Cervical Lymph Node Biopsy and Scalene Node Biopsy

Cervical Lymph Node Biopsy and Scalene Node Biopsy

Scalene node biopsy is performed by removing the fatty node-bearing tissue in the scalene triangle. Formerly performed for diagnosis and staging of lung cancer, it is now occasionally used for other malignancies.

Cervical lymph node biopsy and the closely related scalene node biopsy are discussed in this section, and the major cervical lymph node groups are presented. The anatomy of this region is described in greater detail in Chapter 11.

Major Lymph Node Groups of the Neck (Fig. 10.1)

Technical Points

Lymph nodes are clustered in regions where major vessels converge. In the head and neck, the nodes most commonly selected for biopsy follow the internal jugular vein.

Anatomic Points

Although the position of lymph nodes and the groups of lymph nodes in the neck are relatively constant, the terminology applied to these nodes is not. Here, we follow the terminology of Terminologia Anatomica (Fig. 10.1A) and compare it with that used for cancer staging as described in the American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual (Fig. 10.1B).

In general, lymph node groups in the neck can be considered to form a pericraniocervical ring (essentially at the head–neck junction), superficial and deep vertical chains, and perivisceral deep nodes. Lymph node groups in the pericraniocervical ring receive afferent lymph vessels from adjacent head regions or from other groups in the ring. The vertical cervical chains, in addition to receiving afferent lymph vessels from nodes in the pericraniocervical ring, also receive afferents

directly from the cranial regions (lymph thus “skips” the immediate regional nodes) and from perivisceral nodes in the neck. The following is a list of most of the regional lymph nodes and what these groups of nodes drain:

Figure 10.1 Major Lymph Node Groups of the Neck. A: Terminologia anatomica. B: Cervical Lymph Node Biopsy.

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Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Cervical Lymph Node Biopsy and Scalene Node Biopsy

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