Solitary Fibrous Tumor, Hemangiopericytoma Type

Solitary Fibrous Tumor, Hemangiopericytoma Type

Elisabeth J. Rushing, MD

Hemangiopericytomas (cellular solitary fibrous tumors) often invade and destroy the calvarium image. Meningiomas also invade the skull but are usually osteoblastic.

A densely cellular mass of swirling cells with a thin-walled vessel is classic for this aggressive CNS lesion, which is prone to local recurrence and distant dissemination.



  • Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT)

  • Hemangiopericytoma (HPC)


  • Cellular SFT


  • Highly vascular, usually dura-based malignant mesenchymal neoplasm

  • Now considered part of solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) spectrum (“cellular” SFT), especially at systemic sites

    • Prognosis less favorable in CNS

      • Possibly because of relative difficulty of wide excision in CNS



  • Incidence

    • Uncommon

  • Age

    • Peaks in 5th decade

  • Gender

    • Slightly more common in males


  • Dura based, intracranial, or intraspinal

  • Parasagittal and falcine locations common

  • Rarely pineal, suprasellar, cerebellopontine angle


  • Site-dependent neurological deficits

  • Seizures (uncommon)

  • Intracranial hemorrhage (rare)

  • Hypoglycemia from release of insulin-like growth factor (rare)


  • Surgical approaches

    • Gross total resection

      • Prognostically significant

      • Intraoperative hemorrhage potential complication

      • Preoperative embolization may reduce bleeding

  • Adjuvant therapy

    • Role not yet established

  • Radiation

    • Lengthens recurrence-free interval, but minimal effect on overall survival


  • Tendency for late recurrences

    • Recurrences early in anaplastic examples

  • Metastases: Approximately 80% at 12 years

    • Lungs, liver, bone

    • Spread along CSF spaces


General Features

  • Best diagnostic clue

    • Hypervascular mass with prominent draining veins on arteriography

  • Location

    • Most are dura based

  • Morphology

    • Comparisons to meningioma

      • Often narrower base; less likely to have dural “tail”

      • More likely to destroy skull; no hyperostosis

      • No tumoral calcifications, except for trapped skull

MR Findings

  • Isointense on T1WI; high or mixed intensity on T2WI

  • Variable enhancement

  • Internal flow voids indicate high blood flow

CT Findings

  • Destruction of adjacent skull (some cases)

  • No associated hyperostosis

  • No tumoral calcifications other than trapped skull


General Features

  • Dura based, lobulated

  • Solid or spongy with gaping vascular channels on cut surface

  • Pink-gray to hemorrhagic

  • May invade and destroy bone


Histologic Features

Jul 8, 2016 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Solitary Fibrous Tumor, Hemangiopericytoma Type

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