Infectious Granulomas

Infectious Granulomas

Infection is a common cause of granuloma formation. The most common infections resulting in granulomas are tuberculosis, fungi, and parasites.

Part 1 Tuberculosis

Abida K. Haque

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that is spread person to person via airborne droplets. Subjects not previously exposed develop primary tuberculosis, characterized by the formation of a Ghon focus. Mycobacteria are carried by macrophages to lymph nodes, and hematogenous spread of disease may then occur. Most patients remain without symptoms and heal; however, in some patients, disease advances into progressive primary tuberculosis. In some patients, disease progresses after a latency period (progressive postprimary tuberculosis). Progressive tuberculosis is typically symptomatic and may be complicated by tuberculous bronchopneumonia, miliary tuberculosis, and tuberculous empyema.

Histologic Features

Jul 14, 2016 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Infectious Granulomas

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