oils and resins

Chapter 22 Volatile oils and resins


Volatile or essential oils, as their name implies, are volatile in steam. They differ entirely in both chemical and physical properties from fixed oils. With the exception of oils such as oil of bitter almonds, which are produced by the hydrolysis of glycosides, these oils are contained largely as such in the plant. They are secreted in oil cells, in secretion ducts or cavities or in glandular hairs (see Chapter 42). They are frequently associated with other substances such as gums and resins and themselves tend to resinify on exposure to air.

Production and uses of volatile oils

Large quantities of volatile oil are produced annually; as examples, for lemon oil, eucalyptus oil, clove leaf oil and peppermint oil world production annually runs into several thousand metric tons each.

Although the production of major oils is highly organized, a number of developing countries have volatile oil-rich flora not fully utilized or cultivated and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation has taken steps to inform on the setting-up of rural based small-scale essential oil industries (see ‘Further reading’). India and China now produce large quantities of oil for export.

Volatile oils are used for their therapeutic action, for flavouring (e.g. oil of lemon), in perfumery (e.g. oil of rose) or as starting materials for the synthesis of other compounds (e.g. oil of turpentine). For therapeutic purposes they are administered as inhalations (e.g. eucalyptus oil), orally (e.g. peppermint oil), as gargles and mouthwashes (e.g. thymol) and transdermally (many essential oils including those of lavender, rosemary and bergamot are employed in the practice of aromatherapy.

Those oils with a high phenol content, e.g. clove and thyme, have antiseptic properties, whereas others are used as carminatives. Oils showing antispasmodic activity, and much used in popular medicine, are those of Melissa officinalis, Rosmarinus officinalis, Mentha piperita, Matricaria chamomilla, Foeniculum vulgare, Carum carvi and Citrus aurantium. The antispasmodic activity of some of these oils has also been demonstrated experimentally. The constituents of many volatile oils are stated to interfere with respiration and electron transport in a variety of bacteria, hence accounting for their use in food preservation and in cosmetic preparations.

Composition of volatile oils

With the exception of oils derived from glycosides (e.g. bitter almond oil and mustard oil) volatile oils are generally mixtures of hydrocarbons and oxygenated compounds derived from these hydrocarbons. In some oils (e.g. oil of turpentine) the hydrocarbons predominate and only limited amounts of oxygenated constituents are present; in others (e.g. oil of cloves) the bulk of the oil consists of oxygenated compounds. The odour and taste of volatile oils is mainly determined by these oxygenated constituents, which are to some extent soluble in water (note orange-flower water, rose water, etc.) but more soluble in alcohol (note tinctures or essences of lemon, etc.). Many oils are terpenoid in origin; a smaller number such as those of cinnamon and clove contain principally aromatic (benzene) derivatives mixed with the terpenes. A few compounds (e.g. thymol, carvacrol), although aromatic in structure, are terpenoid in origin.


Various pharmacopoeial procedures are given for the evaluation of volatile oils. Odour and taste are obviously important in the preliminary examination; however oils should not be tasted neat but only after dilution with a sugar solution in ethanol as prescribed in the BP. Physical measurements including optical rotation, relative density and refractive index are regularly employed for identification and

assessment of purity; similarly thin-layer chromatograms. Capillary gas chromatographic profiles are used to determine the proportions of individual components of certain oils. Advances in gas chromatography have now made possible the ready determination of the chirality of particular components of volatile oils thus detecting adulteration with synthetic material or unwanted other oils; examples of its use are carvone in caraway oil, linalol in coriander oil and linalol and linalyl acetate in neroli oil. The ketone and aldehyde contents of oils such as caraway and lemon respectively are determined by reaction with hydroxylamine hydrochloride (oxime formation) and titration of the liberated acid. Other general tests described in the BP include examination for fixed and resinified oils (residue after evaporation), foreign esters (conversion to a crystalline deposit) and presence of water (turbidity of a carbon disulphide solution).

There have been a number of recent problems (1999) with the occurrence of tetrachloromethane in essential oils, particularly spearmint oil. This is probably not due to deliberate adulteration (the adulterant is present at low ppm levels) but a consequence of cleaning the drums before use with offending solvent and inefficient removal of it before filling the drums. Unfortunately on detection it renders the oil useless, as in food tetrachloromethane is prohibited.

The volatile oil content of crude drugs is commonly determined by distillation (Chapter 16).


The origin of metabolites with phenylpropane and terpenoid structures has been discussed in Chapter 18. In medicinal essential oils the number of the former is limited but for the monoterpenes which arise at the geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP) level of terpenoid synthesis there are numerous examples. Analyses show that these oils commonly contain 40–80 monoterpenoids, many in relatively small proportion. A major constituent of one oil may be a minor one in another.

Three groups of monoterpenoid structures are involved: (1) acyclic or linear; (2) monocyclic; and (3) bicyclic. In the plant they are sequentially derived from limonene in this order as illustrated in Fig. 22.1. Relatively few enzymes, termed cyclases, appear to determine the skeletal class (e.g. menthanes, pinanes, thujanes etc.) and it is possible that these serve as rate-limiting enzymes. However, regulatory factors for the control of synthesis operate not only at the biosynthetic enzyme level per se but in a hierarchical manner up to the whole-organism level.

Because of the trans geometry of the double bond at the C-2 of GPP, direct cyclization to limonene is not possible and for Mentha spp. it has been shown that (−)-limonene synthase located within the oil glands catalyses the isomerization of GPP to enzyme-bound (+)-3S-linalyl pyrophosphate with subsequent cyclization to (−)-limonene. However, many enzymatic steps are involved in the subsequent modifications and interconversions of these monoterpenes. Some components of volatile oils are sesquiterpenes (C15H24) (q.v.) and they include cadinene, zingiberene (structure, Fig. 18.17) and caryophyllene. The formulae of some of the more common constituents of pharmaceutical volatile oils are given in Fig. 22.2.

