Adipose Tissue


This chapter should help the student to:

  • Relate the functions of adipose tissue to its structural characteristics.
  • Describe adipose tissue as a connective tissue in terms of its cells, fibers, and ground substance.
  • Know the differences and similarities between the two types of adipose tissue.
  • Recognize the type of adipose tissue present in a micrograph of a tissue or organ.

MAX-Yield™ Study Questions

1. Explain why the body must store fuel (I.A).

2. List the functions of unilocular (white, yellow) adipose tissue (II.A–C).

3. Describe collagen and reticular fiber distribution in adipose tissue (I.B).

4. Compare unilocular and multilocular adipose tissue in terms of:

  1. Cell size (II.A; III.A)

  2. Cytoplasmic lipid distribution (II.A; III.A)

  3. Nuclear shape and location (II.A; III.A)

  4. Number of mitochondria (II.A; III.A)

  5. Organelle distribution (II.A; III.A)

  6. Precursor cell (II.D; III.D)

  7. Function (II.C; III.C)

  8. Vascular supply (II.A)

  9. Autonomic nerve distribution (II.C.2.c; III.C)

  10. Abundance (II.A; III.A)

  11. Location (II.B; III.B)

5. Name the chief biochemical constituent of the lipid droplets in adipocytes (II.C).

6. List the factors that lead to:

  1. Increased lipid storage and synthesis by adipocytes (lipogenic factors; II.C.1)

  2. Increased lipid mobilization by adipocytes (lipolytic factors; II.C.2)

7. During starvation, which lipid deposits are mobilized first and which are mobilized last (II.C.2)?

8. Describe the source, target, and activity of the hormone, leptin. Explain leptin resistance and its consequences (II.D).

9. What accounts for the color of brown adipose tissue (III.A) and of yellow adipose tissue (II.A)?

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Jun 12, 2016 | Posted by in HISTOLOGY | Comments Off on Adipose Tissue

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