Occlusive Disease Management: Iliac Angioplasty and Femoral Endarterectomy

Occlusive Disease Management: Iliac Angioplasty and Femoral Endarterectomy

Venita Chandra


  • Aortoiliac and femoral occlusive disease can present, as with all peripheral arterial diseases (PADs), in a variety of ways.

  • The typical presentation of aortoiliac occlusive disease includes claudication of the buttock and upper thigh and erectile dysfunction. When multilevel vascular disease occurs, as in the case of combined aortoiliac and femoral occlusive disease, distal lower extremity symptoms such as calf claudication, rest pain, and tissue loss may ensue.

    FIG 1 • Arterial waveforms and ABIs for a patient with aortoiliac disease. Note the monophasic waveforms on the right.

  • Typical physical exam includes the absence or diminution of femoral pulses. Other than the peripheral pulse assessment, the physical exam can demonstrate other signs of PAD such as cool digits and active wounds.


  • The initial evaluation of a patient with PAD should involve noninvasive evaluation of peripheral blood flow with arterial waveforms and ankle-brachial indices (ABIs) (FIG 1). These studies provide objective data regarding the extent of occlusive disease; however, they do not provide adequate anatomic data for preoperative planning.

  • Once the degree and physiologic impact of the disease are determined by noninvasive testing, high-resolution anatomic imaging via either computed tomographic angiography (CTA) or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) should be obtained for surgical planning.

  • CTAs are currently the gold standard for preoperative planning. They have the advantage of providing information regarding the degree and location of stenosis as well as the anatomy of the arterial wall (including degree of calcification and presence of aneurysms). Three-dimensional reformatting can provide additional valuable information (FIG 2). CTAs, however, are limited by the fact that they involve the use of contrast as well as radiation exposure. MRAs avoid radiation exposure and contrast often, however, at the risk of reduced anatomic precision. Gadolinium magnetic resonance (MR) contrast also entails risk of long-term renal dysfunction.

    FIG 2 • CTA with 3-D reconstruction demonstrating diffuse aortoiliac as well as femoral occlusive disease.

  • Catheter-based diagnostic aortography also provides anatomic data; however, this study has a number of limitations including the fact that it is an invasive procedure with potential complications. In addition, arteriograms only provide an understanding of the luminal anatomy, occasionally obscuring features such as aneurysms, inclusion cysts, or periarterial inflammation. Particularly for aorto-iliac-femoral disease, preprocedural CTA has the ability to identify significant common femoral disease that may benefit from concomitant open endarterectomy at the time of catheter-based intervention. Alternatively, relying on catheter-based arteriography as the primary diagnostic modality may reduce overall contrast burden, radiation exposure, and need for additional procedures if common femoral level intervention is not required. In general, careful preprocedural physical examination and duplex imaging may suffice to help determine whether the additional cost, risk, and inconvenience of CTA are justified prior to catheter-based intervention for aortoiliac arterial occlusive disease.


  • As with all patients with PAD, initial treatment approach should include comprehensive assessment and management of concomitant cardiovascular disease risk factors. Details regarding maximal medical management of PAD are beyond the scope or purpose of this chapter; at a minimum, however, consideration should be given to beginning statin and antiplatelet therapy prior to intervention, along with consideration of beta blockade and angiotensin receptor blocker or converting enzyme inhibitor therapy in selected patients.

  • Regardless of medical or anesthetic risk, however, all patients with critical limb ischemia should be considered candidates for revascularization when limb loss is a distinct possibility. Despite platitudes to the contrary, major limb amputation above or below the knee is not necessarily a “safer” surgical alternative to multilevel hybrid revascularization. Indications for intervention for intermittent claudication are somewhat more complicated, however. The risks of a procedure are weighed against the potential gain; typically, only patients with severe lifestyle-limiting claudication who have failed nonoperative strategies are offered surgical revascularization.

Preoperative Planning

  • Determining the anatomic distribution of disease is essential to obtaining optimal results. The imperative for precision imaging cannot be emphasized enough—if you cannot appreciate the full extent of disease, you cannot expect to comprehensively address it. As in all aspects of vascular surgery, the biggest disappointments, both during and after the procedure, usually arise from underestimating the extent of underlying disease.

  • The Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus (TASC) II guidelines provide a classification scheme based on anatomic patterns of disease (FIG 3).2 The recommendations of the TASC II guidelines is an endovascular management for TASC A and B iliac lesions, whereas open surgical reconstruction is recommended for TASC C and D lesions in good-risk patients. Frequently, however, patients with multilevel disease as seen in TASC C and D lesions have more virulent atherosclerotic processes that often make them poorer surgical candidates. In addition, the development of an increasingly sophisticated armamentarium of endovascular tools and strategies are leading more and more vascular surgeons to attempt endovascular revascularization, even for patients with TASC C or D lesions. Further updates of the TASC classification guidelines are under review and will likely be published in the near future, highlighting the dynamic nature of surgical management of this challenging condition.

  • Targeted perioperative risk assessment should be undertaken in appropriate patients, particularly those with reduced exercise tolerance, known or suspected congestive heart failure, clinically significant pulmonary disease, exerciseinduced angina, arrhythmias, or those with recent history of myocardial infarction. The presence of additional relevant comorbidities, including diabetes, reduced glomerular filtration rate, iodinated contrast allergies, thrombophilia or coagulopathic disorders, concomitant bacterial infection, or liver disease should also be identified and, when present, evaluated.


  • Patients are generally placed in the supine position, either in a hybrid operating suite with fixed imaging capabilities or on a radiolucent table with a mobile imaging unit (C-arm) in a traditional operating room environment.

  • Positioning should be arranged in such as way as to ensure adequate exposure of the entire aortoiliac and femoral vasculature, with room on either side of the patient to rotate the imaging unit to various angles in order to obtain appropriate oblique images. In angiographic parlance, in many important circumstances (such as identifying and protecting the origin of the ipsilateral internal iliac artery), “one view is no view.”

FIG 3 • TASC II Classification scheme for iliac disease. (Adapted from Norgren L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, et al. Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease [TASC II]. J Vasc Surg. 2007;45[suppl S]:S5-S67.)