Thoracoscopic Surgery of the Esophagus

Thoracoscopic Surgery of the Esophagus


Thoracoscopic Esophagomyotomy: Initial Exposure and Mobilization of Esophagus (Fig. 31.1)

Technical Points

After adequate single-lung ventilation has been achieved, place the patient in the thoracotomy position with the left side up. Place Thoracoports as shown (Fig. 31.1A).

Divide the inferior pulmonary ligament with ultrasonic shears and retract the collapsed lung cephalad with a lung retractor. Take care not to extend this incision up into the lower lobe pulmonary vein.

Incise the mediastinal pleura between pericardium and aorta to expose the esophagus (Fig. 31.1B). Have an assistant pass an esophagogastroscope into the esophagus. Gentle deflection of the tip will elevate the esophagus from the groove behind the pericardium and facilitate dissection (Fig. 31.1C).

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Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Thoracoscopic Surgery of the Esophagus

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