Station 1 Examination of the respiratory system 1.1 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1.7 Superior vena cava obstruction 1.8 Collapse / pneumonectomy / lobectomy 1.13 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung disease 1.15 Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (extrinsic allergic alveolitis) 1.16 Asbestos-related lung disease and pneumoconiosis 1.24 Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea syndrome Examination of the abdominal system • Introduce yourself, ensure that the patient is sitting comfortably at 45° and then stand back. Placing your hands behind your back is a good way to show you remember the importance of inspection. • Look around the bedside for metered dose inhalers, nebulisers or sputum pots. • Count the respiratory rate (tachypnoea, defined as a respiratory rate > 20 breaths / minute (normal is 12–20 breaths / minute, albeit arbitrary), is often the first sign of respiratory or haemodynamic compromise) and note if the patient is breathless at rest. • Look for tar staining, clubbing, peripheral cyanosis or wasting. Clubbing very rarely progresses to hypertophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy, characterised by swelling and tenderness around the wrists and ankles associated with toe clubbing. • Feel the pulse whilst inspecting the hands to determine if it is bounding; note any flapping/tremor. • Look at the jugular venous pulse (JVP). The JVP is raised and pulsatile in cor pulmonale but fixed in superior vena cava obstruction, the latter characteristically causing marked venous distension in the neck and sometimes distension of veins in the hands, the underside of the tongue and upper chest wall. • Note any phrenic nerve crush scars in the supraclavicular fossae. • Look at the size and shape (Box 1.2) of the chest, and note any deformities (e.g. kyphoscoliosis, pectus carinatum, pectus excavatum), thoracotomy scars, radiotherapy field markings, telangiectasia or muscle wasting. • Look at chest wall movement (upwards in emphysema; asymmetrical in fibrosis, collapse, pleural effusion or pneumothorax). • Note any use of accessory muscles, including abdominal or scalene muscles, or intercostal indrawing. • Feel the trachea to determine any mediastinal shift (using the middle finger as the exploring finger and the index and ring fingers resting on the manubriosternum either side; Fig. 1.1) and note the approximate cricoid–suprasternal notch distance, decreased in hyperinflation from the normal three finger-breadths. • Feel for cervical, supraclavicular and axillary lymph nodes, always from behind using flat fingers and not poking with fingertips. • Start at the front or back (you are more likely to find signs at the back) but complete all of front or back examination before moving to the other. Remember that the lower lobes occupy most of the posterior chest and the upper lobes the anterior chest (Fig. 1.2). • Examine chest expansion. For the inframammary area and for the back of the chest use a ‘bucket handle’ approach with your fingers in the intercostal spaces either side of the chest and your thumbs floating in the midline (Fig. 1.3). This allows the ribs to move outwards. For the supramammary area, where the ribs move predominantly upwards, place your hands on the chest wall with thumbs meeting. • Tactile vocal fremitus gives the same information as vocal resonance and may be omitted. • Percuss the supraclavicular areas, clavicles and chest on both sides (Fig. 1.4). More than four or five levels of percussion is time consuming as a screen but percuss further to delineate any abnormality you find. • Compare right with left and superior with inferior (left → right at same level → right inferiorly → left at same level → left inferiorly → right at same level and so on). • Ensure that the finger applied to the chest (left middle) is applied firmly, and aligning it with the ribs is preferable; the pad of the partly flexed percussing finger (right middle) should tap the middle phalanx of the chest finger lightly, springing away quickly after contact to avoid dampening of the note. This relaxed swinging motion should come from the wrist, not the forearm (Fig. 1.4 inset). • Remember that the upper level of liver dullness is around the sixth rib in the right mid-clavicular line. Resonance below this level is a sign of hyperinflation. Cardiac dullness may also be elicited. • Auscultate, as for percussion, the supraclavicular areas, axillae and upper, middle and lower chest for breath sounds, added sounds and vocal resonance. • Vocal resonance, like tactile vocal fremitus, represents transmission of sound from the central airways to the chest wall. Sound transmission is enhanced through solid tissue (consolidation) provided the airways are patent and attenuated through fluid (pleural effusion) compared with transmission through air (normal). The principles are as for bronchial breathing in consolidation and reduced breath sounds in a pleural effusion. Enhanced sound transmission in consolidation is analogous to the vibration of an earthquake that can be felt through the ground before it can be heard through the air. Attenuated sound in a pleural effusion is analogous to diving underwater, the sound of people on land suddenly muffled. ‘Ninety-nine’ is the conventional sound used to assess vocal resonance, but the intended nasal ‘oi’ is better demonstrated by ‘neun-und-neuzig’. • Whispering pectoriloquy, when whispered sounds are heard clearly, confirms consolidation because a whispered voice is clearly audible through solid lung. Aegophony is an unusual sign in which compressed lung above a pleural effusion creates a high-pitched bleat from conducted voice. There may be tar-stained fingers (Fig. 1.6), central cyanosis (Box 1.3), pursed lip breathing and a generally plethoric appearance. A bounding pulse and flapping tremor suggest CO2 retention. • COPD should be considered in patients aged over 35 years with a risk factor (generally smoking) and exertional breathlessness, chronic cough, regular sputum production, frequent winter ‘bronchitis’ or wheeze (without features of asthma – unproductive cough, nocturnal / diurnal or variable symptoms). • Post-bronchodilator spirometry should be measured to confirm the diagnosis of COPD. • Alternative diagnoses or investigations should be considered in older people without typical symptoms of COPD where the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) to