Plasma Proteins

Chapter 15 Plasma Proteins

When blood is centrifuged in the presence of an anticoagulant, the pellet of blood cells occupies between 40% and 50% of the total volume. The remainder is a clear, yellowish fluid called plasma. When clotting is induced before centrifugation (e.g., by stirring the blood with a toothpick in the absence of an anticoagulant), the resulting fluid is called not plasma but serum. It has the same composition as plasma except for the absence of fibrinogen and some other clotting factors that are consumed during clotting.

Plasma contains approximately 0.9% inorganic ions, 0.8% small organic molecules (more than half of this is lipid), and 7% protein (Table 15.1). A pink coloration of the plasma suggests hemolysis, either in the patient or, more often, in the test tube as a result of careless handling. A milky appearance, or the formation of a fatty layer during centrifugation, shows the presence of chylomicrons, which are small fat droplets that appear in the plasma after a fatty meal. A turbid appearance in the fasting state suggests a hypertriglyceridemia with elevated very-low-density lipoprotein.

Table 15.1 Reference Values for Some Plasma Constituents

Plasma Constituent Reference Value
Gases and Electrolytes
pO2 arterial 95–100 mmHg
CO2 arterial 21–28 mmol/L
CO2 venous 24–30 mmol/L
HCO3 21–28 mmol/L
Cl 95–103 mmol/L
Na+ 136–142 mmol/L
K+ 3.8–5.0 mmol/L
Ca2+ (total) 2.3–2.74 mmol/L
Mg2+ 0.65–1.23 mmol/L
pH 7.35–7.44
Glucose (fasting) 3.9–6.1 mmol/L (70–110 mg/dl)
Ammonia 7–70 μmol/L (12–120 μg/dl)
Urea nitrogen 2.9–8.2 mmol/L (8–23 mg/dl)
Uric acid 0.16–0.51 mmol/L (2.7–8.5 mg/dl)
Creatinine 53–106 μmol/L (0.6–1.2 mg/dl)
Bilirubin (total) 2–20 μmol/L (0.1–1.2 mg/dl)
Bile acids 0.3–3 mg/dl
Lipids (total) 400–800 mg/dl
Acetoacetic acid 20–100 μmol/L (0.2–1 mg/dl)
Acetone 50–340 μmol/L (0.3–2 mg/dl)
Total protein 6–8 g/dl
Albumin 3.2–5.6 g/dl (52%–65% of total)
α1-Globulins 0.1–0.4 g/dl (2.5%–5% of total)
α2-Globulins 0.4–1.2 g/dl (7%–13% of total)
β-Globulins 0.5–1.1 g/dl (8%–14% of total)
γ-Globulins 0.5–1.6 g/dl (12%–22% of total)

Plasma contains about a dozen major and innumerable minor proteins. They participate in regulation of the blood volume, transport of nutrients and hormones, blood clotting, and defense against infections. This chapter describes the most important plasma proteins, their functions, and their abnormalities in diseases.

The blood pH is tightly regulated

Most biomolecules contain ionizable groups that are subject to protonation and deprotonation. Consequently, all biological processes are pH dependent. The pH of plasma is approximately 7.40 in arterial blood and 7.35 in venous blood. The difference is caused by the higher concentration of carbonic acid in venous blood. Carbonic acid forms spontaneously from carbon dioxide and water, but the reaction is accelerated dramatically by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase in erythrocytes:

At 37°C and pH 7.4, there are approximately 800 molecules of dissolved CO2 and 16,000 molecules of HCO3 for every molecule of H2CO3. The apparent pK for the overall reaction CO2 + H2O → HCO3 + H+ is 6.1. Thus the bicarbonate system acts as an effective buffer in the neutral to slightly acidic pH range.

Carbonic acid/bicarbonate is the most important physiological buffer system in the body. It is important because CO2 and HCO3 are present in high concentrations in the interstitial and intracellular compartments as well as the plasma (Fig. 15.1). In addition, the CO2 level can be regulated by the lungs and the HCO3 level by the kidneys.

Phosphate groups provide an additional buffer system:

The phosphate buffer is important only in the intracellular compartments, in which both inorganic phosphate and organically bound phosphate are plentiful.

Proteins provide additional buffering capacity through the ionizable groups in their side chains and their free amino and carboxyl termini.

Acidosis and alkalosis are common in clinical practice

Even small deviations from the normal blood pH lead to severe disturbances. An arterial pH lower than 7.35 is called acidemia, and an arterial pH exceeding 7.45 is called alkalemia. The pathological states leading to these outcomes are called acidosis and alkalosis, respectively.

Respiratory acidosis is caused by the abnormal retention of CO2, and respiratory alkalosis is caused by hyperventilation. For example, a doubling in the rate of alveolar ventilation raises the blood pH from 7.40 to 7.62, and a 50% reduction in alveolar ventilation lowers the blood pH from 7.40 to 7.12 (Fig. 15.2).

