A young woman with abnormal vaginal bleeding

Problem 7 A young woman with abnormal vaginal bleeding

In this case the bleeding was only a little heavier than a normal period, there had been no abdominal or pelvic pain, there were no symptoms consistent with early pregnancy. The last PAP smear was done 12 months ago and all previous PAP smears have been normal.

Physical examination of the patient is unremarkable. In particular, abdominal and pelvic examination is normal. The vagina and cervix appear healthy.

The results of the tests you arranged were as follows:

Investigation 7.1 Summary of results

Haemoglobin 42 g/L
White cell count 8.5 × 109/L
Platelets 160 × 109/L
Urinary pregnancy test positive
Serum beta hCG 1200 U/L
Cervical PAP smear no abnormal cells detected; endocervical cells identified
Cervical swab no evidence of chlamydial infection

In this instance the pregnancy test was positive, and the complete blood picture, the cervical swab and PAP smear were normal.

On the basis of the positive pregnancy test a pelvic ultrasound examination is arranged (Figure 7.1).


A.1 Further questioning needs to evaluate the extent of the bleeding as compared with a normal period, whether the bleeding occurred after sexual activity, whether there has been any associated pain, whether symptoms of ovulation are usually experienced and whether they were evident during the most recent cycle, and whether there are any symptoms seen consistent with early pregnancy such as more breast enlargement and tenderness than normal, or nausea, or vomiting. When she had her last PAP smear would also be worth defining to evaluate whether the bleeding was likely to be due to a cervical problem.

When taking a history from a woman with abnormal vaginal bleeding the following possible causes need to be considered:

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Apr 2, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on A young woman with abnormal vaginal bleeding

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