3: Cardiovascular and nervous system

Station 3

Cardiovascular and nervous system


Cardiovascular system

Nervous system

Examination of the nervous system


3.16 Visual field defects

3.17 Ocular nerve lesions

3.18 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia

3.19 Nystagmus

3.20 Ptosis

3.21 Large pupil

3.22 Small pupil

3.23 Horner’s syndrome

3.24 Cerebellopontine angle syndrome

3.25 Facial nerve palsy

3.26 Bulbar palsy

3.27 Anterior circulation stroke syndromes

3.28 Dysphasia and dysarthria

3.29 Pseudobulbar palsy

3.30 Agnosias and apraxias

3.31 Posterior circulation stroke syndromes

3.32 Parkinson’s disease

3.33 Cerebellar disease

3.34 Spastic paraparesis and Brown–Séquard syndrome

3.35 Syringomyelia

3.36 Absent ankle jerks and extensor plantars

3.37 Motor neurone disease

3.38 Cervical myeloradiculopathy

3.39 Cauda equina syndrome

3.40 Carpal tunnel syndrome (median nerve lesion)

3.41 Ulnar nerve lesion

3.42 Radial nerve lesion

3.43 Wasting of the small (intrinsic) muscles of the hand

3.44 Common peroneal nerve lesion

3.45 Peripheral neuropathy

3.46 Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease and hereditary neuropathies

3.47 Guillain–Barré syndrome

3.48 Myasthenia gravis

3.49 Myopathy and myositis

3.50 Myotonic dystrophy

Cardiovascular system

Examination of the cardiovascular system


Hands and arms

• Look for finger clubbing, characterised by fluctuant nail beds, loss of angle between the nail plate and posterior nail fold, and increased nail curvature. Cardiac causes include cyanotic heart disease and infective endocarditis.

• Look for cyanosis due to right-to-left cardiac shunts.

• Look for palmar or tendon xanthomata.

• Look for peripheral stigmata of infective endocarditis (Table 3.1).

Jugular venous pulse (JVP)

There are no valves between the right atrium and internal jugular vein, such that the degree of rise and distension of the JVP is dictated by right atrial pressure. The external jugular vein is superficial, prone to kinking in the fascial layers and thus not a guide to right atrial pressure. The right internal jugular vein is used in preference to the left. It runs a relatively straight course medial and deep to the sternomastoid, from between the sternal and clavicular heads to the angle of the jaw. It differs from the arterial pulse (Table 3.2) in numerous ways.

The JVP has a characteristic waveform (Table 3.3, Fig. 3.1).

Note that in relation to the electrocardiogram (ECG) the ‘a’ wave thus corresponds to a P wave and the ‘x’ descent to the QRS complex.

Abnormal waveforms of the JVP are outlined in Table 3.4.


Arterial pulse

• Note the heart rate and rhythm.

• Palpate the radial or carotid pulse. Important abnormalities in arterial pulse character are shown in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5

Abnormalities in arterial pulse character

Pulse character Causes Description / what it represents
Normal   The percussion wave is the dominant wave transmitted along elastic arterial walls
The dicrotic notch (difficult to detect) is a normal blip on the downstroke of the percussion wave representing aortic valve closure
Slow rising, plateau pulse (‘anacrotic’ pulse) Aortic stenosis Slow rising with delayed percussion wave and sometimes a palpable judder on the upstroke
Characteristically associated with narrow pulse pressure (narrow difference between systolic and diastolic pressure) if severe
Collapsing pulse Aortic regurgitation
Arteriovenous fistula
Patent ductus
A large-volume, hyperkinetic pulse may occur in any cause of high cardiac output, e.g. thyrotoxicosis, Paget’s disease, severe anaemia; a small-volume collapsing pulse (quickly rising but small percussion wave) is associated with ventricular run-off states, e.g. mitral regurgitation, ventricular septal defect
Very brisk upstroke followed by ‘collapse’ occurs when there is ‘run-off’ from the aorta
Characteristically associated with wide pulse pressure (wide difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure) if severe
May be visible at brachials or carotids and best felt by raising the patient’s arm, feeling the radial pulse ‘slap’ against your fingertips or palm
Pulsus alternans Aortic stenosis
Left ventricular failure
Alternating large and small beats
A sign of poor left ventricular function
Pulsus paradoxus Cardiac tamponade
Pericardial constriction
Acute severe asthma compromising venous return
Excessive fall in pulse pressure (> 10 mmHg) during inspiration
Not, in fact, a paradox, but an exaggeration of normal physiology
Difficult to detect
Jerky pulse Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Ventricular ejection in ‘stops and starts’