It is increasingly evident that some monoterpenes and other components of volatile oils also occur in plants in the glycosidic form. Thus, geraniol, nerol and citronellol occur as glycosides in the petals of Rosa dilecta, thymol and carvacrol as glucosides and galactosides in Thymus vulgaris and eugenol, benzyl alcohol, β-phenylethyl alcohol, nerol, geraniol and geranic acid as glucosides in Melissa officinalis. It is considered that these glucosides of monoterpenols and of 2-phenylethanol are translocated from leaves to flowers as aroma precursors.

Table 22.1 may be used to compare the compositions of important volatile oils. The classification is arbitrary, since an oil may contain a number of compounds all about equally important but belonging to different chemical classes. The substance used for classification is not necessarily the one present in greatest amount. Thus, nutmeg is classified on its myristicin and lemon on citral, although these constituents form only a small percentage of these oils.

Table 22.1 Composition of volatile oils.

Name Botanical name Important constituents
Terpenes or sesquiterpenes    
Tea-tree Melaleuca alternifolia Cyclic monoterpenes
Turpentine Pinus spp. Terpenes (pinenes, camphene)
Juniper Juniperus communis Terpenes (pinene, camphene); sesquiterpene (cadinene); alcohols
Cade (Juniper Tar Oil) Juniperus oxycedrus Sesquiterpenes (cadinene); phenols (guaiacol, cresol)
Coriander Coriandrum sativum Linalol (65–80% alcohols); terpenes
Otto of rose Rosa spp. Geraniol, citronellol (70–75% alcohols); esters
Geranium Pelargonium spp. Geraniol; citronellol; esters
Indian or Turkish geranium (Palmarosa) Cymbopogon spp. Geraniol (85–90%)
Sandalwood Santalum album Santalols (sesquiterpene alcohols), esters, aldehydes
Esters and alcohols    
Bergamot Citrus bergamia Linalyl acetate, linalol
Lavender Lavandula officinalis Linalol; linalyl acetate (much); ethyl-pentyl ketone
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Borneol and linalol (10–18%); bornyl acetate, etc. (2–5%); terpenes; cineole
Pumilio pine Pinus mugo var. pumilio Bornyl acetate (about 10%); terpenes; sesquiterpenes
Peppermint Mentha piperita Menthol (about 45%); menthyl acetate (4–9%)
Cinnamon bark Cinnamomum verum Presl. Cinnamaic aldehyde (60–75%); eugenol; terpenes
Cassia Cinnamomum cassia Cinnamic aldehyde (80%)
Lemon Citrus limon Citral (over 3.5%); limonene (about 90%)
Lemon grass Cymbopogon spp. Citral and citronellal (75–85%); terpenes
‘Citron-scented’ eucalyptus Eucalyptus citriodora Citronellal (about 70%)
Spearmint Mentha spicata and M. cardiaca Carvone (55–70%); limonene, esters
Caraway Carum carvi Carvone (60%); limonene, etc.
Dill Anethum graveolens Carvone (50%); limonene, etc.
Sage Salvia officinalis Thujone (about 50%); camphor; cineole etc.
Wormwood Artemisia absinthium Thujone (up to 35%); thujyl alcohol; azulenes
Cinnamon leaf Cinnamomum verum Presl. Eugenol (up to 80%)
Clove Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr & L. M. Perry Eugenol (85–90%); acetyl eugenol, methylpentyl ketone, vanillin
Thyme Thymus vulgaris Thymol (20–30%)
Horsemint Monarda punctata Thymol (about 60%)
Ajowan Trachyspermum ammi Thymol (4–55%)
Anise and Star-anise Pimpinella anisum and Illicium verum Anethole (80–90%); chavicol methyl ether, etc.
Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Anethole (60%); fenchone, a ketone (20%)
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus Cineole (over 70%); terpenes, etc.
Cajuput Melaleuca spp. Cineole (50–60%); terpenes, alcohols and esters
Camphor Cinnamomum camphora After removal of the ketone camphor contains safrole; terpenes, etc.
Parsley Petroselinum sativum Apiole (dimethoxysafrole)
Indian dill Peucedanum soja Dill-apiole (dimethoxysafrole)
Nutmeg Myristica fragrans Myristicin (methoxysafrole) up to 4%; terpenes (60–85%); alcohols, phenols
Chenopodium Chenopodium ambrosioides var. anthelmintica Ascaridole (60–77%), an unsaturated terpene peroxide
Non-terpenoid and derived from glycosides    
Mustard Brassica spp. Glucosinolates
Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens Methyl salicylate
Bitter almond Prunus communis var. amara Benzaldehyde and HCN (from amygdalin)

C20 or diterpenoid compounds include such resin acids as (+)- and (−)-pimaric acid and their isomer, the abietic acid of pine resin. The abietane acids have antimicrobial, antiulcer and cardiovascular properties (for a review covering some 56 acids over the period 1967–92 see A. S. Feliciano et al., Planta Med., 1993, 59, 485). Many diterpenoids (e.g. vitamin A and gibberellic acid) do not belong to the volatile oil–resin group. Similarly, only a small proportion of triterpenoid compounds (C30) are found as resin constituents (e.g. in Euphorbia resinifera).

Preparation of volatile oils

All the official volatile oils are extracted by distillation with the exception of oil of lemon and oil of cade. The distillation of volatile oils by means of water or steam has long been practised, but modern plants possess many advantages over the older stills, in which charring and undesirable decomposition of the oil often took place. Modern volatile oil stills contain the raw material on perforated trays or in perforated baskets. The still contains water at the base which is heated by steam coils, and free steam under pressure may also be passed in. Tough material such as barks, seeds and roots may be comminuted tofacilitate extraction but flowers are usually placed in the still without further treatment as soon as possible after collection. Distillation is frequently performed in the field.

The distillate, which consists of a mixture of oil and water, is condensed and collected in a suitable receiver which is usually a Florentine flask or a large glass jar with one outlet near the base and another near the top. The distillate separates into two layers, the oil being withdrawn through the upper outlet and the water from the lower outlet, or vice versa in the case of oils, such as oil of cloves, which are heavier than water. The oil-saturated aqueous layer may be returned to the still or may form an article of commerce, as in the case of rose water and orange-flower water.

