Transverse Colectomy: Open Technique

Transverse Colectomy: Open Technique

Y. Nancy You


  • The goals of preoperative assessment should include determining whether urgent versus elective intervention is needed, facilitating intraoperative planning, and assessing the benefits versus risks toward a sound surgical decision.

  • The patient should be examined for fitness to undergo an operation through a detailed assessment of patient’s medical history, performance status, medication regimens, other medical needs, and psychosocial competency.

  • Symptoms such as abdominal cramping, difficulty with passage of stool or flatus, bleeding, or severe pain should be queried. Conditions that would necessitate urgent/emergent rather than elective surgical intervention must be ruled out. Patients with an obstructing transverse colonic lesion and a competent ileocecal valve can rapidly develop a closed loop obstruction with high risks for ischemic colon and perforation and must be attended to emergently (FIG 1).

  • Elements of prior surgical history that may present intraoperative difficulties such as previous stomach, pancreas, or colonic operations, and prior antecolic or retrocolic bowel bypass reconstructions, must be elicited. Prior operative reports should be obtained and reviewed.


  • All patients should ideally undergo both abdominal-pelvic cross-sectional imaging as well as endoscopic examination with possible biopsies.

  • Endoscopic examination of the colon should be undertaken preoperatively to confirm the location and the focality of the pathology within the transverse colon (FIG 2).

    • Endoscopically, the transverse colon can be recognized by the triangular shape of the bowel lumen as well as by the anchoring landmarks of the splenic and hepatic flexures.

    • If there is any doubt as to whether the lesion will be able to be localized with confidence intraoperatively, then the lesion should be marked with endoscopic tattooing. If there is any concern for involvement of adjacent organs, such as the stomach, an esophagogastroscopy should also be performed.3

  • Cross-sectional imaging of the abdomen is performed through computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Imaging characteristics may supplement histologic data and aid in the differential diagnosis. In addition, percutaneous biopsy may be needed.

    • In cases of malignant disease, imaging will help differentiate between colonic and noncolonic origin of the disease.

    • Presence of distant metastatic disease and evidence of direct local invasion to adjacent organs should be assessed and appropriate intraoperative management plans should be made.

    • Finally, any abnormal-appearing adenopathy along vessels other than the middle colic vascular should be specifically assessed in order to determine whether the particular malignancy would be better managed through an extended right or extended left colectomy rather than a transverse colectomy.

FIG 1 • CT scan showing an obstructing transverse colonic lesion (A) in a patient with a competent ileocecal valve. Closed loop obstruction causes massive dilation of the cecum (B). The high risks for ischemia and perforation require emergent surgical intervention.

FIG 2 • Colonoscopic view of a mass lesion in the transverse colon, which is recognized by the triangular shape of the bowel lumen and the anchoring splenic and hepatic flexures. Histologic diagnosis can be obtained by endoscopic biopsy of the mass.


  • Thorough preoperative preparation, confirming that the diagnosis is correct, the indication is appropriate, and that possible intraoperative findings have been anticipated and planned for, is the basis for successful intraoperative management and the speedy postoperative recovery.

Preoperative Planning

  • The operative surgeon should thoroughly review the patient’s history and diagnostic workup to minimize any unexpected and unplanned for intraoperative finding.

  • Diagnostic biopsy and histologic results should be verified. A malignant diagnosis should be particularly noted in order to help determine the extent of the bowel resection and lymphadenectomy.

  • Documentation from preoperative endoscopy should be reviewed, particularly if the operative surgeon did not perform the procedure. The presence and location of a marking tattoo should be confirmed.

  • Preoperative imaging is used to help anticipate any involvement of the adjacent organs and the possible need for en bloc resection intraoperatively. Any need for additional technical assistance from other surgeons should be planned for.

  • In cases of perforation and anticipated significant intraperitoneal contamination that may render bowel anastomosis unsafe, plans should be made for ostomy marking and education preoperatively.

  • Preoperative bowel preparation, whether antimicrobial and mechanical, mechanical only, or no preparation, is a highly variable practice and is left to the discretion of the practicing surgeon.

  • Prophylactic intravenous antibiotics with coverage against gram-positive, gram-negative, and anaerobic flora of the skin and gut are typically administered prior to incision and continued for the first 24 hours.

  • Prophylaxis against deep venous thrombosis is typically administered prior to incision and during the hospital stay.


  • Patients are usually placed in a supine position. If there is any possibility of extending the resection to the left colon or any possible need for intraoperative endoscopy, consideration should be given for placing the patient in lithotomy position.

Jul 24, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Transverse Colectomy: Open Technique

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