Blood pressure

Be alert to a wide pulse pressure (aortic regurgitation) and a narrow pulse pressure (aortic stenosis). Be aware of the significance of differences in blood pressure between arms (leaking thoracic aneurysm) and greater than 15–20 mmHg between arms and legs, always palpating for radio-femoral delay otherwise silent aortic coarctation is missed.


• Aim to locate the apex beat with your middle finger, normally palpable in the fifth intercostal space at the mid-clavicular line, and determine if it is displaced (Fig. 3.3). An absent apex beat may be a sign of obesity, emphysema, pericardial effusion or dextrocardia, but it may be best palpable in the left lateral position. Many terms have been used to describe abnormalities in apex beat character (Box 3.1).

Right ventricular parasternal lift

• Also known as a right ventricular heave or a left parasternal heave, this is detected by placing your palm over the left lower parasternal edge (Fig. 3.3). It will palpably (and visibly) lift if there is right ventricular hypertrophy, itself usually a consequence of pulmonary hypertension of any cause.


Auscultation sites

• Start at the apex with the diaphragm followed by the bell of your stethoscope, then move through the areas shown in Figure 3.4 with the diaphragm. The bell is a resonating chamber that amplifies low-pitched sounds, such as the diastolic murmur of mitral stenosis or a third or fourth heart sound. If not applied lightly it becomes a diaphragm.

• Next listen at the apex with the patient in the left lateral position and at the aortic and pulmonary areas with the patient sitting forward. Which you do first depends upon where you think the pathology lies, but be seen to do both. In both positions listen in expiration (‘breathe in, and out, and hold your breath…and breathe again’) and in inspiration if you suspect a right-sided (pulmonary or tricuspid) murmur. Inspiration increases the loudness of right-sided murmurs and expiration the loudness of left-sided murmurs.

Heart sounds

Heart sounds are vibrations caused by closure of heart valves combined with rapid changes in blood flow and tensing within cardiac structures.

First heart sound (S1).

S1 (‘lub’) represents mitral (and to a lesser extend tricuspid) valve closure at the onset of ventricular systole. Only one sound is audible. The intensity of S1 may be altered (Table 3.7) by the position of the mitral valve leaflets at the onset of systole, the rate of rise of the left ventricular pressure pulse, the amount of tissue, fluid or air between valve and stethoscope, and mitral valve disease.

Third heart sound (S3).

This is described in Box 3.2.

Box 3.2   Extra heart sounds

Third heart sound (S3)

S3 is a low-pitched sound just after S2 (causing a gallop rhythm – ‘Tennessee’ or ‘lub-dub-d’ or ‘d-d-d’). It is due to rapid ventricular filling in early diastole from a very full or engorged left atrium such that blood crashes into the left ventricle with a ‘boing’. A left-sided S3 is best heard with the bell at the apex in the left lateral position in expiration. A right-sided S3 is best heard at the left sternal edge in inspiration. S3 occurs normally in healthy children, young adults, athletes, pregnancy, fever and other hyperdynamic states, but usually signifies a heart under strain as in heart failure or mitral regurgitation. Some physicians describe a ‘tictac’ rhythm in which S1 and S2 appear to be in a hurry (‘lub-dub’-‘lub-dub’-‘lub-dub’ becomes ‘dd’-‘dd’-‘dd’ ’) just before a true gallop arises (the heart anticipating S3!) or coexisting with gallops.

