

Kenneth B. Simon

Four-Compartment Fasciotomy through a Single Incision (Fig. 109.1)

Technical Points

Prep the leg circumferentially and drape it in the standard fashion. Make a lateral skin incision overlying the fibula; extend it from the level of the neck of the fibula proximally down to the lateral malleolus. Carry the incision through the skin and subcutaneous tissue down to the fascia encasing the muscles. Identify the lesser saphenous vein and avoid injuring it. The four compartments of the leg will be decompressed through this single incision by the development of skin flaps (Fig. 109.1A).

Incise the skin and subcutaneous tissue on the lateral surface of the leg to expose the fascia encasing the peroneal muscles. Incise the fascia from the head of the fibula down to the lateral malleolus. This decompresses the lateral compartment (Fig. 109.1B).

Undermine the skin flap anteriorly to expose the anterior compartment. Identify the fascia enclosing the anterior compartment. Incise the fascia longitudinally to decompress the compartment. Be careful to avoid damage to the superficial peroneal nerve where it exits between the anterior and lateral compartments in the distal one third of the leg.

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Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Fasciotomy

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