Amyloidosis from the Patient’s Perspective

Age and sex at dx

Interval from symptoms to dx

How long did it take to type it

Initial symptoms

What bx was diagnostic, how many?

What was your life after the dx

What message would you like to convey to the pathologists

72 M

5 years


SOB, fatigue, back pain, weight/strength loss, food tasting bad

Kidney bx


Had gallbladder removed and told my back pain was arthritis. Why no one was checking?

50s M

Several years

3 months

Edema, blood clots

Kidney bx

Returned to a less active normal life, foot amputated

Nephrologists should be more aware, advise regarding biopsy options

40s F

2 months



Bone marrow, fat, kidney bx

Shock, disbelief, depression

Diagnosis should be explained

60 M


10 weeks


More awareness

50s M

Delay—insurance issues

6 months

Foamy frothy urine, and edema

Kidney (+), bone marrow × 2 (−)

Bedridden/wheelchair for the first 5 months

Early treatment is best, best treatment options at specialized centers

70s M


2 months

SOB, fatigue, weakness, edema

Bone marrow, heart bx

I was told there was no treatment

The pathologist’s analysis of the biopsy was accurate

50s M

3 years


SOB, proteinuria, hypogammaglobulinemia

Kidney biopsy

ASCT, chemotherapy with full response

The pathologist found my amyloidosis on the first try

50s M

1.5 years

Immediate at referral center

Back pain, proteinuria, edema

Kidney, fat pad, bone marrow


Do Congo red stains more often

50s M

2 months

Patient unsure

Stomach pains, diarrhea, inability to eat or drink

Heart, kidney, adrenals

Did not tolerate chemotherapy well

More awareness

60s M

1 month

2 months

Edema, Irregular heartbeat

Kidney, bone marrow bx

ASCT, chemotherapy × 2

More Congo red stains, routinely on certain organs

50s F

1 month

2 weeks

Slight edema

Kidney and bone marrow bx

Steroids are difficult and feel overwhelmed

My nephrologist knew nothing, the pathologist found it

50s M

1.5 years


Proteinuria, hoarseness, ED, dizzy standing, fatigue, weight loss, PN

Kidney and bone marrow bx

Trying to cope

If someone has multiple organ or system complaints, do a Congo red stain!

50s F

10 months


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May 14, 2017 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Amyloidosis from the Patient’s Perspective

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