Certain oils (e.g. oil of cajuput, oil of caraway, oil of turpentine and oil of Australian sandalwood) are rectified. Rectification usually takes the form of a second distillation in steam, which frees the oil from resinous and other impurities. Light and atmospheric oxygen appear to have an adverse effect on most volatile oils and the official directions with regard to storage should be rigidly followed. The distillation of oil of chenopodium must be done as rapidly as possible, as the chief constituent, ascaridole, gradually decomposes on boiling with water.

Extraction of oils used in perfumery

Certain oils used in perfumery, such as oil of rose, are prepared by steam distillation as described above but many of the flower perfumes require other treatment. An important centre for the extraction of flower oils is Grasse, in the south of France. Here the oils are extracted by enfleurage, by digestion in melted fats, by pneumatic methods or by means of solvents. In the enfleurage process glass plates are covered with a thin layer of fixed oil or fat upon which the fresh flowers are spread. The volatile oil gradually passes into the fat and the exhausted flowers are removed and replaced by a fresh supply. Formerly the flowers had to be picked off by hand but this is now done mechanically. Only a small percentage of the flowers, which resist the action of the machine, require removal by the fingers or by means of a vacuum cleaner. The pneumatic method, which is similar in principles to the enfleurage process, involves the passage of a current of warm air through the flowers. The air, laden with suspended volatile oil, is then passed through a spray of melted fat in which the volatile oil is absorbed. In the digestion process the flowers are gently heated in melted fat until exhausted, when they are strained out and the perfume-containing fat is allowed to cool. It will be seen that in each of the above processes the volatile oil has now been obtained in a fatty base. The volatile oil is obtained from this by three successive extractions with alcohol. The alcoholic solutions may be put on the market as flower perfumes or the oil may be obtained in a pure form by recovery of the alcohol. Solvent extraction is based on the Soxhlet principle (see Chapter 16).

Oil of rose

Oil of rose (Otto or Attar of Rose, Oleum Rosae) is a volatile oil obtained by distillation from the fresh flowers of Rosa damascena, R. gallica, R. alba and R. centifolia (Rosaceae). It is included in the USP/NF, 1995. The chief producing countries are Bulgaria, Turkey and Morocco but smaller quantities are prepared elsewhere.

The oil is prepared in copper alembic stills by the peasants or in large factories under careful scientific control. Some 3000 parts of flowers yield only one part of oil. The oil is very expensive and very liable to adulteration. The ‘peasant distilled’ oil usually fetches a lower price than that produced in the larger works.

The oil is a pale yellow semisolid. The portion which is solid at ordinary temperatures forms about 15–20% and consists of odourless stearoptene containing principally saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons (C14–C23 normal paraffins). The liquid portion forms a clear solution with 70% alcohol. It consists of the alcohols geraniol, citronellol, nerol and 2-phenylethanol with smaller quantities of esters and other odorous principles. Although the alcohols form about 70–75% of the oil, the odour is so modified by the other constituents, such as sulphur containing compounds, that no artificial mixture of the known constituents can be made to reproduce the odour of the natural oil. Phenylalanine has been shown to act as a precursor of the 2-phenylethanol; acetate and mevalonate are incorporated into the terpene alcohols. A citronellyl disaccharide glycoside has been identified as an aroma precursor of citronellol in flowers of R. damascena var. bulgaria (N. Oka et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, 1527). Among a number of lines of callus derived from the leaf-bud of R. damascena a few have been shown to produce 2-phenylethanol.

From Rosa rugosa var. plena growing in central China some 108 compounds have been identified in the flower oil; these include citronellol (60%), geraniol (8.6%), nerol (2.8%), citronellyl acetate (2.7%) and E,E-farnesol (2.5%). For a review see Y. Hashidoko, Phytochemistry, 1996, 43, 535.

Oil of rose is of great importance in perfumery (for a fuller account of its history and utilization see Widrlechner, Econ. Bot., 1981, 35, 42).


Peppermint Leaf as defined in the BP and EP is the dried leaves of Mentha × piperita L. (Labiatae). It is required to contain not less than 1.2% of volatile oil. The oil is obtained from the same plant by steam distillation using the flowering tops. The European and American oil appears to be derived to a large extent from the two varieties M. piperita var. vulgaris Sole (‘black mint’) and M. piperita var. officinalis Sole (‘white mint’).

Mentha × piperita is, as implied by the written botanical name, a hybrid species from the two parents, M. spicata (2n = 36 or 48) and M. aquatica (2n = 96). M. × piperita strains commonly have a somatic number of 72, a smaller proportion 66, but other figures have also been reported.


The oil of the BP (1993) was required to contain 4.5–10% of esters calculated as menthyl acetate, not less than 44% of free alcohols calculated as menthol and 15–32% of ketones calculated as menthone. However, these chemical evaluations are now replaced by a capillary GC profile; limits for individual compounds are limonene 1.0–5.0%, cineole 3.5–14.0%, menthone 14–32%, menthofuran 1.0–9.0%, isomenthone 1.5–10.0%, menthylacetate 2.8–10.0%, menthol 30.0–55.0%, pulegone image4.0%, carvone image1.0%. The ratio of the cineole to limonene contents exceeds 2.

Small quantities of the sesquiterpene viridoflorol form a useful identification characteristic of the oil. A basic fraction of the oil contains a number of pyridine derivatives such as 2-acetyl-4-isopropenyl pyridine which has a powerful grass-like minty odour. High-resolution GC has been used to identify over 85 components of the oil.

As with other cultivated Labiatae, the oil composition of M. × piperita is greatly influenced by genetic factors and seasonal variations (see relevant chapters). The task of elucidating the nature of the genetic control for the formation of various constituents has been rendered difficult by the hybrid and polyploid nature of the genus. Much progress in this area was achieved by M. J. Murray, a mint breeder with the A. M. Todd Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan. His collection of over 600 accessions of mint species, which has continued to be researched and added to, now forms the basis of the collection of the USDA-ARS-National Clonal Germplasm Repository in Cornvallis, Oregon.

