Abdominal swellings (localized) – lower abdominal

Key Points

  • Retroperitoneal mass: no movement with respiration, difficult to delineate, resonant to percussion.
  • Bowel masses: often mobile, may be well defined.
  • Pelvic mass: difficult to ‘get below’, bimanually palpable on PR/PV examination.

Sigmoid Colon

  • Diverticular mass: tender, ill defined, rubbery hard, non-mobile.
  • Paracolic abscess: acutely tender, ill defined, ?fluctuant, features of systemic sepsis.
  • Carcinoma: hard, craggy, non-tender unless perforated, immobile, associated with altered bowel habit/obstructive symptoms.
  • Faeces: firm, indentable/‘malleable’, mobile with colon.
  • Normal: only in a thin person, non-tender, chord-like.
  • Volvulus: usually generalized distension and signs of obstruction rather than localized swelling.

Caecum/Ascending Colon

  • Appendix mass/abscess: acutely tender, ill defined, ?fluctuant, features of systemic sepsis.
  • Carcinoma: hard, craggy, non-tender unless perforated, immobile, associated with anaemia/weight loss and anergia.

Terminal Ileum

  • Crohn’s mass: tender, ill defined, rubbery hard, non-mobile, may have features of systemic sepsis is secondary complications such as abscess or localized perforation.
  • Tuberculous mass: mildly tender, ill defined, firm, associated with cutaneous sinuses, ?systemic TB.

Ovary/Fallopian Tube

  • Cyst: may be massive, usually mobile, ?bimanually palpable on PV examination.
  • Neoplasm.
  • Ectopic pregnancy: very tender, associated with PV bleeding/intra-abdominal bleeding and collapse.
  • Salpingo-oophoritis: very tender, bimanually palpable, associated with PV discharge.


  • Generally: midline swelling, extends up towards umbilicus, dull to percussion, non-mobile, cannot ‘get below’ it.
  • Retention of urine: stony dull to percussion, associated with desire to pass urine, disappears on voiding/catheterization. May be no desire to pass urine with chronic retention.
  • Transitional cell carcinoma: hard, irregular, fixed, may be associated with dysuria, haematuria and desire to pass urine on examination.


  • Pregnancy: smooth, regular, fetal heart sounds heard/movements.
  • Leiomyoma (‘fibroids’): usually smooth, may be pedunculated and mobile, non-tender, associated menorrhagia.
  • Uterine carcinoma: firm uterus, may be tender, irregular only if tumour is extrauterine, associated PV bloody discharge.


Carcinoma: firm, irregular, non-tender, relatively immobile, associated alteration in bowel habit/PR bleeding.

Urachus (Rare)

Cyst: small swelling in midline, ?associated umbilical discharge.


Pelvic kidney: smooth, regular, non-tender, non-mobile.

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Apr 19, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Abdominal swellings (localized) – lower abdominal

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