Metabolic acidosis is caused either by the overproduction of an organic acid or by failure of the kidneys to excrete excess acid. The normal urinary pH varies between 4.0 and 7.0, depending on the need to excrete excess protons. Conversely, metabolic alkalosis is caused by the abnormal loss of acids from the body (e.g., as a result of excessive vomiting).

Whenever the blood pH is abnormal, the body uses three lines of defense in an attempt to restore a normal blood pH:

Measurement of the plasma total carbon dioxide (CO2 + H2CO3 + HCO3) distinguishes between metabolic and respiratory acidosis. In respiratory acidosis, the total carbon dioxide is elevated because CO2 retention is, by definition, the cause of the acidosis. In metabolic acidosis, it is reduced because the patient hyperventilates in an attempt to eliminate excess carbonic acid. The converse applies to alkalosis.

Albumin prevents edema

Electrophoresis is the most important method for the separation of plasma proteins in the clinical laboratory (Fig. 15.4). It usually is performed at alkaline pH on a solid or semisolid support such as cellulose acetate foil or an agarose gel. This method separates the proteins by their charge/mass ratio. Five fractions can be identified by staining and densitometric scanning: albumin, and the α1-, α2-, β-, and γ-globulins.

Of these five fractions, only the albumin peak consists of a single major protein. Albumin is a single tightly packed polypeptide with 585 amino acids, without covalently bound carbohydrate. Its compact shape minimizes its effect on plasma viscosity. In general, compact proteins do not increase the plasma viscosity to the same extent as more elongated proteins of the same molecular weight (MW).

Albumin has a half-life of 17 days in the circulation. With its MW of 66,000 D and acidic isoelectric point (pI), it is able to avoid renal excretion, but it does cross the vascular endothelium of most tissues to some extent. Therefore it is present in interstitial fluid and lymph, but at lower concentrations than in the plasma.

Because the interstitial fluid volume is far larger than the plasma volume (12% and 4.5% of body volume, respectively), the total amount of albumin in the interstitial spaces slightly exceeds that in the vascular compartment. This albumin is returned to the blood by the lymph.

Although albumin accounts for only 60% of the total plasma protein, it provides 80% of the colloid osmotic pressure. This is because the colloid osmotic pressure depends on the amount of water and electrolytes that a protein attracts to its surface, and albumin is one of the most hydrophilic plasma proteins.

The colloid osmotic pressure is necessary to prevent edema. The hydrostatic pressure of the blood forces fluid from the capillaries into the interstitial spaces, and the colloid osmotic pressure of the plasma proteins is required to pull the fluid back into the capillaries (Fig. 15.5).

Usually, edema develops when the albumin concentration drops below 2.0 g/dl. Other possible causes of edema include an increase in capillary permeability, venous obstruction, impaired lymph flow, and congestive heart failure with increased venous pressure.

Some plasma proteins are specialized carriers of small molecules

Many of the proteins listed in Table 15.2 are specialized binding proteins that ferry endogenous substances through the blood.

Transthyretin, also called prealbumin because it moves slightly ahead of albumin during electrophoresis, participates in retinol transport. The liver releases stored retinol into the blood as a noncovalent complex with retinol-binding protein (RBP). RBP is a small protein of only 182 amino acids (MW 21,000), which has to bind to the larger transthyretin (MW 62,000) to avoid renal excretion.

Transthyretin also binds thyroid hormones. However, the major transport protein for these hormones is thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG), which binds thyroxine with 100 times higher affinity than does transthyretin. An increased level of TBG leads to an increased level of total circulating thyroid hormone, whereas its congenital absence leads to abnormally low levels. In both cases, however, the patient is healthy because the level of the free, unbound hormone is kept in the physiological range by homeostatic mechanisms.

Steroid hormones have two binding proteins: transcortin for glucocorticoids, and sex hormone–binding globulin for androgens and estrogens. Only the unbound fraction of the hormone determines the biological response. Therefore variable levels of the binding proteins can complicate the interpretation of hormone levels measured in the clinical laboratory. What the laboratory measures routinely is the concentration of the total (free + protein-bound) hormone, but the strength of the biological response depends only on the unbound fraction.

The hormone-binding proteins buffer the plasma concentration of the free, unbound hormone, in the same way that a pH buffer buffers the concentration of free protons.

Haptoglobin and hemopexin are binding proteins with a very different function. After intravascular hemolysis, the hemoglobin that is released from the ruptured erythrocytes dissociates into α-β dimers that are too small (MW 33,000D) to escape renal excretion. To prevent the loss of hemoglobin with its valuable iron, the hemoglobin binds to haptoglobin, and any free heme binds to hemopexin. These complexes are cleared by phagocytic cells and hepatocytes, respectively (Fig. 15.6).

Because haptoglobin is degraded along with its bound hemoglobin, the serum haptoglobin level is depressed in all hemolytic conditions, sometimes to near zero. Haptoglobin does not bind the myoglobin that is released from damaged muscles. Therefore the haptoglobin level is normal in muscle diseases. Because the common laboratory tests for “blood” in the urine do not distinguish between hemoglobin and myoglobin, measurement of serum haptoglobin can distinguish between hemoglobinuria and myoglobinuria.

