Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia

Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia

Dennis C.J.J. Bergmans

Marc J.M. Bonten

The substantial clinical and financial impact of healthcareassociated pneumonia makes this an important topic for healthcare epidemiologists. According to surveillance data from the National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance system of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pneumonia is the second most common healthcare-associated infection overall (1) and the most common infection in intensive care units (ICUs) (2). Additionally, pneumonia is associated with significant mortality and considerable costs of care (3). The widespread use of tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation (MV) to support the critically ill has defined an expanding group of patients who are at particularly high risk for developing healthcare-associated pneumonia. In this group of patients, the infection is usually called ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Unfortunately, both the diagnosis and the prevention of VAP have proven to be difficult (4).


During the last four decades, much has been learned about the epidemiology of healthcare-associated pneumonia. In the 1960s Pierce, Sanford, and others investigated the relationship of epidemic necrotizing gram-negative pneumonia to contaminated reservoir nebulizers in respiratory therapy devices and described effective disinfection measures (5, 6, 7). During the 1970s and early 1980s, additional work described the continuing association of healthcareassociated pneumonia with respiratory therapy equipment (8), risk factors for postoperative pneumonia (9), and the relationship of healthcare-associated pneumonia with oropharyngeal (10) and gastric (11) gram-negative bacillary colonization. During the 1980s and 1990s, several preventive strategies were designed and tested with varying success, such as the use of sucralfate for stress ulcer prophylaxis (12), selective decontamination of the digestive tract (SDD) (13), and continuous subglottic aspiration (14). Moreover, controversies developed over the relevance of gastric colonization in the pathogenesis of VAP (4,15,16), the usefulness of SDD (17,18), and the necessity of bronchoscopic techniques for diagnosing VAP (19,20). In the most recent years, more general approaches for patient management, not only directed to VAP, have been applied in ICUs, such as strict control of blood glucose levels, noninvasive ventilation, sedation strategies to reduce duration of ventilation, and bundles of care. This chapter summarizes current knowledge of diagnosis, epidemiology, and prevention of healthcare-associated pneumonia.



Incidence rates of VAP among ICU patients depend on the type of ICU, the severity of illness of patients studied, and the criteria for diagnosis. The overall incidence of pneumonia decreases when the definition of pneumonia becomes more strict. Therefore, whether investigators used bronchoscopic techniques in their diagnosis of VAP or just clinical and radiographic parameters is important with regard to incidence rates of VAP. In a number of studies aiming to ascertain incidences of VAP, or to evaluate modalities to diagnose VAP, or studies in which risk factors for VAP were assessed, the cumulative incidences of VAP range from 8.6% to 64.7%. Moreover, in studies on the effect of preventive measures on the occurrence of VAP, incidences of up to 78% have been reported in the control groups (77). In the Extended Prevalence of Infection in Intensive Care study (EPIC II), 13,796 patients in 1,265 ICUs were studied on a single day, 51% of the patients were considered infected, and 64% of them had pneumonia (78).

The cumulative risk for developing VAP during ICU stay increases until day 5. In one study, the calculated rates for VAP were 3% per day in the first week, 2% per day in the second week, and 1% per day thereafter (79). Two other studies suggest that there is a relatively constant 1% to 3% risk per day for developing VAP while MV continues for medical and surgical ICU patients (equivalent to 10 to 30 cases per 10,000 patient-ventilator-days) (80,81).

A number of studies have reported incidence rates for healthcare-associated pneumonia in other patient groups, such as the elderly, trauma patients, or cancer patients. However, these studies have relied primarily on clinical diagnostic criteria (10,11,80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85).


The strongest risk factor for healthcare-associated pneumonia appears to be tracheal intubation and MV, which results in a 3- to 21-fold increase in the risk of developing healthcare-associated pneumonia (8,81,85, 86, 87, 88). Because other pathogenetic factors may be different, it is useful to consider nonventilated and ventilated patients (Table 22-3) separately when discussing risk factors.

