Appendix: Normal Values of Metabolic Parameters and Tests of Endocrine Function

Appendix: Normal Values of Metabolic Parameters and Tests of Endocrine Function

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Table A. Plasma and Serum Values

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Jun 11, 2016 | Posted by in PHYSIOLOGY | Comments Off on Appendix: Normal Values of Metabolic Parameters and Tests of Endocrine Function

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Hormone Time/condition of sample Normal value or range SI (traditional units)
ACTH 8:00 AM <18 pmol/L (<80 pg/mL)
Aldosterone 8:00 AM <220 pmol/L (<8 ng/dL)
Potassium 3.5–5.0 mmol/L (3.5–5.0 mEq/L)
Angiotensin II 8:00 AM 10–30 nmol/L (10–30 pg/mL)
Arginine vasopressin Random fluid intake 1.5–5.6 pmol/L (1.5–6 ng/L)
Plasma osmolarity 285–295 mOsmol/L
Sodium 136–145 mmol/L (136–145 mEq/L)

8:00 AM

4:00 PM

140–690 nmol/L (5–25 μg/dL)

80–330 nmol/L (3–12 μg/dL)

DHEA 7–31 nmol/L (2–9 μg/L)
DHEAS 1.3–6.7 μmol/L (500–2500 μg/L)


Follicular 0.6–3 nmol/L (0.20–1 μg/L)
Luteal 1.5–10.6 nmol/L (0.5–3.5 μg/L)
Men 0.2–9 nmol/L (0.06–3 μg/L)
Calcium Plasma 2.2–2.6 mmol/L (9–10.5 mg/dL)
Phosphorus Inorganic 1.0–1.4 mmol/L (3–4.5 mg/dL)
Vitamin D 40–160 pmol/L (16–65 pg/mL)
Calcitonin <50 ng/mL (<50 pg/mL)
Glucagon 50–100 ng/mL (50–100 pg/mL)
Insulin Overnight fast 43–186 pmol/L (6–26 μU/mL)