Deficiency of α1-antiprotease causes lung emphysema

The proteolytic cascades that normally occur during blood clotting and immune responses are modulated by circulating protease inhibitors. Some of these inhibitors are very selective, but others inhibit a large number of proteases.

α2Macroglobulin binds a great variety of proteases and even forms covalent bonds with them. These protease-inhibitor complexes are ingested by phagocytes, followed by lysosomal degradation. α2-Macroglobulin is considered a backup protease inhibitor that comes into play when more selective inhibitors fail.

α1-Antiprotease is also known as α1-protease inhibitor or α1-antitrypsin. It inhibits many serine proteases, with highest affinity for elastase from white blood cells. In the laboratory, its activity is measured as the trypsin inhibitory capacity (TIC).

More than 75 genetic variants of α1-antiprotease are known. One of them, the Z allele, codes for a protein that cannot be secreted from the hepatocytes in which it is synthesized. Some ZZ homozygotes succumb to neonatal hepatitis or infantile cirrhosis, presumably because the accumulating protein damages the hepatocytes. Those who escape serious liver damage are prone to lung emphysema.

Ordinarily, emphysema is caused by the smoldering inflammation of chronic bronchitis and is seen mainly in long-term smokers. Chronic inflammation destroys the septa of the lung alveoli, reducing the surface area available for gas exchange.

The observation of early-onset lung emphysema in individuals with α1-antiprotease deficiency suggests that excessive proteolytic activity contributes to tissue damage in chronic bronchitis. Macrophages and neutrophils spill lysosomal proteases during phagocytosis. These proteases must be kept in check by α1-antiprotease, which is present not only in the blood but also in bronchial secretions and interstitial fluid. The lungs are especially vulnerable to out-of-control proteases because they are exposed to inhaled bacteria and other foreign particles that must be scavenged continuously by neutrophils and alveolar macrophages.

α1-Antiprotease can be inactivated by smoking. An essential methionine residue in the protein becomes oxidized to methionine sulfoxide by components of cigarette smoke. This contributes to the development of chronic bronchitis and emphysema in smokers, even those without a genetic defect in the protease inhibitor system.

The prevalence of α1-antiprotease deficiency in the white population of the United States is about 1 in 7000. Eighty percent of these patients eventually will develop emphysema, many at an early age. Treatment is strict avoidance of smoking. α1-Antiprotease can be administered by intravenous injection or by inhaler to the lungs.

Levels of plasma proteins are affected by many diseases

Plasma protein electrophoresis is a valuable aid in the diagnosis of many diseases. Figure 15.7 summarizes some typical patterns.

Acute-phase reactants are plasma proteins whose levels change within 1 or 2 days after acute trauma or surgery, and especially during infections and inflammation (Table 15.3). Their synthesis is controlled by stress hormones and cytokines that are released in these conditions. The albumin peak is reduced, whereas the α2 peak is often increased because one of its major components, haptoglobin, is a positive acute-phase reactant.

Table 15.3 Acute-Phase Reactants*

Protein Fraction Response
Albumin Albumin
α1-Acid glycoprotein α1 ↑↑
α1-Antiprotease α1
Ceruloplasmin α2 (↑)
Haptoglobin α2 ↑↑
α2-Macroglobulin α2
Fibrinogen β/γ
C-reactive protein β/γ ↑↑↑

* The levels of these plasma proteins are either elevated or reduced in many acute illnesses.

The most sensitive acute-phase reactant is C-reactive protein. Its plasma level rises up to 100-fold in bacterial infections and to a lesser degree in some other stressful conditions. C-reactive protein binds avidly to some bacterial polysaccharides and seems to participate in the innate immune response.

γ-Globulins are increased in many chronic diseases, including infections, malignancies, and liver cirrhosis. The nonselective stimulation of immunoglobulin synthesis in these conditions is called polyclonal gammopathy.

Nephrotic syndrome is caused by damage to the glomerular basement membrane in the kidneys. As a result, plasma proteins, especially those of low MW, are lost in the urine. The albumin peak and most of the globulin peaks are depressed, but the α2 peak is increased. The α2-macroglobulin in this fraction is so large (MW 725,000 D) that it is retained while the smaller plasma proteins are lost.

Similar patterns of decreased albumin and increased α2-globulin are seen in protein-losing enteropathy, when plasma proteins are lost through a large inflamed area in the intestine, and in extensive burns, when plasma proteins seep through the denuded body surface.

Abnormalities in the concentrations of minor plasma proteins cannot be divined from the electrophoretic pattern and have to be determined by sensitive immunological methods. For example, α-fetoprotein is synthesized in the fetal liver but occurs in only trace amounts in normal adult blood. Its levels are increased in most patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Effectively, the cancer cells revert to a fetal phenotype that entails α-fetoprotein production in addition to rapid proliferation. More importantly, α-fetoprotein is used for the prenatal diagnosis of open neural tube defects. In these severe malformations, α-fetoprotein leaks from the fetal blood into amniotic fluid and even into the maternal blood (Fig. 15.8).

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in BIOCHEMISTRY | Comments Off on Plasma Proteins

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