Acral Lentiginous Melanoma
Soheil Sam Dadras, MD, PhD
Nicole Carreau
Key Facts
Acral melanoma that grows in a lentiginous pattern
Clinical Issues
< 5% of all malignant melanomas
Most often on sole of foot or subungual region
Microscopic Pathology
Lentiginous proliferation of atypical melanocytes with rare pagetoid scatter
ALM in situ may present with very few atypical melanocytes
Nesting at dermal-epidermal junction
Rare to absent in early lesions, prominent and confluent in late lesions
Nests are irregular in size and shape, randomly alternate with single melanocytes
Cells show elongated, ovoid hyperchromatic nuclei with little cytoplasm
Acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM)
Form of cutaneous melanoma that microscopically grows in a lentiginous array and occurs on acral sites