Laparoscopic Repair of Ventral Hernias

Laparoscopic Repair of Ventral Hernias

Initial Entry and Lysis of Adhesions (Fig. 44.1)

Technical and Anatomic Points

Choose an entry site remote from the defect and any old incision. This may require open entry with a Hasson cannula (see Fig. 49.2 in Chapter 49). Blind entry with a Veress needle in the left upper quadrant is an alternative in properly selected patients. This depends on the costal margin to provide resistance as the Veress needle is inserted and can only be used in patients in whom this area is free of old scars or probable adhesions from previous surgery in the region (e.g., splenectomy).

To perform blind left upper quadrant entry, select a point at the left costal border (Fig. 44.1A) well away from the hernia sac. Elevate the abdominal wall below the proposed insertion site with a towel clip, and rely on counterpressure from the costal margin to elevate the cephalad portion. Make an incision and insert the Veress needle, checking for peritoneal entry in the usual fashion. Insert a laparoscope and explore the abdomen. An angled laparoscope facilitates inspection of the anterior abdominal wall.

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Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Laparoscopic Repair of Ventral Hernias

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