Chapter 6 Abscess Incision and Drainage
A local anesthetic, such as 1% to 2% lidocaine, is used for this procedure. A syringe with a 25- to 30-gauge needle, usually ½ to 1 in., is ideal because only the skin over the abscess is anesthetized. Other materials include an alcohol or povidone-iodine wipe, 4×4-in. gauze, No. 11 or 15 blade, curved hemostats, packing gauze, and, possibly, culture materials (Figure 6-1).
Key steps
1. Prepare skin: Prepare the abscess area with povidone-iodine or alcohol. Carefully palpate the abscess to accurately determine the size and location (Figure 6-2). Use protective eyewear. Purulent material can “squirt out” if pressure is applied.