Fourth heart sound (S4)

S4 is a low-pitched, presystolic sound occurring before S1 as a result of vigorous atrial contraction filling a stiff (less compliant) ventricle (‘d-lub-dub’). As the mitral valve opens, the left atrium is ‘looking down into a half full ventricle’. S4 peaks in intensity at the left ventricular apex and is heard best with the bell in the left lateral position. There may be palpable or even visible presystolic distension of the left ventricle. S4 may be accentuated by isotonic and isometric exercise. It may occur in systemic hypertension, aortic stenosis, left ventricular hypertrophy, ischaemic heart disease and restrictive cardiomyopathies. Most typically, it occurs in heart failure and simply represents a ‘tired heart’; it is also common in acute myocardial infarction. It is always pathological. It cannot occur in atrial fibrillation.

S3 and S4 are often never detected by doctors but become easier to detect if you are expecting them, in heart failure for example. If S1and S2 appear in a hurry (tictac rhythm or ‘dd’), then S3 or S4 may become apparent (‘dd’-‘d’-‘dd’-‘d’-‘dd’-‘d’, where ‘d’ is S3 if detected just after ‘dd’ or S4 if detected just before ‘dd’). If the heart rate is very fast, S3 and S4 may be superimposed as one audible sound. It does not necessarily imply a heart under stress unless one or both sounds persist when the heart is slowed. If both S3 and S4 are present the situation is a quadruple rhythm, a sign of severe ventricular dysfunction.

Added sounds

• Listen for added sounds (Box 3.3).


Heart murmurs result from vibrations in the bloodstream and surrounding heart and great vessels as a result of turbulent flow.

• Try to determine the character, location and radiation of any murmur you hear (Box 3.4).

• Try to grade the intensity or loudness of any murmur you hear (Table 3.10).

• Try to determine the timing (with the carotid pulse) and duration of any murmur you hear (Table 3.11). Whilst this is expected by examiners and straightforward in theory, many candidates find timing difficult; what sounded like the typical whispering decrescendo murmur of aortic regurgitation suddenly becomes mitral regurgitation on the basis of dubious timing when all the evidence is with the former and against the latter. Keep in mind that the character of a murmur is more compellingly helpful than anything else when you might otherwise ‘hedge your bets.’


A summary of the cardiovascular examination sequence is in the Summary box.


Case 3.1 Mitral stenosis


Consider severity / decompensation / complications

Signs of severe mitral stenosis are listed in Box 3.5.

Tell the examiners that:


Why should patients experience exertional dyspnoea?

As blood flow increases with exercise across the mitral valve, the increased left atrial pressure needed to propel blood across the valve raises pulmonary venous and capillary pressures, which reduce pulmonary compliance, and pulmonary artery pressure increases.

Tachycardia also diminishes diastole disproportionately more than systole and thus the time for flow across the stenosed valve is reduced. Therefore at any given level of cardiac output, tachycardia increases the transvalvular gradient and further elevates left atrial pressure.

When the valve orifice is reduced to 1 cm2, a left atrial pressure of 25 mmHg is needed to maintain normal cardiac output. Pulmonary oedema may occur if there is a sudden surge of flow across a tight valve.

Eventually there is decreased cardiac output on exertion and at rest. The ability of the left atrium to generate sufficient pressure to maintain transvalvular flow is overcome.

What are the diagnostic criteria for rheumatic fever?

Rheumatic fever (Box 3.6) and rheumatic heart disease remain common in the developing world, the latter a common usher for infective endocarditis. In the developed world the legacy of rheumatic fever remains, most commonly as mitral stenosis and sometimes as other valvular heart disease (VHD), but VHD in developed countries is now most commonly degenerative. Two major criteria or one major and two minor criteria plus evidence of antecedent group A streptococcal infection are required for a diagnosis of rheumatic fever.

Jun 3, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on 3: Cardiovascular and nervous system

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