medicine their use declined after World War II when it was found that absorbed tannic acid can cause severe central necrosis of the liver. Recent studies have concentrated on the antitumour activity of tannins (M. Ken-ichi et al., Biol. Pharm. Bull., 1993, 16, 379) and it has been shown that, to exhibit a strong activity, ellagitannin monomer units having galloyl groups at the O-2 and O-3 positions on the glucose core(s), as in the tellimagrandins (Fig. 21.6) are required. Anti-HIV activity has also been demonstrated.

Proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins) are associated with the beneficial effects of various herbs and infusions produced from them. The antitumour activity of green and black tea has been extensively researched in recent years with positive findings. Of the components of tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, specifically, has been shown to prevent angiogenesis in mice. Cranberry juice has long been used for reducing bacterial infections of the bladder and these claims have now been supported by a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial carried out on 153 elderly women (J. Avorn et al., J. Amer. Med. Assoc., 1994, 271, 751). Fructose has been implicated in this activity but recently, proanthocyanidins prepared from cranberries by reverse-phase and adsorption chromatography were shown to inhibit the adherence of P-fimbriated E. coli to uroepithelial-cell surfaces; other Vaccinium spp., including blueberries had similar bioactivity, suggesting their contribution to the salutary effects in urinary tract infections (A. Howell et al., New Engl. J. Med., 1998, 339, 1085).


Oak bark is the cut and dried bark from the fresh young branches of Quercus robur L. (English oak, Common oak), Q. petraea Liebl. (Sessile or Durmast oak) and Q. pubescens Willd. (Downy oak), family Fagaceae. The three species are recognized by the BP/EP and the first two by the BHP. The distribution of the species is widespread in Europe and W. Asia. Q. alba L. (White oak) is used in the USA.

The commercial bark, obtained principally from E. and S.E. Europe, occurs as channelled pieces, 3–4 mm thick and of various lengths. Younger, thinner pieces have a smooth, greyish-green cork with lenticels, older pieces have a greyish-brown rhytidome and show a fracture, granular in the outer part and fibrous and splintery in the inner part. Conspicuous features of the reddish-brown powder include cork cells, lignified fibres with crystal sheaths of calcium oxalate, pitted sclereids and cluster crystals of calcium oxalate in parenchymatous cells.

Principal constituents are phlobatannins, ellagitannins and gallic acid, a minimum of 3.0% calculated as pyrogallol [C6H3(OH)3 (1:2:3)] being specified by the BP/EP.

Oak bark is used medicinally for its astringent properties and industrially for tanning and dyeing.


Turkish galls (Turkey Galls; Galla) are vegetable growths formed on the young twigs of the dyer’s oak, Quercus infectoria (Fagaceae), as a result of the deposition of the eggs of the gall-wasp Adleria gallaetinctoriae.

The dyer’s oak is a small tree or shrub about 2 m high which is found in Turkey, Syria, Persia, Cyprus and Greece. Abnormal development of vegetable tissue round the larva is due to an enzyme-containing secretion, produced by the young insect after it has emerged from the egg, which by the rapid conversion of starch into sugar stimulates cell division. As starch disappears from the neighbourhood of the insect, shrinkage occurs and a central cavity is formed in which the insect passes through the larval and pupal stages. Finally, if the galls are not previously collected and dried, the mature insect or imago bores its way out of the gall and escapes. During these changes the colour of the gall passes from a bluish-grey through olive-green to almost white.

Galls are collected by the peasants of Turkey and Syria. After drying they are graded according to colour into three grades, blue, green and white, which are found on the London market.


Hamamelis leaf (witch hazel leaves) consists of the dried leaves of Hamamelis virginiana L. (Hamamelidaceae), a shrub or small tree 2–5 m high, which is widely distributed in Canada and the USA. It is official in the BP/EP and is the subject of an ESCOP monograph.


There are over 300 spp. of Potentilla family Rosaceae of which several, including P. anserina, (silverweed), P. reptans (creeping cinquefoil) and P. erecta (common tormentil), find medicinal use. Tormentil BP/EP consists of the whole or cut dried rhizome, freed from roots of P. erecta (L.) Raeusch. (P. tormentilla Stokes). This perennial plant is widely spread throughout central and northern Europe, favouring the acidic soils of marshes, meadows, open woods and hills. Commercial supplies come from East European countries.

Plants are up to 30 cm tall with several loosely pilosed stems bearing leaves consisting of three- to five-toothed finely haired leaflets. Yellow flowers in loose terminal cymes have long pedicels and, unusually for the genus, four petals.

The rhizomes are dark brown on the outer corky layer and white on the inside when freshly broken, but turning red on exposure to the air. The chopped dried drug consists of hard pieces of rhizome with the remains of roots attached. Depressed pale scars from the stems are visible and some remains of stems in the form of fine, branching strands, less than 1 mm in diameter, may also be attached to the rhizome. The fracture is granular, odour faint but not unpleasant and the taste strongly astringent.

Characteristic features of the powder include brown cork cells, parenchymatous tissue containing tannin, sclerenchymatous tissues, vascular elements, starch in conglomerates or as single grains up to about 20 μm in length, and abundant cluster crystals of calcium oxalate up to about 50 μm in diameter.


