Femoropopliteal Bypass

Femoropopliteal Bypass

Kenneth B. Simon

Sites of Groin Incision (Fig. 108.1)

Technical Points

Place the patient supine on the operating table with the thigh mildly externally rotated, flexed, and elevated at the level of the knee joint. Palpate the inguinal ligament and identify the pubic tubercle and anterosuperior iliac spine. Place a longitudinal skin incision centered over the femoral artery (Fig. 108.1A). This skin incision should extend from 1 to 2 cm above the inguinal ligament to about 10 cm below the inguinal ligament. The profunda femoris artery usually takes off from the common femoral artery at the level of the inguinal ligament or about 1 to 3 cm distal to it. The skin incision must, therefore, extend above the inguinal ligament to expose the common femoral artery adequately. If the incision or dissection is below the usual anatomic bifurcation of the common femoral artery, only the superficial femoral artery will be seen.

Several lymph nodes will be found anterior to the femoral artery in the femoral canal (Fig. 108.1B). Be careful to avoid injury to the lymphatic channels and lymph nodes in this area. Disruption of the lymphatic system can result in lymphorrhea, lymphocele formation, or wound problems. Dissect the common femoral, profunda femoris, and superficial femoral arteries gently. A small venous branch courses over the profunda femoris artery. Ligate and divide this vein to allow access to the profunda femoris distal to its first perforating branch. Obtain proximal control of the common femoral artery and distal control of both the superficial femoral and profunda femoris arteries using Silastic loops.

The greater saphenous vein is superficial and medial to the common femoral artery. The groin incision diagrammed allows for excellent exposure of the saphenous vein. Either continuous or interrupted skin incisions may be used to perform an in situ bypass.

Anatomic Points

The common femoral artery is the most lateral structure in the femoral sheath. It reliably bisects the inguinal ligament. This relationship can be used to locate the femoral artery, even when occlusive disease prevents location of a palpable pulse. The femoral nerve lies immediately lateral to the femoral artery, whereas the femoral vein is immediately medial to the artery.

Exposure of the femoral artery demands dissection through the superficial fascia, fascia lata, and femoral sheath. The superficial fascia in this region contains the superficial circumflex iliac vessels, the superficial epigastric vessels, and the superficial external pudendal vessels. The arteries, which are branches of the (common) femoral artery, all pass through the cribriform fascia of the saphenous hiatus, or penetrate the fascia lata adjacent to the hiatus, to gain access to the superficial fascia. Typically, the veins are tributaries of the greater saphenous vein and either join this vein before its passage through the cribriform fascia or pass through the cribriform fascia independently, draining into the saphenous vein just before it empties into the femoral vein.

The largest vascular structure in the superficial fascia is the greater saphenous vein, which essentially overlies the proximal femoral vein and is thus medial to the femoral artery axis. In its course in the upper thigh, it lies between two layers of superficial fascia and is, therefore, not as obvious as it is in the lower leg. In addition to receiving the small tributaries mentioned earlier, typically, one or more larger tributaries draining the thigh or communicating with the lesser saphenous vein also drain into the greater saphenous vein.

In addition to these arteries and veins, several superficial inguinal lymph nodes are found in this area. These constitute two groups: horizontal and vertical nodes. The horizontal nodes (which drain the lower trunk) and their vessels parallel the inguinal ligament and are just inferior to the ligament. The vertical nodes, which drain the inferior extremity, lie in the superficial fascia over the femoral artery. Efferents from these nodes pass through the cribriform fascia and drain into nodes closely associated with the femoral canal, a space in the femoral sheath just medial to the femoral vein through which the lymphatics pass to drain into iliac nodes.

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Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Femoropopliteal Bypass

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