Biogenesis of peppermint monoterpenoids

The biosynthetic isoprenoid origin of monoterpenes was mentioned at the beginning of this chapter. As the essential oils of the Labiatae are synthesized in the cells of the glandular trichomes, techniques such as cell and root culture are of little value as experimental tools. However, new procedures, using gentle abrasion of leaf surfaces with glass beads, have been developed for isolating in high purity and excellent yield, peltate glandular trichomes of peppermint which retain their biosynthetic activity.

Developmental changes in the oil composition of the leaves include the disappearance of limonene, the accumulation of 1,8-cineole, the conversion of menthone to menthol and the acetylation of menthol. All these processes begin at the distal extremity of the leaf and shift progressively to the leaf base (B. Voirin and C. Bayer, Phytochemistry, 1996, 43, 573).

A proposed pathway for the formation of monoterpenes in peppermint is given in Fig. 22.3. A number of enzymes involved in the reactions have been characterized. The hydrolase system involving (−)-limonene-3-hydroxylase in the formation of the alcohol (−)-trans-isopiperitenol is cytochrome-P450-dependent and is associated with the oil gland microsomal fraction. The remaining steps are catalysed by operationally soluble enzymes of the oil cells. It will be noted that (+)-pulegone is a branching point for the formation of menthol stereoisomers.

Japanese peppermint oil is derived from Mentha canadenis var. piperascens; it contains 70–90% menthol, for the extraction of which it is largely used. The commercial dementholized Japanese oil contains approximately the same amount of menthol and its esters as the American oil.


The official drug consists of whole or cut leaves of Salvia officinalis (Labiatae) containing not less than 1.5% (whole leaf) or 1.0% (cut leaf) of essential oil which is determined by steam distillation. The plant isindigenous to Mediterranean areas but is now cultivated world-wide, principally for its use as a culinary herb.


Rosemary leaf BP/EP, BHP is the whole dried leaf of Rosmarinus officinalis L., family Labiatae. The plant is native to Mediterranean regions and is widely cultivated elsewhere in herb gardens and as an aromatic ornamental. Many horticultural varieties varying in habit and flower colour exist. Commercial supplies of the leaf come principally from Spain, Morocco and Tunisia.

R. officinalis is an aromatic evergreen shrub, variable in its form, but mostly with stems reaching a height of over 1 m. The bilobed corollas of the flowers are pale to dark blue and occur clustered in spikes at the ends of the branches; they are larger than those of either lavender or the mints. The leathery, opposite leaves are up to 4 cm long and up to 4 mm wide with entire strongly recurved margins and prominent midribs. The upper surfaces are green, the lower ones grey and somewhat woolly due to numerous branched trichomes. Typical labiate hairs contain the volatile oil, of which the BP specifies a minimum content of 1.2% calculated on the anhydrous drug.


Rosemary oil is steam distilled from the flowering aerial parts of Rosmarinus officinalis L. The fresh material yields about 1–2% of a colourless to pale yellow volatile oil with a very characteristic odour. It contains 0.8–6% of esters and 8–20% of alcohols. The principal constituents are 1,8-cineole, borneol, camphor, bornyl acetate and monoterpene hydrocarbons, principally α-pinene and camphene. Many minor components have been identified. Chemical races (G. Flamini et al., J. Agric. Food Chem., 2002, 50, 1512) and geographical variants concerning the proportions of constituents in the oils are known. The BP/EP accordingly gives the limits for the percentage content of 12 constituents for oils of the Spanish type and for those of the Moroccan and Tunisian type. These are determined by gas chromatography.

The oil is frequently used in aromatherapy, in the perfumery industry and for the preparation of spirits and liniments for medical use; it has antibacterial and antispasmodic properties.


Lemon balm BP/EP consists of the dried leaf of Melissa officinalis L. family Labiatae/Lamiaceae; Balm leaf BHP 1990 is from the same source but also includes the flowering tops. The plant is a perennial herb native to southern and eastern Mediterranean regions but now widely grown in gardens for its aroma or for culinary purposes and cultivated commercially in Eastern Europe and Spain.

The leaves are opposite on a hairy quadangular stem; flowering branches arise in the axils of the lower leaves and flowers in clusters at the upper ends of the stems. The two-lipped corollas are initially white, changing later to pale blue or pink; the calyx is toothed with long spreading hairs. Leaf blades are 3–7 cm in length, longly petiolate on the lower parts of stems but shortly so on the upper parts, margins are deeply crenate or serrate, veins are prominent on the lower pale-green surface. Microscopical features are characteristic of the Lamiaceae and include eight-celled glandular trichomes, clothing trichomes and diacytic stomata on the lower epidermis.

Lemon balm yields only a small quantity of volatile oil (0.06–0.4%), which none the less gives the plant, when crushed, its strong lemon-like odour. Principal components of the oil are the aldehydes citral (composed of the isomers geranial and neral) and citronellal. Other components in smaller proportions are citronellol, nerol and the sesquiterpene β-caryophyllene; in all, over 70 constituents have been reported. Due to the low yield of oil from the plant, lemon balm oil is subject to adulteration with lemon-grass oil (Cymbopogon citratus), lemon-scented verbena oil (Aloysia triphylla) or various citrus products.

The BP/EP drug is assayed on its total content (image4.0%) of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives expressed as rosmarinic acid (p. 270); these are mainly structurally related to caffeic acid. Other constituents are flavonoids, principally luteolin glycosides (Table 21.5).

For over 2000 years lemon balm has been used for medicinal and culinary purposes. It is used traditionally for its sedative, spasmolytic and antibacterial properties; more recently it has been investigated by a number of researchers for its topical use in the treatment of Herpes labialis.


