Low Anterior Resection and Total Mesorectal Excision/Coloanal Anastomosis: Open Technique

Low Anterior Resection and Total Mesorectal Excision/Coloanal Anastomosis: Open Technique

Konstantinos I. Votanopoulos

Jaime L. Bohl


  • A detailed history should identify locally advanced rectal lesions that are causing bowel obstruction, bleeding, pseudodiarrhea, fecal incontinence, or excessive pelvic or anal pain. Nearly obstructed patients may require a temporary laparoscopic loop sigmoid colostomy prior to neoadjuvant chemoradiation. Patients with pain due to fixed tumors in the anal canal and sphincter are not candidates for coloanal anastomosis.

  • Prior colon and anorectal surgery, vascular surgery, or sphincter trauma during childbirth may have compromised the vascular supply to the planned colonic conduit or reduce the anal sphincter function.

  • Patients with poor functional status or poor fecal control prior to surgery are likely to have reduced quality of life and fecal soiling after surgery. These patients may be best served with a permanent colostomy rather than a sphincter-sparing coloanal anastomosis.

  • Digital rectal exam and rigid proctoscopy should be performed by the lead surgeon prior to the administration of neoadjuvant therapy. Anal sphincter, pelvic floor function, topography of rectal wall involvement, and distance of the distal aspect of the tumor from the dentate line determine the likelihood of sphincter salvage and method of reanastomosis. Submucosal tattooing distal to the rectal tumor identifies the location of clinically regressed tumors after neoadjuvant chemoradiation and is helpful for determining tumor clearance during pelvic dissection.

  • A detailed family history is necessary to identify risk of an inherited colon and rectal cancer syndrome as well as risk for metachronous colorectal cancer. We currently screen all young patients (<60 years of age) for Lynch syndrome and refer patients to genetic counseling when they have a positive screen or if they have multiple affected relatives.

  • Past medical history should identify patients with cardiopulmonary, liver, or kidney disease not medically suitable for a physiologically demanding operation.


  • A complete colonoscopy is obtained.

  • Preoperative staging with endorectal ultrasound (ERUS) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) determines the need for neoadjuvant chemoradiation. ERUS has a higher sensitivity and specificity for tumor depth rather than lymph node involvement as compared to MRI. MRI allows for assessment of the circumferential margin at the mesorectal envelope.1

  • Tumors located at the distal two-thirds of the rectum with greater than or equal to T3 wall invasion or greater than or equal to N1 nodal status will be referred for neoadjuvant treatment to decrease the risk of locoregional recurrence.2 Additionally, neoadjuvant therapy may lead to tumor shrinkage, increasing the likelihood of sphincter preservation while avoiding exposure of the small bowel, colonic conduit, and anastomosis to postoperative radiation. Postoperative radiation is associated with increased risk of anastomotic stricture and radiation enteritis.3

  • We routinely order a contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis to evaluate for distant metastatic disease. Selected patients with liver metastases will be treated with a combination of staged resections and chemotherapy, whereas patients with synchronous peritoneal carcinomatosis will be evaluated for cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Positron emission tomography (PET) for the initial staging of rectal cancer rarely alters disease management.4

  • Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels are checked prior to the initiation of neoadjuvant chemoradiation, prior to resection and prior to initiation of adjuvant chemotherapy.


Preoperative Planning

  • Patients undergo preoperative counseling and stoma marking by an enterostomal therapist. Counseling allows the patient to understand ostomy care, optimizes stoma placement, and reduces stoma-related complications.5

  • Placement of ureteral stents can facilitate ureteral identification in the setting of large rectal tumors, inflammation, previous surgery and pelvic radiation, and also contributes to intraoperative identification of ureteral injuries.

  • Bowel preparation or enema removes the mechanical obstacle of bowel contents in a narrow pelvis and reduces the tension on an infraperitoneal anastomosis.

  • Parenteral antibiotic prophylaxis covering bowel flora is given prior to surgical incision.

  • Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis via sequential compression devices (SCDs) and subcutaneous (SC) heparin or low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) prior to surgical incision is administered.

  • The surgical tray should include a lighted St. Mark’s retractor with the longest available blades, a big bite surgical energy device, and laparoscopic cautery and suction.


  • LAR with coloanal anastomosis requires access to both the pelvis and the perineum. Therefore, patients are placed in a lithotomy position with the hips slightly flexed and the knees completely flexed in Yellofin stirrups. Extra padding is applied on the fibular head and heels to prevent nerve injury and pressure ulcers. The buttocks are at the edge of the table with the tip of the coccyx accessible. The legs remain adducted during the pelvic dissection but will need to be abducted to allow perineal access during creation of the coloanal anastomosis (FIG 1).

FIG 1 • The patient is on a lithotomy position with the patient’s hips slightly flexed and the legs completely flexed in Yellofin stirrups.