Twenty-four people became ill within 3 hours after eating a meal at an office party. All had nausea, most had vomiting, and several had crampy abdominal pain. Three of the individuals sought medical care at the emergency department of a local hospital.

All 24 individuals had been in good health. The day before the office party, a food preparer had purchased a 17-pound precooked packaged ham, baked it at home at 400°F for 1.5 hours, and transported it to her work place, a large institutional kitchen, where she sliced the hot ham on a commercial slicer. The ham was served cold at the party the next day.


Diagnostic Work-Up

Table 40-1 lists the likely causes of outbreak (differential diagnosis). For Patient X (and others in the outbreak), a clinical diagnosis of food poisoning was considered based on symptoms, onset, and incriminated food. Illness in this outbreak had a rapid onset, within 3 hours after consumption of precooked ham, incriminating a preformed enterotoxin. Investigational approach and epidemiologic investigation may include

TABLE 40-1 Differential Diagnosis and Rationale for Inclusion (consideration)

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Aug 25, 2016 | Posted by in MICROBIOLOGY | Comments Off on 40

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