A 38-year-old man was seen by his family physician for two weeks of fever, productive cough, right-sided pleuritic chest pain, a 12-lb. weight loss, and a painful lesion on his left arm.

The patient, a long time resident of Tennessee, had no significant past medical history. He had worked outdoors as a landscaper for the last 18 years. Family history was unremarkable. He had been treated with oral cefuroxime and erythromycin for suspected pneumonia 10 days prior to this visit, but his symptoms had not improved.


Diagnostic Work-Up

Table 18-1 lists the likely causes of illness (differential diagnosis). Gram and acid-fast stains of sputum, blood culture, and routine bacterial cultures of respiratory specimens may be necessary to rule out the agents included in the differential diagnosis. More specific investigational approach may include

TABLE 18-1 Differential Diagnosis and Rationale for Inclusion (consideration)

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Aug 25, 2016 | Posted by in MICROBIOLOGY | Comments Off on 18

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