A number of Thymus species have been used traditionally for their medicinal and culinary properties. Under the above heading, the BP/EP recognizes the leaves and flowers separated from the dried aerial parts of T. vulgaris L. and T. zygis L., family Labiatae, or mixtures of the two. The former is the garden thyme or common thyme, native to Mediterranean regions, and possibly introduced into Britain by the Romans; the latter is also known as Spanish thyme.

Both species have similar morphological and microscopical characteristics and can be difficult to distinguish in the dried state. Stems above 15 mm in length and over 1 mm in diameter are limited to 10% by the pharmacopoeia. The grey–green leaves are slightly hairy on the upper surface and densely so on the lower surface, up to 12 mm long, and 3 mm wide, opposite, sessile and ovate to lanceolate in shape with slightly rolled edges. Under the microscope, both species show on the lower surface volatile oil-containing glandular trichomes typical of the Labiatae and numerous warty-walled clothing trichomes. The characteristic elbow-shaped trichomes of T. vulgaris are illustrated in Fig. 42.4. Numerous thick bundles of fibres are apparent in the powder of T. zygis.


The BP/EP drug is defined as the whole or cut, dried, flowering aerial parts of Thymus serpyllum L.s.l. It is required to contain a minimum of 0.3% essential oil (dried drug).

The species is an extremely variable aggregate, differing in its forms and chemical constituents both locally and across its wider geographical distribution. It grows on heaths, dry grasslands, dunes and in rocky environments extending from coasts to the lower mountain slopes of central and northern Europe, including the UK.

Wild thyme is used both medicinally and as a flavour in a similar manner to the common thyme, but is less powerful in its actions. The principal constituents are again thymol and carvacrol, which, however, vary appreciably according to source; some chemotypes contain neither of these phenolic compounds. For quality control, the BP/EP relies on the minimum oil content (as above) and TLC to indicate the presence of thymol and carvacrol and to give an indication of their respective concentrations.

For those essential oils having a low phenol content, major constituents have been variously reported as cineole, β-caryophyllene, nerolidol, myrcene, geranyl acetate and linalyl acetate. Other constituents of the drug (flavonoids, various acids, triterpenes) again resemble those of garden thyme.

The drug has been used traditionally for the treatment of respiratory infections, gastrointestinal problems and skin conditions requiring an antiseptic.

For an elaboration of the chemical constituents, pharmacological actions, therapeutics and research references concerning the thymes, see P. Bradley, 2006, British Herbal Compendium, Vol. 2, pp. 369–375; 389–392. British Herbal Medical Association, Bournemouth, UK. For a complete overview of all aspects of the genus, see Stahl-Biskup, E. (ed.), Hardman, R. (series ed.) 2002 Thyme: the genus Thymus. Taylor and Francis, New York. 230 pp., 956 references.


There is a large number of marjorams, and various varieties are cultivated extensively for ornamental and culinary purposes. Two medicinally used species described in the BP/EP are Origanum onites L. (syn. Majoram onites) the pot marjoram or Greek oregano, and O. vulgare L. subsp. hirtum (Link) Ietsw., a subspecies of the wild marjoram, or oregano, family Labiatae. The dried leaves and flowers are separated from the stems; a mixture of both species may be used. Both have a strong, thyme-like odour. Both appear similar in the dried state but the leaves of O. onites are yellowish–green whereas those of O. vulgare are more distinctly green. In the powdered form, both show typical laminaceous characteristics.

In view of the diverse nature of the genus, with many varieties of the above and the fact that other plants may be sold commercially under the name ‘oregano’, the characteristics of the oil are important. The BP/EP requires a minimum of 2.5% oil in the drug and a minimum 1.5% carvacol and thymol. Other constituents of the oil include caryophyllene, β-bisabolene, cymene, linalool and borneol. Plants grown near the Mediterranean coast are stated to be the most fragrant of all. Tannins, sterols, flavonoids and resin have been reported in the drug. A reddish dye can be obtained from the aerial parts of O. vulgare.


The general term ‘lavender’ applies to a number of species and numerous hybrids and varieties of the genus Lavandula, plants used from classical times for their aromatic and medicinal properties. The generic name derives from the Latin lavare, referring to the use of lavender by the Romans as a bath perfume. The numerous cultivated varieties vary in their flower colour (blue through purple to white), habit, foliage and, importantly, their oil composition as indicated under ‘Lavender Oil’ below; many are hybrids and do not breed true.

Lavender flower BP/EP 2007, BHP 1983 consists of the dried flowers of L. angustifolia P.Mill. (L. officinalis Chaix). It is required (BP) to contain a minimum volatile oil content of 1.3% expressed on a dry weight basis.

The flowers, up to 5 mm in length, are packed closely together in verticillasters on a quadrangular stem forming a compact terminal spike. Each verticillaster consists of six to ten shortly stalked flowers. In the fresh condition, oily glandular trichomes can be discerned among the numerous covering trichomes on the surface of the five-lobed calyx. The blue corolla is bilabiate with an upper bifid lip and a lower three-lobed lip.

Microscopical features of the powder include fragments of the calyx and corolla with numerous associated glandular and clothing trichomes; prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate in cells of the calyx; pollen grains up to about 35 μm in diameter with six pores and six pitted lines radiating from the poles; vascular tissue from the pedicel.

Gas chromatographic analysis of the oil isolated in the volatile oil determination above is employed by the BP/EP to establish the absence in the sample of species and varieties other than L. angustifolia. The chromatogram obtained is compared with that of a reference solution containing five compounds expected to be found in the oil of a genuine sample; the peak for camphor should not exceed 1% of the total area of the peaks thus excluding camphoraceous species such as L. latifolia.


The botanical source of lavender oil is Lavandula angustifolia Miller (Lavandula officinalis Chaix), family Labiatae. Originally (BP 1980) oil from this species was referred to as ‘foreign oil’ to distinguish it from that of L. intermedia Loisel, which was termed ‘English oil’. The latter has a much finer fragrance than the Continental oil and there were separate pharmacopoeial standards for the two oils. Unfortunately the straggly habit of the English lavender does not lend itself to mechanical harvesting and oil produced commercially is now of the Continental type. France, once the principal producer, has been superseded by Bulgaria, with smaller quantities of oil coming from the former USSR, Australia and other countries.

