Malignant Effusion, Mesothelioma

Malignant Effusion, Mesothelioma

Donna M. Coffey, MD

Pap stain of a pleural effusion shows a highly cellular specimen with numerous large clusters of diffuse malignant mesothelioma (DMM) cells. Each cluster or morula contains hundreds of cells.

Pap stain of pleural effusion of DMM shows a large cluster of cells image with scalloped borders and a branching irregular pattern. Effusions containing many large clusters are almost always malignant.




  • DMM is a rare primary serosal malignancy most commonly seen in male patients > 50 years with history of asbestos exposure

  • Most patients present decades after initial exposure to asbestos with history of pleuritic pain and shortness of breath

  • In cases of DMM, bloody or honey-colored and voluminous pleural effusions often occur

  • DMM accounts for 1-4% of malignant pleural effusions and < 1% of malignant peritoneal effusions

  • DMM and LMM most commonly arise in pleura while WDPM most often involves peritoneum of women

  • DMM has 3 histologic patterns: Epithelial, sarcomatous, and biphasic

  • Only epithelial and biphasic pattern exfoliate malignant cells in effusions

  • Grossly, DMM grows on pleural surfaces as masses or multiple nodules that eventually encase the lung

  • DMM is an aggressive tumor and most patients die of disease within 2 years of diagnosis



  • Effusions caused by DMM are highly cellular

  • Cellularity persists with multiple taps as opposed to reactive conditions


  • Large clusters with scalloped borders, 3D morular groups, or numerous single cells


  • Cells of well-differentiated epithelial DMM often have deceptively bland cytologic features that recapitulate normal mesothelial cells

    • However, in most cases there is some cytomegaly compared with benign mesothelial cells

Jul 6, 2016 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Malignant Effusion, Mesothelioma

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