The leaves, flowers and false fruits are all medicinally useful, the leaves and flowers being used principally for the preparation of infusions, etc. with the fruits employed in the manufacture of prepared medicaments. The dried false fruits of Crataegus monogyna and C. laevigata, family Rosaceae, together with their hybrids are official in the EP, BP and BHP; similarly the leaf and flower, for which there is also an ESCOP monograph.

The thorny, deciduous trees are native to Europe and have a long medical and ethnobotanical history. Commercial supplies of the dried fruits, required to contain not less than 1.0% procyanidins, originate from Eastern Europe.


Characteristic of a number of genera of the family Rosaceae, so-called hawthorn berries are false fruits (pomes, and not in the strict botanical sense berries) in which the carpels become adherent to the hollow, fleshy receptacle and the sepals, petals and stamens become situated at the upper end of the fruit. The carpels become stony so that the pome comes rather to resemble a drupe (Ch. 41). The false fruits of C. monogyna with one carpel contain a single stony true fruit whereas those of C. laevigata with two or three carpels contain two or three fruits.

The dried reddish-brown to dark red fruits have a slight odour and mucilaginous, slightly acid taste; with C. monogyna they are up to 10 mm in length and slightly larger for C. laevigata. At the upper end of the false fruit are the remains of the five reflexed sepals which surround a shallow depression from the base of which arise stiff lignified tufts of trichomes and the remains of the style (two styles with C. laevigata). The base of the fruit may be either attached to a pedicel or show the scar of attachment of the latter.

In addition to the long, lignified, tapering clothing trichomes of the inner surface of the receptacle other microscopical features include: cells of the outer receptacle with red pigmentation; sclereids; calcium oxalate as clusters and in files of cells as prisms; seed fragments showing a mucilaginous testa and embryo cells containing aleurone grains and fixed oil. A more detailed description will be found in the pharmacopoeias.


Agrimony BP/EP, BHP family Rosaceae consists of the dried flowering tops of Agrimonia eupatoria L.

This erect, chalk-loving perennial herb is common throughout southern Europe and is indigenous to the British Isles, except for northern Scotland. Related species are found across North America. Hungary and Bulgaria are commercial suppliers of the drug.

The leaves are compound imparipinnate, with four to six opposite pairs of leaflets and a terminal leaflet. Larger leaflets are up to 6 cm in length with coarsely serrate or serrate–dentate margins, usually densely villous and often greyish on the lower surface. The golden flowers, 5–8 mm in diameter, are arranged spirally as terminal spikes. The pendulous fruits, 4–6 mm long, are deeply grooved with small projecting hooked bristles.

Characteristic microscopical features include stiff, thick-walled trichomes (500 μm) often with spiral thickenings and abundant clusters and prisms of calcium oxalate in the leaf mesophyll. Stomata are mainly of the anomocytic, occasionally anisocytic type. Pollen grains are ovoid to subspherical (up to 60 μm × 35 μm) with three pores and a smooth, thin exine.

The BP drug is required to contain a minimum of 2.0% tannins, expressed as pyrogallol when assayed by the official ‘determination of tannins in herbal drugs’. The TLC test of identification exploits the flavonoid content (rutin and isoquercitroside as test substances). Vitamins, triterpenes, volatile oil have also been reported as components of the drug.

Among other herbal uses, agrimony is employed as a mild astringent, internally and externally, against inflammation of the throat and for gastroenteritis.


Rhatany of the BP and EP (Krameria) is the dried root of Krameria triandra (Krameriaceae, a small family related to the Leguminosae), a small shrub with decumbent branches about 1 m long. The drug is collected in Bolivia and Peru and is known in commerce as Peruvian rhatany.

The root has a knotty crown several centimetres in diameter and gives off numerous branch roots some of which attain a length of 60 cm. The roots are nearly cylindrical and are covered with a reddish-brown cork, which is scaly except in very young roots. A transverse section shows a reddish-brown bark which occupies about one-third of the radius and encloses a yellowish, finely radiate wood. A small, deeply coloured heartwood is sometimes present in the larger species. The bark readily separates from the wood. The former is astringent but the latter almost tasteless.

The tannins of krameria root (krameria-tannic acid) are entirely of the condensed (proanthocyanidin) type having a ‘polymeric’ flavin-3-ol structure. In this instance there is a procyanidin:propelargonidin ratio of 35:65 as determined by acid hydrolysis. Astringency of the root is due to compounds with a degree of polymerization of more than five. (For further details see E. Scholz and H. Rimpler, Planta Med., 1989, 55, 379). A phlobaphene (krameria-red), starch and calcium oxalate are also present. Stahl and Ittel (1981) reported the isolation of two benzofuran derivatives, ratanhiaphenols I and II, from the root. Both compounds are effective u.v. light filters and could be useful in sun-protection preparations. The BP and EP include an assay for tannins (polyphenols) of not less than 5.0% based on the colour reaction involving alkaline sodium phosphomolybdotungstate (absorbance measured at 760 nm). Polyphenols not adsorbed by hide powder, also determined with the same reagent, are excluded from the calculation.

The drug is used as an astringent and the significant antimicrobial activity of the extract gives rational support for its use in mouth and throat infections.


Gambir or pale catechu of the BP 1989; BP (Veterinary), 2007 is a dried, aqueous extract prepared from the leaves and young twigs of a climbing shrub, Uncaria gambir (Rubiaceae). It must be carefully distinguished from black catechu or cutch. The plant is a native of Malaya and it is largely cultivated for the production of the drug in Indonesia and Malaya for marketing through Singapore.

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