Lavender oil types

The taxonomy of the lavenders is confusing and Continental oils differ among themselves owing to the fact that a number of different species, varieties and hybrids are distilled. The true lavender, L. officinalis, yields the best oil when grown at a fairly high altitude, the variety growing under these conditions being known as ‘petite lavande’. At a lower altitude the ‘lavande moyenne’ yields a somewhat less esteemed oil. ‘Grande lavande’, L. latifolia Villers (L. spica DC), yields a much coarser oil, which is sold as oil of spike. The above plant readily hybridizes with L. officinalis yielding a plant known as ‘grosse lavande’ or ‘lavandin’, the oil of which is intermediate in character between that of the parent forms. According to Tucker (Baileya, 1981, 21, 131), of the many names applied to this hybrid species, the correct one is L. × intermedia Emeric ex Loiseleur. As hybrids the plants do not breed true and are normally propagated vegetatively; a simple efficient method for the in vitro shoot regeneration from the leaves has offered possibilities for future breeding (S. Dronne et al., Plant Cell Reports, 1999, 18, 429). The lavandin oil market is controlled by the French with Spain the principal producer.

The evergreen plant flowers from July to September and the fresh flowering spikes yield about 0.5% of volatile oil. The amount varies according to variety, season and method of distillation; modern steam stills give a rather larger yield than those in which the flowers are boiled with water. Genuine Continental lavender oil normally contains over 35% of esters. Oil of spike, which is largely used in cheap perfumery, contains little ester but a high proportion of free alcohols (about 23–41% calculated as borneol); 30 components have been identified. The nature of the alcohols also varies from a mixture of linalol and geraniol in the best lavender oil to borneol in oil of spike. Hybrids are of intermediate character (e.g. ‘lavandin oil’) and contain about 6–9% of esters and about 35% of alcohols. An analysis of the Spanish oil (J. de Pascual Teresa, Planta Medica, 1989, 55, 398) enabled the identification of 50 compounds, the principal ones being 1:8-cineole, linalol and camphor; in contrast to the oil of L. angustifolia, linalyl acetate was not present.

A GC profile together with prescribed percentage ranges of 10 components of the pharmaceutical oil is given in the BP/EP; linalol (20–45%) and linalyl acetate (25–46%) are the principal constituents with a maximum limit for camphor of 1.2%. Chiral chromatography is used to determine the chiral purity of the linalol and linalyl acetate contents.

As with other Labiatae, Lavandula cell cultures do not produce essential oil and for L. vera rosmarinic acid is the principal phenolic component together with caffeic acid and traces of others. An enol ester of caffeic acid is a blue pigment also found in cell cultures (see E. Kovatcheva et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43, 1243).

Species of Lavandula other than the above are also cultivated. L. stoechas has a markedly different odour and of its 51 volatile components, fenchone, pinocaryl acetate, camphor, eucalyptol and myrthenol predominate. Large producers are Spain and France. Oil from wild plants growing in the Algiers region of Algeria contained as significant constituents fenchone (31.6%), camphor (22.4%), p-cymene (6.5%) lavandulyl acetate (3.0%) and α-pinene (1.0%). Fifty-four components amounting to ca 73% of the oil were identified (T. Dob et al., Pharm Biol., 2006; 44, 60).


Caraway (Caraway Fruit) consists of the dried, ripe fruits of Carum carvi (Umbelliferae), a biennial herb about 1 m high. It occurs both wild and cultivated in central and northern Europe (The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Russia, Finland, Poland, Hungary and Britain) and in Egypt, Morocco, Australia and China.

Microscopical characters

A transverse section of a caraway mericarp (Fig. 22.5) shows five primary ridges, in each of which is a vascular strand with associated pitted sclerenchyma and having a single secretory canal at the outer margin of each. The six vittae which appear somewhat flattened and elliptical in transverse section may attain a width of 350 μm; they extend from the base of the fruit to the base of the stylopod. They are lined with small, dark reddish-brown cells and contain a pale yellow or colourless oleoresin (Fig. 22.5B, C). The raphe lies on the inner side of the endosperm, which is non-grooved. Occupying the majority of the transverse section is the endosperm, with thickened cellulose walls (having also deposits of a β-(1,4)-mannan as a reserve polysaccharide) and containing fixed oil and aleurone grains having one or two microrosettes of calcium oxalate. The embryo, which is situated near the apex of the mericarp, will only be seen in sections passing through that region.

More detailed examination shows that the outer epidermis of the pericarp is glabrous (cf. aniseed) and has a striated cuticle (cf. fennel). The mesocarp consists of more or less collapsed parenchyma and lacks the reticulated cells of fennel. The endodermis (or inner epidermis of the pericarp) (Fig. 22.5F) consists of a single layer of elongated cells, arranged more or less parallel to one another and not showing the ‘parquetry’ arrangement of coriander.


The volatile oil (Caraway Oil BP/EP) consists largely of the ketone carvone and the terpene limonene (formulae, Fig. 22.4) with small quantities of dihydrocarvone, carveol and dihydrocarveol. As there is a demand for pure carvone, there is a considerable amount of decarvonized oil available for adulteration.

Official tests include a TLC examination to ascertain the presence of carvone and carveol and the measurement of optical rotation (+65° to +81°), refractive index (1.484–1.490) and acid value (maximum 1.0). The proportions of individual components are required to fall within certain limits as determined by gas chromatography: limonene (30–45%), carvone (50–65%), β-myrcene (0.1–1.0%) with maximum limits for trans-dihydrocarvone and trans-carveol (both 2.5%). The gas chromatographic chirality assay limits (−)-carvone to 1.0%.


Dill (Dill Fruit) consists of the dried, ripe fruits of Anethum graveolens (Umbelliferae), a small annual indigenous to southern Europe. It is cultivated in Central and Eastern Europe and Egypt. Dill was known to Dioskurides and was employed in England in Anglo-Saxon times.


