7. Apothecary and Household Measurements

image Apothecary and Household Measurements


On completion of the materials provided in this chapter, you will be able to perform computations accurately by mastering the following mathematical concepts:

imageThe apothecary system of measure is a very old English system. It has slowly been replaced by the metric system. When writing orders in the apothecary system, physicians occasionally use Roman numerals. All parts of a whole are expressed as a fraction.

Below is a list of the more commonly used Roman numerals and their Arabic equivalents. Memorize the list.

Roman numeral Arabie numeral
i 1
v 5
x 10
l 50
c 100

Only addition and subtraction may be performed in the Roman numeral system.



The nurse is already familiar with many of the units of measure in the apothecary system because they are used every day. The nurse most commonly uses the apothecary system units of measure listed in Box 7-1. Memorize all entries in the list.

Feb 11, 2017 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on 7. Apothecary and Household Measurements

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