A 9-month-old baby girl was brought to the emergency department of a local general hospital during the winter with a 2-day history of vomiting, watery diarrhea, and fever.

The patient had been well until 24 hours before her presentation, when she had experienced the acute onset of vomiting followed by multiple episodes of diarrhea. She refused to eat, and she drank very little fluid. Her parents were concerned about dehydration. The family had not traveled outside the United States recently, but the mother related that she had been leaving her baby in a day care center for 3 days a week for the past 3 months.


Diagnostic Work-Up

Table 43-1 lists the likely causes of illness (differential diagnosis). A clinical diagnosis of gastroenteritis was considered. Absence of fecal leukocytes (based on the examination of methylene blue-stained stool preparation) can rule out inflammatory diarrhea and bacterial causes. Investigational approach may include:

TABLE 43-1 Differential Diagnosis and Rationale for Inclusion (consideration)

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