Other Malignancies in Urinary Cytology

Other Malignancies in Urinary Cytology

Rose Anton, MD

Nour Sneige, MD

(A) Rounded tumor cells image intimately associated with small, elongated endothelial cells image suggest renal cell carcinoma (RCC) on this Pap stain. (B) RCC on Pap stain shows vesicular chromatin and finely vacuolated cytoplasm, but additional history and immunostains may be necessary for accurate diagnosis. (C) Pap-stained bladder washing shows prostatic adenocarcinoma. The nuclei are fairly bland, round, and monotonous. Nucleoli are prominent image. (D) The prostatic adenocarcinoma in this Pap stain shows prominent nucleoli image and a vague acinar pattern image.



Jul 6, 2016 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Other Malignancies in Urinary Cytology

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