Laparoscopic Gastrojejunostomy

Laparoscopic Gastrojejunostomy

Laparoscopic Gastrojejunostomy—Orientation and Setup (Fig. 54.1)

Technical and Anatomic Points

The usual trocar pattern (Fig. 54.1A) may be modified if both gastrojejunostomy and biliary bypass are to be done (see Chapter 66). Thoroughly explore the abdomen and determine the extent of disease. Choose a loop of proximal jejunum that will reach comfortably to the stomach without tension (Fig. 54.1B). Confirm that this is indeed proximal small intestine by tracing the loop to the suspensory ligament of duodenum (ligament of Treitz).

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Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Laparoscopic Gastrojejunostomy

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