A 2-month-old white girl suffered from cough for more than 2 weeks. The patient’s mother became concerned when the child turned blue after a series of coughing spells that ended with vomiting. She brought her to a pediatrician.

The patient had not yet received any vaccinations. She had been healthy without any underlying medical problems.


Diagnostic Work-Up

Table 7-1 lists the likely causes of illness (differential diagnosis). Epidemiologic and clinical criteria of paroxysmal cough for 14 (CDC) or 21 (WHO) days are used for making the clinical diagnosis of pertussis because the presentation and duration of symptoms are so typical. However, laboratory tests may be useful in young infants and in atypical cases. Leukocytosis with absolute lymphocytosis occurs during the late catarrhal and paroxysmal phases and is a nonspecific finding. Investigational approach to delineating the etiology may include

TABLE 7-1 Differential Diagnosis and Rationale for Inclusion (consideration)

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Aug 25, 2016 | Posted by in MICROBIOLOGY | Comments Off on 7

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