Autoimmunity of the Nervous System

Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Autoimmunity of the Nervous System

Autoimmunity of the Nervous System Myasthenia gravis (MG) Presentation Patients complain of double vision, muscle weakness, and fatigue (worse later in the day). Ptosis and diplopia are typical signs. Examination…

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Autoimmunity and the Endocrine System

Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Autoimmunity and the Endocrine System

Autoimmunity and the Endocrine System Classification of autoimmune thyroid disease Autoimmune hyperthyroidism Graves’ disease Autoimmune thyroiditis Hashimoto’s thyroiditis Post-partum thyroiditis Atrophic thyroiditis Graves’ disease Presentation Usually presents with thyrotoxicosis and…

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Primary Immunodeficiency

Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Primary Immunodeficiency

Primary Immunodeficiency Introduction In general, immunodeficiencies are divided into those of the specific immune system (e.g. T cells or B cells) or those of the innate or nonspecific immune system…

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Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Fasciotomy

Fasciotomy Kenneth B. Simon Strong fascial envelopes surround major muscle groups, dividing them into compartments. Hemorrhage or edema within a compartment causes the pressure within this closed space to rise…

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Femoropopliteal Bypass

Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Femoropopliteal Bypass

Femoropopliteal Bypass Kenneth B. Simon A variety of conduits have been used to bypass obstructed segments of the femoropopliteal system. Autogenous saphenous vein is the graft preferred by most surgeons….

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Venous Access: Saphenous Vein Cutdown

Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Venous Access: Saphenous Vein Cutdown

Venous Access: Saphenous Vein Cutdown The greater saphenous vein is an anatomically constant vein that is easily cannulated for emergency venous access. The saphenous vein at the ankle is constant,…

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Above-knee Amputation

Jul 22, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Above-knee Amputation

Above-knee Amputation Above-knee amputation is performed when it is not possible to save the knee joint because of the extent of injury or ischemic damage. Generally, the longer the stump,…

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