When nonventilated or broad hospital populations are considered, factors found by multivariate analysis to significantly increase the risk of healthcare-associated pneumonia include chronic lung disease (85,119), severity of illness (119), upper abdominal or thoracic surgery (85,119,120), duration of surgery (119), age (85), poor nutritional state (120,121), immunosuppressive therapy (120,122), depressed level of consciousness (85,123), large volume of aspiration (85), impaired airway reflexes or difficulty handling secretions (123), nasoenteric intubation
(123), neuromuscular disease (121), and male gender (119). Additional risk factors suggested by univariate analysis include duration of hospitalization (6,9), oropharyngeal colonization with gram-negative bacilli (10), obesity (9), antibiotic therapy (6), reflux esophagitis (124), and previous pneumonia (124).

TABLE 22-3 Risk Factors for ICU-Acquired and Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

ICU-Acquired Pneumonia

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Identified risk factors with no or only limited possibilities for prevention

Naso/orotracheal intubation (85,89)

Emergent intubation (90)

Duration of MV (85,89,91, 92, 93)

Duration of MV (94, 95, 96, 97)

Severity of illness (91,93,98)

Severity of illness (90,99)

History of COPD (85)

History of COPD (94,96,100)

Reason for admission

Reason for admission

Trauma (85,91,92)

Trauma/head trauma/blunt trauma (79,84,90,101)

Neurologic disease (89,98)

Hypotension (90)

Thoraco/abdominal surgery (85,102)

Coma (103)

Coma (91,104)

Neurosurgery (97,101)

Age (85,92)

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (101,105,106)

Burns (79)

Neurologic disease (79)

Cardiac disease (79)

Age (99)

Identified risk factors that offer possibilities for prevention

Antacids (98)

Antacids or H2-antagonists (84,107,108)

Large-volume aspiration (85)

Large-volume aspiration (79,96,101)

Presence of nasogastric tube (102)

Enteral nutrition (97,103)

Impaired airway reflexes (89,91)

Contaminated ventilator circuits (84,109)

Depressed consciousness (85)

Reintubation (96,103,108,110,111)

Previous antibiotic use (94,95,99,100,107,112, 113, 114)

Absence of previous antibiotic use (79,114)

Nonelevated head position (99)

Paralytic agents (79)

Risk factors identified incidentally or needing further investigation to assess their influence on infection and possibilities for prevention

Male gender (98)

Male gender (110)

Recent bronchoscopy (102)

Fall-winter season (84)

Thoracic drainage (98)

Failure of continuous aspiration of subglottic secretions (112)

Coagulation products (98)

Inadequate intracuff pressure (112)

Administration of aerosols (110)

Presence of a tracheostomy (108,110)

Transport out of the ICU (110)

Sinusitis (115,116)

Multiple central venous line insertions (108)

Positive end expiratory pressure (2)

Corticosteroid therapy (97)

Dental plaque colonization (117)

Accidental extubation (118)

MV, mechanical ventilation; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ICU, intensive care unit.

The risk factors associated with the development of VAP have been determined in studies using multivariate analysis techniques, Cox regression techniques, and casecontrol designs, or have been suggested on the basis of reviews. Determination of risk factors for VAP has several clinical implications. They offer prognostic information about the probability of developing VAP, they help to reveal the pathogenesis of VAP, and they may provide possible targets for preventive strategies. By risk stratification, one can determine which patients may benefit most
from pneumonia prophylaxis (125). Risk factor analyses for ICU-acquired pneumonia (i.e., pneumonia diagnosed in ICU patients with or without MV) have clearly identified MV to be the most important risk factor (85,89,91, 92, 93). In general, the risk factors that have been identified can be divided into three groups: (a) risk factors that are well known (intubation, duration of MV, etc.) but very difficult to modify and that offer no or only limited possibilities for prevention, (b) risk factors that seem to play a role in the pathogenesis of VAP and have stimulated the development of a number of preventive strategies, and (c) risk factors that have been identified only incidentally or need further investigations to assess their significance and the possibility for prevention. Several risk factor analyses identified previous antibiotic use to be significantly associated with the development of VAP (94,95,99,100,107,112). In contrast, antibiotics conferred protection for VAP in a risk factor analysis (79), and the absence of prior antibiotic treatment was a risk factor for VAP caused by Haemophilus influenzae (113). Lately, attention has been drawn to the association between the mode of MV, ventilator-induced lung injury, and inflammation or infection (126,127).

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Jun 22, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia

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