Esophagitis and Barrett Esophagus

Esophagitis and Barrett Esophagus

Blythe K. Gorman, MD

Pap-stained esophageal brushings are seen. (A) Candidal esophagitis shows reactive squamous cells image, yeast, and pseudohyphae image. (B) This reflux esophagitis has a flat, cohesive sheet of reactive cells. The nuclei image have smooth contours, nucleoli, and fine chromatin. (C) Radiation esophagitis shows cells with cytoplasmic vacuoles image and a 2-tone cytoplasm. The nuclei are large with vesicular chromatin image, and the N:C ratio is nearly normal. (D) Ulcerative esophagitis shows marked reactive atypia and neutrophils in the background. The nuclei are uniformly enlarged with prominent nucleoli and vesicular chromatin image.

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Jul 6, 2016 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Esophagitis and Barrett Esophagus

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