Small Cell Carcinoma

Small Cell Carcinoma

Michael J. Thrall, MD

(A) Small cell carcinoma often shows mutual compression of nuclei in adjacent cells known as molding image, seen best on Pap stain. (B) This Pap-stained example of small cell carcinoma shows numerous cells without recognizable cytoplasm as well as frequent apoptotic bodies image. (C) The typical low-power appearance on Diff-Quik stain is that of a markedly hypercellular smear with high nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio cells, raising the differential of lymphoma. (D) On high power, rosette-like structures image can occasionally be seen, as well as nuclear streaks known as crush artifact image, highlighted by Diff-Quik stain.

Jul 6, 2016 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Small Cell Carcinoma

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