Coriander (Coriander Fruit) of the BP is the dried, nearly ripe fruit of Coriandrum sativum (Umbelliferae), an annual about 0.7 m high with white or pinkish flowers. It is indigenous to Italy, but is widely cultivated in The Netherlands, Central and Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean (Morocco, Malta, Egypt), China, India and Bangladesh. Coriander is mentioned in the papyrus of Ebers (c. 1550 BC), and in the writings of Cato and Pliny. It was well known in England before the Norman Conquest. Ukraine is the major producer of oil and controls the world price on a supply and demand basis; in one large factory continuous distillation has replaced the batch process.

Macroscopical characters

The drug (Fig. 22.6A) usually consists of the whole cremocarps, which, when ripe, are about 2.3–4.3 mm diameter and straw-yellow. Each consists of two hemispherical mericarps united by their margins. Considerable variation exists in coriander. The Indian variety is oval, but the more widely distributed spherical varieties vary in size from the Ukrainian 2.3–3.7 mm to the Moroccan 4.0–4.3 mm. The apex bears two divergent styles. The 10 primary ridges are wavy and inconspicuous; alternating with these are eight more prominent, straight, secondary ridges. The fruits have an aromatic odour and a spicy taste. They are somewhat liable to insect attacks.

Microscopical characters

A transverse section of a fully ripe fruit shows only two mature vittae in each mericarp, both on the commissural surface (Fig. 22.6B). The numerous vittae present in the immature fruit on the dorsal surface of each mericarp gradually join and are eventually compressed into slits. The outer part of the pericarp, which possesses stomata and prisms of calcium oxalate, is more or less completely thrown off. Within the vittae-bearing region of the mesocarp a thick layer of sclerenchyma is formed, which consists of pitted, fusiform cells. These sclerenchymatous fibres tend in the outer layers to be longitudinally directed and in the inner layers to be tangentially directed. In the region of the primary ridges more of the fibres are longitudinally directed; in the secondary ridges nearly all are tangentially directed. Traversing the band of sclerenchyma and corresponding in position to the primary ridges are small vascular strands composed of a small group of spiral vessels. The mesocarp within the sclerenchymatous band is composed of irregular polygonal cells with lignified walls. The inner epidermis of the pericarp is composed of ‘parquetry’ cells, which in the powder are often seen united to the cells of the inner mesocarp. The testa is composed of brown flattened cells. The endosperm is curved and consists of parenchymatous cells containing fixed oil and aleurone grains. The latter contain rosettes of calcium oxalate 3–10 mm diameter (see Fig. 22.6 C–F).


Coriander fruits contain up to 1.8% of volatile oil according to origin (BP/EP standard not less than 0.2%). The distilled oil (Coriander Oil BP/EP) contains 65–70% of (+)-linalool (coriandrol), depending on the source, and smaller amounts of α-pinene, γ-terpinene, limonene and p-cymene together with various non-linalool alcohols and esters. Some 40 constituents have been identified. The BP/EP uses GC for the evaluation of the oil with linalool and geraniol as internal standards; there is also a test for chiral purity ((R)-linalool, maximum 14%). Other constituents isolated from the fruits include flavonoids, coumarins, isocoumarins, phthalides and phenolic acids. T. Ishikawa et al. (Chem. Pharm. Bull., 2003, 51, 32) obtained 33 compounds from the water-soluble fraction of a methanolic extract of the fruits; new constituents included monoterpenoids, monoterpenoid glycosides, monoterpenoid glucoside sulphates and aromatic compound glycosides. The high content of fats (16–28%) and protein (11–17%) in the fruits make distillation residues suitable for animal feed. The fruits yield 5–7% of ash.

The unripe plant has an unpleasant, mousy odour, which is also present in oil distilled from unripe fruits (mainly aldehydes such as n-decanal contained in peripheral vittae). Marked changes occur in volatile oil composition during ontogenesis; the peripheral vittae flatten and lose their oil, all of which is then produced by the commissural vittae. During ordinary storage of the fruits, the oil composition undergoes considerable alteration.


Aniseed (Anise Fruit) of the BP and EP consists of the dried, ripe fruits of Pimpinella anisum (Umbelliferae), an annual plant indigenous to the Levant but widely cultivated both in Europe (Spain, Germany, Italy, Russia, Bulgaria), Egypt and America (Chile, Mexico). Anise is mentioned in the writings of Theophrastus, Dioskurides and Pliny. It was cultivated in Germany in the ninth century. Spain and Egypt are the principal producers of the oil.


The star-anise Illicium verum Hook, f., family Illiciaceae, is an evergreen tree about 4–5 m in height, indigenous to the south-west provinces of China. The fruits are collected and the oil distilled locally in China and Vietnam.

The fruits consist of eight (rarely seven or nine) one-seeded follicles. Each follicle is about 12–17 mm long. The pericarp is reddish-brown, woody and only slightly wrinkled. Each carpel has, as a rule, partly dehisced to expose the seed. The latter has a brittle, shining testa and an oily kernel. The beak of each carpel is not turned upwards and the fruit stalk, which is about 3 cm long, is curved (distinction from I. religiosum). The oil, which is present in both seed and pericarp, gives the drug an aromatic odour and spicy taste.

The genuine fruits of I. verum should yield a minimum of 7.0% volatile oil containing not less than 86.0% of trans-anethole. More recently, they have been employed for the extraction of shikimic acid (see Fig. 19.5), which is the starting material for the synthesis of the antiviral drug Tamiflu (Roche). As a consequence, the plant is in some danger of overexploitation and other sources of the acid are being investigated (q.v.).

