
Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Adrenalectomy

Adrenalectomy Most adrenalectomies are performed transabdominally. In this chapter, the transabdominal approach to the adrenal glands will be described first because it is the one that is appropriate for tumors,…

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Laparoscopic Surgery of the Female Pelvis

Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Laparoscopic Surgery of the Female Pelvis

Laparoscopic Surgery of the Female Pelvis This chapter provides an introduction to the laparoscopic anatomy of the female pelvis and uses several simple procedures to illustrate that anatomy. Obviously, a…

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Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Introduction

Introduction The complex retroperitoneum technically includes anything that is not suspended on a mesentery. To the surgeon, only the genitourinary tract, major vascular structures, and sympathetic chain are generally considered…

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Total Abdominal Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy

Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Total Abdominal Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy

Total Abdominal Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy Hysterectomy may be performed transabdominally or vaginally. One or both ovaries may be removed with the uterus. In this chapter, total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral…

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Abdominoperineal Resection, Low Anterior Resection

Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Abdominoperineal Resection, Low Anterior Resection

Abdominoperineal Resection, Low Anterior Resection Abdominoperineal resection and low anterior resection operations are performed for carcinoma of the rectum. Wherever possible, the anal sphincters are preserved and an end-to-end anastomosis…

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Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Introduction

Introduction This section includes discussions on open and laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection and the related low anterior resection (Chapters 83 and 84), continuing the discussion of colon anatomy that was begun…

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Laparoscopic Colon Resection

Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Laparoscopic Colon Resection

Laparoscopic Colon Resection Amanda M. Metcalf Because the colon specimen must be extracted through an incision, a laparoscopic approach to colon resection is most useful when the specimen is not…

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Right and Left Colon Resections

Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Right and Left Colon Resections

Right and Left Colon Resections Resections of the colon are planned according to arterial supply and venous and lymphatic drainage. For lesions of the cecum or ascending colon up to…

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Laparoscopic Colostomy

Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Laparoscopic Colostomy

Laparoscopic Colostomy Amanda M. Metcalf A laparoscopic approach for a transverse loop colostomy can be helpful in the elective situation when construction of a diverting colostomy is the aim of…

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