Protein-calorie malnutrition
One of the most prevalent and serious depletion disorders, protein-calorie malnutrition occurs as marasmus (protein-calorie deficiency), characterized by growth failure and wasting; and as kwashiorkor (protein deficiency), characterized by tissue edema and damage. Both forms vary from mild to severe and may be fatal, depending on accompanying stress (particularly sepsis or injury) and duration of deprivation. Protein-calorie malnutrition increases
the risk of death from pneumonia, chickenpox, or measles.
the risk of death from pneumonia, chickenpox, or measles.
Both marasmus (nonedematous protein-calorie malnutrition) and kwashiorkor (edematous protein-calorie malnutrition) are common in underdeveloped countries and in areas where dietary amino acid content is insufficient to satisfy growth requirements. Kwashiorkor typically occurs at about age 1, after infants are weaned from breast milk to a protein-deficient diet of starchy gruels or sugar water, but it can develop at any time during the formative years. Marasmus affects infants ages 6 to 18 months as a result of breast-feeding failure or a debilitating condition such as chronic diarrhea.
In industrialized countries, protein-calorie malnutrition may occur secondary to chronic metabolic disease that decreases protein and calorie intake or absorption or trauma that increases protein and calorie requirements. In the United States, protein-calorie malnutrition is estimated to occur to some extent in 50% of surgical and 48% of medical patients. Those who aren’t allowed anything by mouth for an extended period are at high risk for developing protein-calorie malnutrition. Conditions that increase protein-calorie requirements include severe burns and injuries, systemic infections, and cancer (accounts for the largest group of hospitalized patients with protein-calorie malnutrition.) Conditions that cause defective utilization of nutrients include malabsorption syndrome, short-bowel syndrome, and Crohn’s disease.