Bastard star-anise or shikimi fruits occur in Eastern commerce and are occasionally exported. They are derived from I. religiosum (I. anisatum), a species cultivated near the Buddhist temples in Japan and also on the mainland. The carpels are equal in number to those of I. verum but are smaller, are much wrinkled and have a curved-up apex. The stalk is shorter than the genuine fruit, and straight. These fruits, which contain shikimic acid, are poisonous, as they contain an amorphous toxic substance sikimitoxin, and a crystalline toxic substance sikimin. New phenylpropanoid glycosides have been recently reported (Z.-H. Jiang et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 1999, 47, 421). In recent years, Japanese workers have isolated a number of novel sesquiterpene lactones (anisatin-like compounds) from the pericarps of various Illicium species including I. verum; a number of these compounds are convulsants. T. Nakamura et al. (Chem. Pharm. Bull., 1996, 44, 1908) describe the isolation of three sesquiterpenoid compounds (veranistans, A,B,C) which are neurotoxins. For additional isolations, see J.-M. Huang et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 2000, 48, 657.


Bitter Fennel consists of the dried ripe fruits of Foeniculum vulgare, subsp. vulgare, var. vulgare (Umbelliferae). It is cultivated in many parts of Europe and much is imported from India, China and Egypt. The commercial drug consists partly of whole cremocarps and partly of isolated mericarps. Bitter fennel, now little used in British medicine, is more fully described in the 11th edition of this book. The drug has, however, been re-introduced into the BP on account of its EP status.

The fruits contain 1–4% of volatile oil with higher yields recorded.

The principal constituents of bitter fennel oil, with BP/EP prescribed limits, are fenchone (12–25%), trans-anethole (55–75%) together with anisaldehyde (maximum 2.0%) and estragole (methyl chavicol) (maximum 5.0%). Minor components include limonene and other monoterpene hydrocarbons.

Anethole is derived via the shikimic acid pathway and fenchone (a bicyclic monoterpene) is formed from fenchol by the action of a dehydrogenase. Other components of the fruits include flavonoids, coumarins and glycosides. The latter, which may have a biogenetic relationship with the volatile oil constituents, have been actively investigated by Japanese workers. Thus M. Ono et al. (Chem. Pharm. Bull., 1995, 43, 868; 1996, 44, 337) describe a number of monoterpene glycosides based on 1,8-cineole and cis-miyabenol C which they have termed foeniculosides I–IX. J. Kitajima, T. Ishikawa and co-workers in nine studies on the water-soluble glycosides and sugars of fennel fruit (Chem. Pharm. Bull., 1998, 46, 1587, 1591, 1599, 1603, 1643, 1738; 1999, 47, 805, 988) have recorded alkyl-, erythro-anethol-, p-hydroxyphenylpropylene glycol-, fenchane-, menthane-, aromatic (phenylpropane etc)- and 1,8-cineole-type glycosides. It is of further interest that of the cineole-type glycosides

one had previously been isolated from Cunila spicata (Lamiaceae), a plant used in Brazilian traditional medicine, one from the peel and flower buds of Citrus unshiu and two were biotransformation products from a Eucalyptus cell suspension culture following administration of 1,8-cineole. Annual world production of the oil is less than 5 tonnes.

Fennel and its volatile oil are used as an aromatic and carminative.

Sweet Fennel is derived from F. vulgare, subsp. vulgare, var. dulce and is also included in the BP/EP. The fruits resemble those of the bitter variety but have a sweet taste and lower volatile oil content (not less than 2.0%) of different quantitative composition. Not less than 80% of the oil is required to be anethole, not more than 7.5% fenchone, and not more than 10% estragole.


Cumin consists of the dried ripe fruits of Cuminum cyminum (Umbelliferae), a small, annual plant indigenous to Egypt. It is widely cultivated and UK supplies are obtained from Sicily, Malta, Mogadore and India. Spain and Egypt are the major cumin oil producers.

Cumin fruits are about 6 mm long and resemble caraway at first glance. The mericarps, however, are straighter than those of caraway and are densely covered with short, bristly hairs. Whole cremocarps attached to short pedicels occur, as well as isolated mericarps. Each mericarp has four dorsal vittae and two commissural ones. The odour and taste are coarser than those of caraway.

Cumin yields 2.5–4.0% of volatile oil. This contains 25–35% of aldehydes (cuminic aldehyde), pinene and α-terpinol.

As with other umbelliferous fruits the water-soluble constituents of cumin have been recently investigated. Compounds isolated include flavonoid glycosides such as the 7-O-β-D-glycopyranosides of apigenin and luteolin, some 16 monoterpenoid glycosides and new sesquiterpenoid glucosides, e.g. cuminosides A and B (T. Ishikawa et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 2002, 50, 1471; T. Takayanagi et al., Phytochemistry, 2003, 63, 479).

Cumin was one of the commonest spices in the Middle Ages. It is employed in Indian medicine (for a study of its activity see S. C. Jain et al., Fitoterapia, 1992, 63, 291).


Pharmaceutical turpentine oil is obtained by distillation and rectification from the oleoresin produced by various species of Pinus. The unrectified oil is the turpentine of commerce. The resin remaining in the still is the source of colophony (q.v. under ‘Resins’).

Rectification of the commercial oil consists of treatment with aqueous alkali to remove traces of phenols, cresols, resin acids etc. and possible redistillation.

The genus Pinus is widely distributed and many countries have considerable reserves of pine forest. The principal species employed are (1) Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) and P. elliottii (slash pine) in the S. and S.E. United States; (2) P. pinaster (P. maritima) in France, Italy, Portugal and Spain; (3) P. halepensis in Greece and Spain; (4) P. roxburghii (P. longifolia) in India and Pakistan; (5) P. massoniana and P. tabuliformis in China; (6) P. carribaea var. hondurensis and P. oocarpa in Central America and (7) P. radiata in New Zealand.

The collection of the oleoresin is very labour-intensive and for this reason output in the USA has declined considerably. Principal world producers are now Portugal and China; other contributors, in addition to the USA, include Spain, Greece, Morocco, France, India, the former USSR, Honduras and Poland. Many other countries produce smaller quantities for their own use. It is considered that about 250 000 trees are required to sustain a small commercial processing plant.

Oil of turpentine is a colourless liquid with a characteristic odour and a pungent taste. It is soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform and glacial acetic acid. Oil of turpentine is optically active, but the rotation varies not only with the species of pine from which it has been obtained, but also

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