A 62-year-old man was seen in his family physician’s office for complaints of low-grade fevers, night sweats, and fatigue for 3 weeks.
Diagnostic Work-Up
A clinical diagnosis of infective endocarditis (IE) was considered, based on the symptoms and peripheral manifestations. Table 76-1 lists the likely causes of IE (differential diagnosis). Investigational approach may include
Rationale: The clinical syndrome presented above is nonspecific and may be seen with a variety of infectious as well as noninfectious causes. Endocarditis is an important consideration, especially in older individuals and in those with specific risk factors. S. aureus, viridans streptococci, S. epidermidis, entero-cocci, and S. pneumoniae are commonly encountered.
• Echocardiography (echo). Useful when endocarditis is suspected; transesophageal echo is more sensitive than is transthoracic echo