forced vital capacity (FVC) is < 0.7 or in younger people with symptoms of COPD where the FEV1 / FVC ratio is ≥ 0.7. Tell the examiners that you would be alert to cor pulmonale (right-sided heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension in chronic lung disease) and CO2 retention (type 2 respiratory failure). Extrapulmonary complications of COPD are given in Box 1.5, and adversely affect health status, functional capacity and survival. Disability in COPD can be poorly reflected in the FEV1. A more comprehensive assessment of severity includes the degree of air-flow obstruction and disability, the frequency of exacerbations, and the following known prognostic factors: breathlessness (Medical Research Council dyspnoea scale, Box 1.6), health status, body mass index, cor pulmonale, FEV1, exercise capacity (for example, 6-minute walking test), transfer factor for carbon monoxide and partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood. One pack year is equivalent to smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 1 year. The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease classification and NICE staging based on FEV1 (Table 1.2) align with international guidelines and are prognostically informative. Table 1.2 LTOT, long-term oxygen therapy. *Symptoms should be present to diagnose COPD in people with mild air-flow obstruction. **Or when FEV1 < 50% is accompanied by respiratory failure. A NICE clinical algorithm provides an evidence-based rationale for the sequencing of inhaled drugs used singly and in combination according to persistence of symptoms, exacerbations, and severity of air-flow obstruction (Fig. 1.9) and clarifies options for escalating inhaled treatment according to whether FEV1 is above or below 50%. LTOT is indicated for managing respiratory failure in stable COPD and is one of few interventions shown to improve survival in COPD. Oxygen is administered via nasal cannulae at 2–4 l / min via a concentrator for at least 15 hours a day, aiming for paO2 > 8 kPa. Patients must not smoke! Eligibility criteria are shown in Box 1.7. Some typical ABG results are shown in Table 1.3. • In those at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure, starting with a 24% or 28% Venturi mask and aiming for oxygen saturation 88–92% • In those not at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure with saturations ≥ 85% starting with nasal cannulae (2–6 l / min) or face mask (5–10 l / min) and aiming for oxygen saturation 94–98% • In those not at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure with saturations < 85% using a reservoir or bag–valve mask. • In AECOPD the evidence is robust. NIV improves pH, pCO2 and respiratory rate in the first hour, reduces treatment failure, reduces intubation, reduces complications (likely to be a consequence of avoiding intubation, which increases infection), reduces mortality (likely to be a consequence of reduced complications) and reduces length of stay. In the subsequent 12 months, however, 80% of patients are re-admitted, 63% have a life-threatening episode and 50% die. • In acute pulmonary oedema (APO), NIV as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) promotes earlier improvement of dyspnoea and metabolic abnormalities but does not improve survival; it should be considered as adjunctive therapy in those with respiratory distress or not responding to pharmacological measures. • In acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure (AHRF) evidence is controversial. • In immunocompromised patients NIV may be used in human immunodeficiency virus-related pneumocystic pneumonia with renal failure, haematological malignancy, solid tumours and organ transplantation, with evidence of benefit. • In asthma NIV may be used by those with considerable NIV expertise, but only where there is a very low threshold for intubation in the event of deterioration. • In patients ‘not for ICU or for DNAR’, factors favouring a survival advantage include COPD, APO, a strong cough and alertness, whilst pneumonia, cancer and other diagnoses fare less favourably. • NIV is sometimes used when weaning from mechanical ventilation, in extubation failure, in postoperative respiratory failure, in acute exacerbations of restrictive lung disease in CF and in trauma. This patient is breathless. Please examine his respiratory system and discuss your findings. There may be tachypnoea. There may be reduced expansion on the affected side but the trachea is central. There is dullness to percussion over one or more lobes (Fig. 1.10). There are bronchial breath sounds (+ / − coarse crackles) and vocal resonance is increased over the affected lobe(s). There may be whispering pectoriloquy and a pleural friction rub. Tell the examiners you would determine the CURB score (Case 1.4). This patient is breathless. Please examine his respiratory system and discuss your findings. There may be tachypnoea. There may be reduced expansion on the affected side but the trachea is central. There is dullness to percussion at the lung base (Fig. 1.11). The main differential diagnoses are pleural effusion, consolidation and collapse: • A pleural effusion produces stony dullness on percussion, reduced breath sounds and reduced vocal resonance. • Consolidation produces dullness to percussion, bronchial breath sounds, increased vocal resonance and whispering pectoriloquy. • Collapse may cause the trachea to deviate towards the affected side.
Respiratory and abdominal system
Respiratory system
Examination of the respiratory system
Percussion sites
Percussion technique
Vocal resonance
Case 1.1 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Confirm the diagnosis
Consider severity / decompensation / complications
Consider function
What do you understand by the term chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?
What is one smoking pack year?
What is α1-antitrypsin deficiency?
How might you grade COPD severity?
What management options are there in stable COPD?
What are the indications for long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT), ambulatory oxygen therapy and short-burst oxygen therapy?
How would you manage acute respiratory failure in COPD?
Can NIV be used in other conditions?
Case 1.2 Consolidation
Consider severity / decompensation / complications
Case 1.3 Dullness at the lung base
Confirm the diagnosis
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